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E-Administration. I.R.I.S. France. E-Government. Definition : the use by government agencies of ICT to provide better public services to citizens and businesses According to OECD :

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  1. E-Administration I.R.I.S. France

  2. E-Government • Definition : • the use by government agencies of ICT to provide better public services to citizens and businesses • According to OECD : • countries have invested in the development of e-government services over the past 10-15 years expecting substantial savings and improved public services • a trend further accentuated by the financial and economic crisis beginning in 2008

  3. E-Government • Analogous to e-commerce, e-Government aims to make the interaction between : • government and citizens (G2C) • government and business enterprises (G2B) • inter-agency relationships (G2G) • The objective : more friendly, convenient, transparent and inexpensive

  4. The French e-administration • France ranked 9 in the annual e-Government survey conducted by the United Nations among 191 countries published in 2009 and according to two primary indicators: • the state of e-government readiness • the extent of e-participation • 2000s are the years of the electronic administration : • “on-line tax declarations”, set-up in 2002, passed from 60 000 users in 2002 to 9 700 000 in 2009 • but the most important is elsewhere: ministries, regions with a measure of autonomy and public institutions migrate massively to the digital universe

  5. The French e-administration • In 2005 France started a major renovation of its public e-services : • Improving its online service delivery • Strengtheningits transactional capabilities • Strengtheningits tools and applications for e-administration

  6. The French e-administration • “ADELE” the French e-Government program • More than 300 applications • Provides a detailed roadmap for the consistent • Coordinates development and implementation of the electronic services • Main objectives : • Implementing an electronic administration accessible to all • Moving from simple information providing to delivering interactive services enabling users to perform full administrative procedures remotely • 10-20 % of productivity gains on the running costs

  7. The French e-administration • The possible applications are numerous: • Income taxes: declaration, notification of assessment • Job search services : by labour offices • Social security benefits : faster processing, best service • Personal documents requests and declaration : passport and driver’s licence, birth and marriage certificates, car registration, etc • Public cultural heritage availability and securisation : libraries, museum catalogues, etc • Health related services : patient file, interactive advice, etc • Citizen participation

  8. I.R.I.S. e-administration applications ECM Dematerialization Legal archiving Voting and citizen participation

  9. I.R.I.S. e-administration applications ECM Dematerialization Legal archiving Voting and citizen participation

  10. The Police ‘Prefecture’ (1/3) The Prefecture of Police : the agency of the Government of France and part of the French National Police, which provides the police force for the city of Paris Context : modernization of the processing of the parking fines Expected benefits : a faster and simpler process in order to improve the time needed to collect the fines a better control of the resources dedicated to these tasks an improvement of the efficiency of the process

  11. The Police ‘Prefecture’ (2/3) Project scope : dematerialization of the fines with automatic reading of documents and integration within the Information System around 4 million fines per year 80 % of the total of fines in France users : all the services of the Police ‘Prefecture’, especially the services in charge of fines, and the Police court of Paris

  12. The Police ‘Prefecture’(3/3) I.R.I.S. France mission analysis, implementation and support to deployment of the solution design and creation of the fine model according to the rules of the automatic reading, OCR export the information data in order to process it in Business Object for statistics needs

  13. I.R.I.S. e-administration applications ECM Dematerialization Legal archiving Voting and citizen participation

  14. OFRPA (1/4) The French Office for the Protection of Refugees and Stateless Persons (Office Français de Protection des Réfugiés et Apatrides) a public institution in charge of the application of the French, European and international texts and conventions relative to the recognition of the quality of refugee Context : Implementation of an ECM system for all the documents used by OFPRA (documents related to the applicants requests, documents produced by OFPRA, etc)

  15. OFRPA (2/4) Objectives : optimize the processing of the refugees requests and the business process a better tracking system of activities harmonize the documentary practices and make easier the access to documents Expected benefits : reduce the costs related to the paper management and the associated risks (losses, reproduction, classification) optimization of the space of paper archiving better service to the users and stakeholders (lawyers, judges) improve the image of OFPRA in terms of efficiency and modernity

  16. OFRPA (3/4) Project scope : The documents included into the projects : documents provided by the applicant with his request (request form of 20 pages, narrative documents, all document evidence related to his registry status, award and diploma, etc) administrative documents relative to the procedure (reception slips, acknowledgements of receipt of mail, etc) documents produced by OFPRA within the framework of the treatment of the request (interview minutes, information research, notices, decision order, etc) 60 000 refugees requests/year and 135 000 mails

  17. OFRPA (4/4) I.R.I.S. France mission the responsibility of the global implementation of the project project management workflow definition technical architecture training development of an user interface in a Web based mode, automatically called from the business specific application of OFPRA ( INEREC)

  18. I.R.I.S. e-administration applications ECM Dematerialization Legal archiving Voting and citizen participation

  19. CAF (1/3) CAF (Caissed’AllocationsFamiliales) is the family branch of the French public social security 132 offices in charge of the payment of the security benefits related to the family (welfare, child benefits, rent allowance, etc) Context : implementation of a legal archiving management solution according to the French lows and a ECM system Incoming and outgoing document flow - for 53 CAF offices

  20. CAF (2/3) Project characteristics : Upgradable technical architecture Open and modular components of the system Compliance of the instructions and French lows related to the preservation of the documents of CAF Storage and supports management (WORM magnetic disk storage, jukebox) Project scope : 4 000 000 benefits users 15 000 connections

  21. CAF (3/3) I.R.I.S. France mission pre-study and analysis definition of workflow, general and technical architecture implementation and deployment of the solution installation training material and software support of the platform. analysis, project management project management software support contract

  22. I.R.I.S. e-administration applications ECM Dematerialization Legal archiving Voting and citizen participation

  23. CNRACL (1/2) The CNRACL The public pension fund for the civil servants from the local government - 2 M active people and 1 M retired people under the supervision of the CDC (Caisse de dépôts et consignations) - a special public institution in charge of managing the government deposits Context : Election of the board : the 3 millions people vote to elect their representatives Every 7 years

  24. CNRACL (2/2) I.R.I.S. mission : global organization of the election Database processing Design/PAO, creation and manufacturing of the election material Electronic processing of the paper ballots - based on I.R.I.S. solutions Performances : 1,5 M ballots processed in 5 days Next step for I.R.I.S. : e-voting & e-citizen participation

  25. How to face the major challenge: Do more with less • Accessibility of the information • Place : access information independently of the place • Support : no more physical support (uncorrelated the support of the information) /economy and improvement • Distribution : circulation of the information without process of production • Public service • Decisive point for governments • More service with less investment • Productivity • Lessadditional costs for the society

  26. Thank you

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