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Wings of the Morning 'Hope is Rising': A New Plane for N. Katanga.
Wings of the Morning 'Hope is Rising': A New Plane for N. Katanga The West Ohio Conference supports the Wings of the Morning ministry, representing HOPEto the people of the North Katanga Conference in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The Wings of the Morning ministry consists of one airplane, one pilot, and lots of hope. Hope comes from the medical supplies, pastors, teams, Bibles, and the sharing of Christ’s love with the people living in remote areas of the conference. The West Ohio Conference has issued the challenge to raise the $1.6 million needed to replace the aging Cessna 210 aircraft with a larger and more efficient aircraft. Children can take part in this fundraising effort through a special mission project this summer. All offerings can be sent to the West Ohio Council on Development Office at 32 Wesley Blvd, Worthington ,OH 43085. Please designate the offering for Wings of the Morning Campaign. Hope is Rising was created to serve as a supplement to your church’s Vacation Bible School or Sunday School program, providing opportunities to engage your children in this life-saving ministry. Enclosed you will find five independent lessons each featuring “Meet the Missionary,” a Bible verse, mission experience, hands-on activity ,and reflection for the day. Meet the Missionary: Share the stories of Gaston, Jacques, and Rukang,who are pilots in the Congo; Lucas, a youth missionary who visited the Congo; and explore how YOU and others around you can serve in this ministry. Activities: Explore games that take you into the Congo, battling terrain and obstacles; experience what it might be like to provide medical care; create a first aid kit and a gift for God; and build a plane and watch it take flight. YOU can Help Hope Rise! • If I ride the wings of the morning, if I dwell by the farthest oceans,even there your hand will guide me, and your strength will support me. (Psalm 139:9-10)
Meet Jacques Akasa Umembudi • Jacques Akasa Umembudi is a missionary with the General Board of Global Ministries (GBGM) of The United Methodist Church assigned to the Wings of Caring Aviation Ministry in Kananga, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). As a pilot-mechanic and program director of the Wings of Caring Aviation Ministry, Jacques flies people and supplies to various missions in the region. “I think I am doing God's will. In some places if we don't fly in supplies like salt, soap or matches, there is no other way such supplies will get to the population. Many of our mission stations depend on the aviation ministry for survival,” Jacques says.Born in Yamba-Yamba, DRC, Jacques has been a mission pilot-mechanic based in Kananga, DRC, since 1990. For five years he served as a Person in Mission through the Board's Global Mission Partners program. Before becoming a pilot, Jacques worked as an aviation-mechanic helper in Kananga, and as an assistant technical director in Lodja, DRC. He also worked as a math teacher for a time in Wembo-Nyama, DRC. • Jacques is married to Poto Valentine Shutsha, who is also a GBGM missionary. They have three sons, Akasa Umembudi Mignon, Shamba Umembudi Gigi and Otoko Umembudi Dennis. Hope Is Rising!! • Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." (Hebrews 11:1) Survival Mission
The supply station is out of salt, matches, and soap, and they have called upon your team for help. Your mission is to get these supplies to the station as quickly as possible, but it will not be easy! Amazing g’Race’ Your team will need to work together to complete this mission. The families rely on salt, soap, and matches to go about their daily activities, and the supply station has run out. They have asked for a flight loaded with supplies and a team to bring the items needed. The supply station has asked for 500 lbs of salt, 150 lbs, of matches, and 750 lbs of soap, along with 4 team missionaries, one of which is the pilot. The plane can only hold a total of 1500 lbs, which includes all of the supplies and any people (each person weighs 150lbs). Work as a team to decide how you can get all of the supplies and missionaries to the supply station, some on the plane and the remainder by foot. The missionaries that are traveling on foot will need to carry the remaining items through a terrain of obstacles. After all, there are no roads, and travel will not be easy. Remember--families are counting on you, so keep an eye out for the wandering goats! Reflection Questions • Have you ever wanted to • quit something because it • was just too hard to • finish? • How would your life be different if you had to wait on an airplane to bring every day things? • When have you witnessed • God being there for you, • or taking care of your • needs? • Say a prayer for the people who live in the North Katanga Conference, and give your offering. Supplies Needed for the Mission Variety of Boxes to Represent the Salt, Matches, Soap with weights identified; Variety of Obstacles to Climb Over, Under, Through, Creativity! Equipment needed for the mission Survival Mission
Meet Rukang Chikomb • Rukang Chikomb is a US-licensed missionary pilot for Southern Congo’s Wings of the Morning Aviation Ministry of The United Methodist Church. Rukang serves as pilot, mechanic, and acting director for the Southern Congo Wings of the Morning Aviation Ministry assigned to the Southern Congo Conference. “I am so blessed to be a part of history for serving God‘s people here in Africa and around the world,” says Rukang. “The message that Christ brought to Earth was and is still being learned all over around the world today—love.”As a child, he used to go to the airstrip and help workers fill the holes in the dirt runway to smooth the landing surface for the next arriving aircraft. In return, the missionaries paid for his school fees. Rukang is married to Fresie Nandona Chikomb. They are parents of three children, Andre Kayakez, Sally Elizabeth, and Selena Nora. Hope Is Rising!! • Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from Him. (Psalm 62.5) Medical Mission
Your team has just filled the plane with the medicines and supplies needed for people suffering from malaria. Now your team can create your own First Aid Kit as a reminder of God’s love, hope, and healing. Reflection Questions • What other items would • you include in your kit • to remind you of God’s • love, hope, and healing? • Who can you share this • message with today? • Where have you • witnessed God’s love in • your life? • Read the scriptures and • chose one that means the • most to you. Say a prayer for the people of Congo. You are being love as you give your offering. A Spiritual First Aid Kit: First-aid kits help you when you're injured. But did you know that you can make a special kind of first-aid kit to help you when you're sad, hurt, or in trouble? • Safety pin – All our hopes and dreams are pinned to God's love • and kindness. – Psalm 119:49 • Small stone – Lean on the Lord Jesus, who is our Rock. – Psalm 18 • Toothpick – Pick out the good qualities in others -Matt 7.1 • Pencil –Remember to list your blessings each day – Ephesians 1.3 • Rubber Band – Be flexible, things may not go the way you want, but • will work out.- Romans 8.28 • Eraser – Jesus takes away our sins and makes us clean through His • death and resurrection – 1 John 1:9 • Square of aluminum foil – You were created in the Image of God. – • Genesis 1:27 • Bandage – God hears our prayers asking for healing and help. – Isa61:1 • Penny – Know that God provides for all of our needs – you don't have to • worry. – Philippians 4:19 • Cotton ball – One day Jesus will return to Earth riding on the clouds – • and He will have wonderful rewards for His children. – Revelation 1:7 Supplies Needed for the Mission Ziploc Bag or Lunch Sack, Markers for Decorating, Copy of Scripture Reference for Items, Safety Pins, Small Stones, Toothpicks, Pencils, Rubber Bands, Erasers, Foil, Bandage, Penny, Cotton balls Equipment needed for the mission Medical Mission
Meet Gaston Nkulu Ntambo • Gaston Nkulu Ntambo is a missionary with the General Board of Global Ministries (GBGM) of The United Methodist Church, assigned to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Based in Lubumbashi, Gaston serves as a pilot and mechanic with the Wings of the Morning Aviation Ministry in the North Katanga Conference.The aviation ministry provides transportation in hard-to-reach areas of Africa, especially in emergency situations. Reflecting on his work, Gaston says, “I believe God is using me as a tool to reach out and save lives.” He recalls that he once flew unknowingly into a war zone in an attempt to save lives. “As a miracle, the highest officer in that village on that day happened to also be my uncle,” he reports. “Out of nowhere, he suddenly introduced himself to me for the first time.”A native of Kamina, DRC, Gaston earned Associate degrees in accounting and piloting from Davis College in Toledo, Ohio. He received a mechanic's certificate from the Michigan Institute of Aeronautics in Detroit, Michigan. Prior to his commissioning as a GBGM missionary, Gaston worked six years as a Wings of the Morning pilot. He previously served as an assistant and secretary with the United Methodist Church in Lubumbashi, DRC. Gaston is married to Jeanne Kabove Ntambo, also a GBGM missionary. They have five children, Andy and Lorree Nkulu, Gabriel Kahenga, Noah Kabove and Eileen. Hope Is Rising!! • “For I know the plans for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29.11) Emergency Medical Mission
Emergency!!!The village has contacted your team to bring emergency medical supplies to treat injured people. Be prepared to transport critically injured patients to the nearest hospital by plane. HURRY! Reflection Questions • Do you have friends that • come to your rescue when • you need help? • Have you ever walked • past someone who needed • help, or made fun of • someone? • Who do you need to • reach out to and share • God’s love with? • Say a prayer for those who need help in the Congo. As you give your offering, remember that you are helping to save lives. To the Rescue! Divide the group into two teams. Team One--the “injured;” Team Two—the “rescuers.” Predetermine what injuries have been suffered by each of the patients and prepare them to portray that role when the rescuers arrive. The rescuers will travel to the site with the medical supplies that they have on hand. They need to work together to determine what supplies are needed for each injury and “treat” the patient. For the critically injured patient, the rescuers will need to develop a plan to get the patient into the plane and to safety. Remember, the plane can only transport a total of 1500 lbs and each person weighs 150 lbs; so make sure you do not have an overloaded plane or you will not be able to make it off the ground. • For a more difficult mission: Because you need to take the plane to rescue a patient, you can take down some rescuers sooner (keeping the weight limit) and others can experience the “terrain” of Africa by foot. Supplies Needed for the Mission Variety of First Aid Items: slings, large bandages, gauze, makeshift stretcher, towels Terrain Obstacles to climb over, under, and through Equipment needed for the mission Emergency Medical Mission
Meet Lucas Atha After 48 hours of travel from Ohio to Africa, we met Gaston Ntambo in the Congo who flies the GBGM airplane in the Wings of the Morning program. To get to Kamina, we flew in this six-seat prop plane with just 15lbs of luggage each. He told us about the many life-saving emergency situations he has flown with this plane. He also wanted to share his vision for the future. The fuel has more than doubled in price for this plane, and Gaston’s flights are limited because of its small size. Because of fuel costs, his ability to help people, by visiting the hundreds of UMC mission sites and churches in the North Katanga UMC Conference, is also limited. Gaston told us of a plane that would hold three times as many people and uses a different fuel that costs half as much as the fuel his plane uses now. Before our trip, I shopped to find enough yo-yos, soccer balls, pumps, and school supplies to fill two large duffle bags to bring to the children of the Kamina Orphanage. Less than 10 years ago there were 350 orphan children from the war living in the streets of Kamina, and the UMC church found foster care and food for 300 of them, then built an orphanage for the other 50. This is where I met Alpha. Alpha is a young orphan boy who is 14 years old. I am 13, but Alpha is half of my size. I went to the orphanage four times, and each time it seemed that Alpha was by my side. I taught him how to yo-yo, as I did with many other children, but Alpha said to me, “You are my best friend and I love you.” Hope Is Rising!! • But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. (Isaiah 40.31) • Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see" (Hebrews 11:1) Good News Mission
With each Volunteers in Mission Team that enters the Congo, the team brings hope. The airplane flies hope to orphans, remote villages and people who are sick. They need your prayers and your gifts! Reflection • JOY Prayer • J – Jesus • Thank you Jesus For…… • O – Others • I Can Pray For ……. • Y - Yourself • God Help Me With……. • Your offering will help deliver hope to orphans, those who are sick and those who want to hear about the love of Jesus Christ. Sharing the Good News! We love sharing our stories, our frustrations and joys, and our laughter with friends and family. We can sit and talk for hours about life. Did you know that God wants that same relationship with us? God wants us to talk and listen to God through prayer. When we pray, we share our life with God. We can also pray for Alpha and the other children in Kamina. We can pray for the new airplane that will bring more hope. Today you will take a piece of paper and write or draw a prayer to God for the people in North Katanga. Once your prayer is complete, you can choose a paper airplane design and follow the directions to create an airplane. You can decorate your airplane with additional prayers or scripture verses written on the wings. Now you can let your prayers be lifted up on the wings of the airplane. And with the rising of the prayers on the airplane, hope rises with it. Supplies Needed for the Mission Sheets of Paper, Markers, Pencils, Scissors, Patterns of Paper Plane Model Design Equipment needed for the mission Good News Mission
Meet _______________ You are Special! You are sacred and loved unconditionally by God. The God who knew you before you were born, placed you into this world for a purpose. You are so important to God, that God sent Jesus Christ so that you would know how loved you are by God. Jesus lived just as we do today. He had friends, parents, and even went to school! He helped people when they were hurting; helped them learn about God; and taught them how to give to others. God wants you to get to know Him by reading your Bible, praying, and sharing His love with others at church, school… everywhere. Jesus gave us the perfect gift, his own life, just so we could be forgiven of our sins and know the love that God has for us. God has given you this gift, and our response is to invite Jesus Christ into our hearts. When we receive a really great gift, we cannot wait to go and share it with everyone we know. Go out into the world and share the gift of love and forgiveness with everyone. You are God’s missionary. Your picture can be here too. Hope Is Rising!! • And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit. (Romans 5.5) Your Mission
Write your own mission statement describing how you will serve God. Gift of Love Reflection Questions • What does God’s love and • forgiveness mean to you? • Is there someone you • need to ask forgiveness • from? Is there someone • you need to forgive? • Talk to your Sunday • School teacher or pastor • about questions you have • about accepting this gift. • Your offering for the new plane will help pastors in North Katanga offer the love of Jesus Christ to many people. You have been offered an amazing gift in the life and death of Jesus Christ. With this gift you have received unconditional love and the forgiveness of sins. Have you accepted this gift? Today you are going to create a gift that will serve as a reminder of God’s love. Decorate the “gift” box however you choose. Be creative. Think about some ways that you can serve God. You can collect money for the mission in the Congo, you can do projects in your church, in your home, or school. It is your choice. On a slip of paper write down what you have decided your mission will be. Place the paper inside your box and put the box somewhere in your home so that each time you look at it, you remember two things. First--you have received the beautiful gift of God’s love. Second--you made a promise to serve God. When you serve God, you are sharing God’s love and hope. Supplies Needed for the Mission Paper Boxes, Markers, Tissue Paper, Glitter, Buttons, Stickers, Glue, other Supplies to Decorate Boxes, Slips of Paper for Mission Statement Equipment needed for the mission Your Mission