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Administration, M&E and reporting issues

Administration, M&E and reporting issues. Takashi Takahatake , CAPSA 12 February 2013. Work Package 5: Management and Administration. Prepare annual progress and financial reports for submission to the EU Conduct monitoring and evaluation of SATNET Asia activities.

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Administration, M&E and reporting issues

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  1. Administration, M&E and reporting issues Takashi Takahatake, CAPSA 12 February 2013

  2. Work Package 5: Management and Administration • Prepare annual progress and financial reports for submission to the EU • Conduct monitoring and evaluation of SATNET Asia activities Facilitate interactions between project partners Organize two steering committee meetings per year

  3. M&E: Development and regular updating of work plans • Done at annual Network meetings • Responsibility of work package leader • CAPSA: WP1 and WP5 • FSC: WP2 • TID: WP3 • AVRDC and APCTT: WP4

  4. M&E: Annual progress reports (APR) • WP leaders prepare progress reports for their WPs • Responsible for obtaining information from project associates contributing to their WP • Description of events/actions; Achievements; Challenges; Learning; Innovation; Comments; Financial report • CAPSA collects APRs from WP leaders and prepares report to EU


  6. M&E: Progress monitoring Types of information to be collected

  7. M&E data for group events

  8. M&E data for presentations

  9. M&E data for discussion fora

  10. M&E data for information requests

  11. M&E data for public information


  13. Baseline survey • Networking within countries is vibrant, but regional connections are weak • Large number of best practices identified for agricultural production and trade • Sharing of information and knowledge done mostly through personal contacts in training courses or organized events • Strong exchange between NGOs and research agencies and NGOs and govt agencies, but limited exchange with extension sector

  14. Evaluation forms for training/workshops • Knowledge, attitude, practice questionnaire • First questionnaire right after the training or meeting • Second questionnaire 6-12 months after the training General feedback form developed which can be used for all SATNET Asia trainings and meetings

  15. Forms for designing and assessing training programmes • Training needs assessment questionnaire • Screening of applicants for training programme • Pre-training evaluation • Assesses trainee’s knowledge level about a certain topic, before and after the training activity

  16. www.satnetasia.org

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