Most Common DENTAL PROBLEMS A person's dietary habits in?uence his oral health. Unmonitored sugar intake and incorrect brushing technique can often lead to numerous dental problems. Bad Breadth Bacteria present in mouth, gum disease, cavities or oral cancer etc. may lead to Halitosis (bad breadth). Use a mouthwash containing ?uoride to get rid of the foul smell. Consult a dental practitioner if problem persists even after that. Dental Pain Improper brushing, ?ossing and eating regime are the most common causes of dental pain. Consuming teeth-friendly food items and going for regular dental check-ups can help in preventing toothaches to some extent. Cavities Tooth decay or cavities occur when bacteria settles over your teeth and eventually erodes the tooth enamel. Adopt healthy eating habits and brush twice a day to prevent it, or elsewise dental sealants may be required. Gum Disease Lack of oral hygiene may result in infection or in?ammation of gums known as Periodontal (gum) Disease. It is one of the major causes of tooth loss which can be prevented by good dental care. Tooth Sensitivity It is a condition in which you experience pain in your teeth on consuming certain food items. It is best to consult a dentist who can suggest possible treatment for tooth sensitivity. Oral Cancer The symptoms include lumps or sores in the mouth. Early diagnosis and treatment are highly e?ective to cure Oral Cancer. So, it is advised to go for regular dental check-ups. www.clearlakeendo.com 1560 Live Oak, Suite C, Webster, TX 77598 Phone: (281) 316 - 2411 Image Source: Designed by Freepik