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Dewey Decimal Classification

Background. Developed by Melvil DeweyLibrarian1873Published in 1876Divides nonfiction books into 10 categories. Interesting Facts. Published by Forest PressOwned by OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc.Most widely used library classification system in the worldUsed in more than 135 cou

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Dewey Decimal Classification

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    1. Dewey Decimal Classification Library Services

    2. Background Developed by Melvil Dewey Librarian 1873 Published in 1876 Divides nonfiction books into 10 categories Fiction books can be included in the DDC, but most often, only nonfiction books are included.Fiction books can be included in the DDC, but most often, only nonfiction books are included.

    3. Interesting Facts Published by Forest Press Owned by OCLC – Online Computer Library Center, Inc. Most widely used library classification system in the world Used in more than 135 countries

    4. More Interesting Facts Has been translated into over 30 languages Used for other purposes Browsing mechanism for resources on Web Includes both fiction and nonfiction books Most fiction not included in DDC Recent language translations in progress or completed include Arabic, Chinese, French, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Persian, Russian, Spanish, and Turkish.Recent language translations in progress or completed include Arabic, Chinese, French, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Persian, Russian, Spanish, and Turkish.

    5. United States Usage 95% of all public and school libraries 25% of all college and university libraries 20% of all special libraries

    6. The Categories 100s – Philosophy & Psychology 200s – Religion & Mythology 300s – Social Science 400s – Philology (language) 500s – Natural Science 600s – Applied Science and Useful Arts

    7. The Categories (Continued) 700s – Fine Arts & Recreation 800s – Literature 900s – History, Geography, & Biography 000s – General Works

    8. Melvil Dewey Melville Louis Kossuth Dewey Shortened name later Went by name Dui for awhile Invented DDC Twenty-one years old Working as student assistant in Amherst College library Pioneer in library education Dewey’s DDC created a revolution in library science; he set in motion a new era of librarianship.Dewey’s DDC created a revolution in library science; he set in motion a new era of librarianship.

    9. More on Melvil Dewey Changed librarianship from vocation to modern profession Founded first-ever library school at Columbia College (now Columbia University) Often referred to as Father of Librarianship Founded American Library Association (ALA) – 1876 Melvil Dewey helped provide women with career opportunities.Melvil Dewey helped provide women with career opportunities.

    10. References Middle Tennessee State University, 2002, <http://www.mtsu.edu> (October 2002) Online Computer Library Center, Inc., 2002, <http://www.oclc.org/home/> (October 2002) Mt. Erie Elementary School, Anacortes, WA, 2001, <http://www.mte.anacortes.k12.wa.us>  (October 2002)

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