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Advancements in RHIC Facility: Recent Performance & Future Outlook

Explore the current status, long-term science goals, and recent performance of RHIC & RHIC-II. Learn about machine and detector upgrades, as well as the pathway to eRHIC, with a focus on exploring strongly interacting matter and quantum many-body manifestations. Discover the unique role of RHIC as a polarized collider and its contributions to probing partonic matter in the weak coupling regime.

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Advancements in RHIC Facility: Recent Performance & Future Outlook

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  1. Status and Evolution of the RHIC Facility • Long-Term Science Goals • Recent Performance • Fast-Tracking RHIC-II with Stochastic Cooling • Other Mid-Term Machine Upgrades • Detector Upgrades • Five-Year Outlook • Path to eRHIC Steve Vigdor Quark Matter 2008 Jaipur, India

  2. RHIC / RHIC-II / e-RHIC  Laboratory Dedicated to Exploration of Condensed Strongly Interacting Matter Shear viscosity/ entropy density Quantum limit = 1/4 ? From the “perfect” liquid … Reduced temp. What are the unique quantum many-body manifestations of a non-Abelian gauge theory? Are there lessons for other fundamental theories? How do we pump/probe partonic matter in 1023 s? … to the e-RHIC probes weak coupling regime of very high gluon density, where gauge boson occupancy >> 1 & semi-classical field theory apply. RHIC, RHIC-II probe very strong coupling limit: LQCD  quantitative theory for static properties; AdS/CFT  qualitative insight + gravity connection.

  3. Complementary Role as Unique Polarized Collider to Explore Nucleon Spin Structure p-p at RHIC addresses: 1) What does the share of p spin carried by gluons and sea quarks/ antiquarks reveal about effective degrees of freedom? 2) How is parton orbital motion inside p manifested in trans-verse spin asymmetries? e-N at eRHIC would exploit scaling violations to extend study to completely gluon-dominated low x

  4. Improved Collision Luminosity 2006-8 2007 Au+Au @ sNN = 200 GeV 2006 pp @ s = 200 GeV Integrated delivered luminosity (pb-1) Integrated delivered luminosity (b-1) Time during run 2008 d+Au @ sNN = 200 GeV Integrated delivered luminosity (nb-1) 50 40 30 20 10 0 • Delivered luminosity each year has come close to maximum projected • Full energy Au+Au in 2007 already exceeded RHIC design goal luminosity • Another factor ~3 over 2006 L needed to reach enhanced pp design goal • d+Au completed in 2008  x 30 over previous  L dt; starting 6-week p+p run

  5. RHIC pC Polarimeters Absolute Polarimeter (H jet) BRAHMS PHOBOS Siberian Snakes Siberian Snakes PHENIX STAR Spin Rotators (longitudinal polarization) Spin flipper Spin Rotators (longitudinal polarization) Solenoid Partial Siberian Snake Pol. H- Source Helical Partial Siberian Snake LINAC BOOSTER AGS Internal Polarimeter AGS 200 MeV Polarimeter AGS pC Polarimeters 80 Strong Helical AGS Snake Rf Dipole 70 60 50 40 Beam Polarization % 30 20 10 0 Time during run Improved Proton Polarization Absolute Pbeam calibrated to <  5% Significant learning curve with unique & complex polariza-tion-preserving equipment in AGS & RHIC • 60% beam polarization achieved reliably in 2006, compared to 70% goal • Absolute calibration of beam polarization to better than design goal accuracy achieved • Polarization survival to 250 GeV maximum energy demonstrated

  6. Quality of pQCD fit to ALL data inclusive 0 inclusive jet Important New Results Emerging In Spite of Issues from Congressional Budgeting Process • Extensive Au+Au results from 2007 run presented by RHIC experiments at this Quark Matter • d+Au data from excellent 2008 performance should test gluon saturation predictions, e.g., for mono-jets at large rapidity -- see QM09! 2006 polarized proton run (with some funding from Renaissance Technologies)  RHIC spin program zeroing in on gluon contribution to proton spin!  “missing spin” puzzle remains unsolved for the moment …

  7. RHIC-II Science: Quantifying Properties of the Perfect Liquid I. Enhanced luminosity + detector upgrades enable rare probe studies of yield and flow of quarkonia (qq systems), sensitive to color screening and parton equilibration/coalescence in the quark-gluon plasma

  8. RHIC-II Science: Quantifying Properties of the Perfect Liquid • Facilitate rare- and multi-particle correlation measurements:  + jet to quantify energy loss transport coefficient; multi-hadron to study possible Mach cone, extract speed of sound. • Improve exp’t-theory comparison of particle-identified (esp. heavy quark) flow, to quantify • shear viscosity. • Improve fluctuation measure-ments at low collision E to search for QCD critical point. LHC and RHIC-II HI results should be complementary & mutually stimulating: similar matter produced? How do properties evolve? Thermalization consistent? Quantitative interpretation of both requires coherent theory assault!

  9. Integrated luminosity increased 10-20% after stochastic cooling introduced for yellow beam. Longitudinally cooled beam Effect clear on yellow beam lifetime. Uncooled beam 56 MHz RF upgrade should remove satellite buckets, narrow vertex distribution RHIC Stochastic Cooling Breakthrough  Fast Track to Luminosity Upgrade First successful demo of stochastic cooling for bunched beams relied on state-of-art multi-GHz HV kicker and filtering out coherent bunch motion. 2007 implementation for longitudinal cooling of yellow beam demonstrated ability to reduce intrabeam scattering effect on luminosity lifetime.

  10. fiber optic links wave links Simulated effects of beam cooling for full-energy Au+Au “RHIC-II” goal Intensity x 1.5, e-cooling Intensity x 1.5, full stochastic Present intensity, e-cooling Present intensity, full stochastic Present intensity, no cooling Plan to Implement and Test Stochastic Cooling of Heavy Ion Beams at RHIC (submitted to DOE 12/31/07) • Test combined effect of long. & transverse stochastic cooling for one beam in 2009 run. • If results follow detailed simula-tions, full implementation by 2011. • Simulations  long. + trans. stochastic cooling + 56 MHz SRF for both beam goes ~2/3 way (with present bunch intensity) to RHIC-II projected L at order of magnitude less cost, ~5 years quicker than e-cooling.

  11. Other Accelerator Improvements: Electron Beam Ion Source EBIS preinjector replaces tandems for heavy ions  lower-cost, more reliable operation Can produce any ions, including noble gases, Uranium, pol’d 3He Construction under way, should be completed in 2010 Expect future improvements to lead to higher intensities

  12. Other Accelerator Improvements Considered Proposed location of two electron lenses near IP10, in a beam pipe section common to both beams. The blue and yellow beams are vertically separated in this region. • Stochastic cooling not effective for lower energy HI (too slow) or pp (intra-beam scat. not important) • Consider e-cooling with low-E electron accel. (for critical point scan) or Energy-Recovery Linac (for further high-E improvement & eRHIC) • Electron lens: e(~5 keV)-p collisions counteract pp beam-beam tune spread

  13. Detector Upgrades in Progress • Both STAR and PHENIX upgrading DAQ/trigger to handle higher data rates, select rarer probes with upgraded luminosity • PHENIX specifically upgrading muon trigger for W production program • STAR Forward Meson Spectrometer detects photons MuTrig Station 1 MuTrig Station 2 • at large rapidity to probe gluon saturation effects in d+Au, spin effects for forward  0 and , … • STAR Time-of-Flight MRPC detector enhances particle ID, especially useful for QCD critical point search MuTrig Station 3

  14. Additional Detector Upgrades: Improved Vertex Tracking and Forward Acceptance e,m X D Au Au D B J/ K p X e e FVTX Si Endcaps ~ 2011 Nose Cone EM Calorimeter ~ 2012 • PHENIX, STAR vertex upgrades provide resolution to reconstruct slightly displaced vertices associated with heavy flavor hadron decays  study heavy-quark flow & equilibration in “perfect liquid”. VTX Si Barrel 2010 Forward GEM Tracker ~ 2012 • Improved forward calorimetry enhances  - jet acceptance to study light quark E loss and gluon contribution to proton spin • Improved forward tracking (STAR) enhances W sign determination to study antiquark polarization in proton. Heavy Flavor Tracker -- prototype ~ 2011, install ~ 2013

  15. Detector & Luminosity Upgrades  New Physics Milestones PHENIX projections for J/ elliptic flow STAR projections for D0 central-to-peripheral yield ratio Measure hadron suppression and flow for identified heavy-quark mesons, possibly baryons (c ) STAR projections for D0 elliptic flow

  16. Detector & Luminosity Upgrades  New Physics Milestones • Calibration of light-quark energy loss via  - tagging • Definitive map of quarkonium melting RHIC II AuAu 20 nb-1 (1S) g (2S) J c PHENIX projections of  - jet yield @ RHIC-II L ’ PHENIX projections of RAA for qq states @ RHIC-II L q,g

  17. Strawman 5-Year Run Plan (With Decent Budgets) Physics priorities will determine machine upgrade priorities.

  18. A Path to an Electron-Ion Collider • Deepen the science case: what is transformational about EIC? Why should other scientists, public care about dense gluonic matter? What does one learn from unique opportunity to measure effects of large gauge boson occupancy? How does it illuminate other issues? • Broaden the science case: Is there an achievable and compelling electroweak symmetry program? Running of weak coupling below Z0 resonance? Novel measurements of parity violation (e.g., via helicity-dependence of stored beam lifetime) feasible? • Settle on machine design: is there one that gets most of the physics at achievable cost? Can BNL and JLab cooperate on it? • Expand e-A community! • Need compelling case/ presentation by next NP LRP (2012-13?) • Construction by 2020 will be challenging! eRHIC, ~ $700M including new detector See T. Ullrich talk Friday morning…

  19. Conclusions • Despite year-to-year Congressional budgeting issues, RHIC luminosity and detector upgrades are proceeding well, fueled by technological breakthroughs, e.g., stochastic cooling for bunched beams. •  Anticipate a vibrant RHIC heavy-ion program over next ~10 years quantifying “perfect liquid” properties with upgraded detectors & added stimulation from LHC HI results, and searching for the QCD critical point. • Vigorous, coherent organization of theorists and experimentalists essential to quantify extraction of physics from RHIC/LHC HI results. • RHIC Spin program continues in parallel to converge on understanding of partonic origins of nucleon spin. • New BNL focus on large-scale computing will help to fuel advances in LQCD characterization of partonic matter at high energy density. • eRHIC presents attractive path to next-generation studies of condensed strongly interacting matter and nucleon spin structure, but science case needs strengthening.

  20. Backup Slides

  21. RHIC Spin Would Also Benefit from Luminosity Enhancement BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES • May be needed for decisive parity-violating helicity asymmetries for W production in 500 GeV p+p  u vs. d sea antiquark polarizations, predicted to differ substantially in chiral nucleon structure models. • Enable decisive transverse spin asymmetries for Drell-Yan dilepton production, to test QCD prediction of sign difference from semi-inclusive deep inelastic lepton scattering  test understanding of connection to parton orbital angular momentum in the proton (another possible component of “missing spin”).

  22. RHIC Present Healthy Despite FY06-07 Funding Issues: Important New Results I STAR hadrons pT> 6 GeV/c ~equal opacity of QGP for all high-momentum hadrons in central Au+Au suggests similar E loss for light quarks, heavy quarks and gluons, in marked contrast to pQCD predictions! Need to rethink basic mechanisms of quark/gluon interactions in dense colored matter? p, p,  mainly from gluon jets Non-photonic electrons at high pT mainly from c,b decays Light-q jets 

  23. RHIC Present Healthy Despite FY06-07 Funding Issues: Important New Results II Au+Au dilepton spectrum differs strikingly from p+p (and from simulated “cocktail” of hadron decays) in continuum region below -meson mass! Effect most pronounced in central collisions. Is -mass downshifted, as expected when chiral symmetry of QCD is restored at high temperature? PHENIX -- arXiv:0706.3034 • p+p normalized to mee<100 MeV/c2 • Agreement at resonances (w, f) • Au+Au enhancement for 0.2 < mee < 0.8 GeV

  24. Future PHENIX Subsystems MuTrig Station 1 MuTrig Station 2 MuTrig Station 3 Silicon VTX and FVTX Nose Cone Calorimeter

  25. Timeline of PHENIX upgrades 2010 2012 2014 2008 RHIC Stochastic cooling “RHIC II” AuAu dileptons HBD Inner pixel layers Displaced vertex at mid rapidity VTX Large acceptance tracking |Dh|<1.2 Outer strip layers Displaced vertex at forward y FVTX NCC Construction Physics

  26. Expected v2(be) and v2(ce) with VTX PHENIX VXT ~2 nb-1 RHIC II increases statistics by factor >10 Decisive measurement of v2 for both c and b

  27. Heavy Ion RAA with FVTX (II) Statistical separation of charm and bottom with DCA cuts

  28. Examples of Quarkonium Spectroscopy at RHIC II J/ measurements will reach high precision

  29. Quarkonium Spectroscopy with Forward Upgrades (1S) (2S) J c ’ Reference model based on consecutive melting without regeneration (Note: This results in small ’, C yields,other models like regeneration model will give similar yields for J/, ’, C !) RHIC 20 nb-1 With NCC/FVTX

  30. Upgrades to keep the discoveries rolling … Forward Meson Spectrometer Gluon density distributions, saturation effects, and transverse spin DAQ1000 Upgrade order of magnitude increase in rate (1KHz) extra livetime opens the door to rare physics Full Barrel MRPC TOF extended hadron identification at intermediate pT Lepton identification at low momentum Heavy Flavor Tracker high precision Heavy Flavor Tracker near the vertex opens the door to direct topological ID of Charm & Beauty Forward GEM Tracker end cap tracker for W sign determination Muon Telescope (BNL LDRD) Forward Reaction Plane Detector A Crystal Calorimeter for low E photons - HBT Underway R&D/Proposal Stage Concept Dev.

  31. Forward GEM Tracker (FGT) 6 triple-GEM disks covering 1 <  < 2 outer radius ~ 40 cm inner radius varies with z position charge sign reconstruction probability of W above 80% for 30 GeV pT over the full acceptance of the EEMC for the full vertex spread ( > 90% out to η= 1.8) Probability to get the correct charge sign

  32. STAR Forward Meson Spectrometer (FMS) Schematic of the FMS as seen from the interaction point. The small-cell inner calorimeter has 476 detectors and the large cell outer calorimeter has 788 detectors. Detectors are stacked on the west platform in two movable halves. This view is of the south FMS half, as seen through the retracted west poletip.

  33. Schedule Beam Use Request strongly coupled with detector upgrades to optimize the maximum physics output

  34. e-RHIC: a Microscope for Gluon-Dominated Matter Soft gluons dominate the proton, but cannot proliferate without bound. At high gluon density, gluon recombination should compete with gluon splitting  density saturation. Probe at momentum transfer scales where QCD coupling is relatively weak  gluon occupation #’s >> 1  condensate, semi-classical field. Unique and universal predicted aspect of matter best observed at moderate Q2 ( transverse spatial resolution) in heavy nuclei. Most precise measure of gluon densities via QCD corr’ns to Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS)  e-A collider of high/variable energy. Is there well-defined universal saturation scale surface Qs2(x, A)?

  35. Add Polarization to e-RHIC to Complete Nucleon Spin Structure Map BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Are highly abundant gluons beyond RHIC spin’s kinematic reach even slightly polarized, contributing significantly to overall spin? Greatly expanded kinematic range for polarized DIS at EIC  map scaling violations sensitive to soft gluon polarization. With sufficient luminosity, can also carry out deep exclusive photon and meson production with polarized e + N  Generalized Parton Distributions sensitive to orbital motion of sea quarks.

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