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Dewey Decimal Classification

Dewey Decimal Classification. Faculty In-service. Dear Teachers:. Today, we will be reviewing the Dewey Decimal Classification system as you likely learned in your own schooling.

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Dewey Decimal Classification

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  1. Dewey Decimal Classification Faculty In-service

  2. Dear Teachers: • Today, we will be reviewing the Dewey Decimal Classification system as you likely learned in your own schooling. • We will then take the classification system to the next level by discussing how to classify websites for easy access on our new teacher webpage. • This PowerPoint will be placed on the intranet server for your reference at a later date. • You will also be able to use the information here to help your students better use the library for their work in your class.

  3. Dewey Basics • Dewey proposed that all knowledge could be summarized into 10 main classes. • His system, developed in 1876, is still used by most K-12 school and public libraries. • As our knowledge has expanded, the classification scheme has evolved, but all materials still have a place in the system.

  4. Why classify? • Breaking down resources into categories makes it easier to locate an item. • Categories are subject driven, making it more likely that the material meets the user’s specific needs. • An objective, universal system means that users do not have to figure out how each collection is arranged.

  5. Call Numbers • These are essentially the book’s “address,” an identifying mark to know where the book belongs. • They are found on a “spine label” at the bottom of the outside edge of the book. • In our media center, the spine label gives the call number, a colored dot to indicate its location in the media center, and an Accelerated Reader label, if applicable. Retrieved from http://library.thinkquest.org/5002/Basic/whatcn.htm

  6. The Main Classes Retrieved from http://www.demco.com/goto?BLK11148

  7. 000:Computer science, information, and general works Includes: • Library and information sciences • Encyclopedias • Associations, organizations, museums • Quotations

  8. 100:Philosophy and psychology Includes: • Metaphysics • Parapsychology and occultism • Logic • Ethics Learn more about Owen and Mzee at http://www.owenandmzee.com/omweb/

  9. 200:Religion Includes: • The Bible • Christian theology • Christian practices • Other religions

  10. 300:Social sciences Includes: • Statistics • Political science • Economics • Law • Social problems • Education • Customs, etiquette, and folklore Read reviews at http://www.amazon.com/Henry-Picture-Puffins-Julius-Lester/dp/0140566228/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1332298233&sr=1-1

  11. 400:Language Includes: • Linguistics • English • German • French • Italian • Spanish • Latin • Greek • Others

  12. 500:Science Includes: • Mathematics • Earth sciences • Physical sciences • Life sciences • Botany • Zoology • Fossils by Seymour Simon Want to learn more about this book? Reviews: http://www.amazon.com/Storms-Reading-Rainbow-Books-Seymour/dp/0688117082/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1332298506&sr=1-1

  13. 600:Technology Includes: • Medicine and health • Engineering • Agriculture and animal husbandry • Manufacturing • Building and construction Want to know if this fits your curriculum? Reviews: http://www.amazon.com/American-Plague-Terrifying-Epidemic-Newbery/dp/0395776082

  14. 700:Arts and recreation Includes: • Landscaping • Architecture • Sculpture, drawing, and painting • Music • Sports and games • Entertainment

  15. 800:Literature Includes: • Rhetoric and criticism • Poetry • Drama • Fiction • Speeches • Letters

  16. 900:History and geography Includes: • Travel • Biography • Genealogy • History divided by geographic location

  17. Review Choose one of the following games to review the classification. Try to race a friend to get them done! • http://www.quia.com/mc/7265.html • http://www.quia.com/cc/7265.html

  18. Post-test practice As one of our main purposes is to gather and class websites for teachers to use, try to determine to which class the following sites would belong. • Wikipedia.org • Gray’s Anatomy (http://www.bartleby.com/107/) • World Cup Soccer (http://www.fifa.com/worldcup/index.html) • Spanish Dictionary (http://www.spanishdict.com/) • The Presidents (http://www.whitehouse.gov/about/presidents)

  19. References • Aliki. (1999). William Shakespeare and the Globe. New York: HarperCollins. • DEMCO. Dewey decimal contemporary posters. Retrieved from http://www.demco.com/goto?BLK11148 • Dewey, M. (2004). Abridged Dewey decimal classification and relative index (14th ed.). Dublin, Ohio: OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc. • Georgia Performance Standards for Science – Grade 6. Retrieved from https://www.georgiastandards.org/standards/Georgi a%20Performance%20Standards/SixthGradeRevis edStandards.pdf

  20. Georgia Performance Standards for Science – Grade 7. Retrieved from https://www.georgiastandards.org/standards/Georgi a%20Performance%20Standards/SeventhGradeRe vised2006.pdf • Giblin, J. (1993). The riddle of the Rosetta Stone: Key to ancient Egypt. New York: HarperCollins. • Hatkoff, I., Hatkoff, C. & Kahumbu, P. (2007). Owen and Mzee: The language of friendship. New York: Scholastic, Inc. • Heiligman, D. (1998). The New York Public Library kid’s guide to research. New York: Scholastic Reference.

  21. Lester, J. (1994). John Henry. New York: Puffin Books. • Murphy, J. (2003). An American plague: The true and terrifying story of the yellow fever epidemic of 1793. New York: Clarion Books. • Quia quizzes. Retrieved from www.quia.com • Simon, S. (1992). Storms. New York: Scholastic, Inc. • Tibballs, G. (1997). The Titanic. New York: Reader’s Digest. • Tubb, J. (1991). Bible lands. London: Dorling Kindersley. • “What is a call number?” Retrieved from http://library.thinkquest.org/5002/Basic/whatcn.htm

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