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Learning Military Lessons: Interwar Preparations for World War II

Explore the major military lessons learned by key combatants post-World War I, understand the military revolution in the interwar years, and examine the steps taken by nations to prepare for the next war. Delve into the significant events of the 1930s leading to war in Europe and the Pacific, focusing on the impact of the Treat of Versailles on Germany and its consequences. Video lessons and strategies of France, Germany, Britain, and the U.S. offer insights into defense approaches, territorial concessions, economic repercussions, and military limitations, setting the stage for World War II.

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Learning Military Lessons: Interwar Preparations for World War II

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  1. Lesson 9 The Interwar Years: Preparing for the Next War

  2. Lesson Objectives •  Understand the major military lessons that each of the major combatants (Britain, France, US, Germany and Russia) took from World War I. •  Be able to describe and discuss the steps that each major combatant took to "prepare for the next war." •  Understand the military revolution that occurred during the interwar years. •  Be able to recount the major events in the 1930's that lead to war in Europe and the Pacific.

  3. World War II the Next War Seeds of Versailles Treaty Lessons of World War I Great Depression

  4. Treaty of Versailles Extremely harsh conditions • Significant territorial concessions • Huge reparations • Severe limitations on military • German admission of responsibility for war

  5. Treaty of Versailles Territorial Concessions

  6. Treaty of Versailles Reparations • 269 billion gold marks ($64 B then, $834 B today)* • Later reduced to 112 B gold marks ( $26.6 B) (1929) • Equivalent to $360 B today * Many feel this led to the economic collapse of the 1920’s that sewed the seeds of Fascism * Based on CPI, 2012

  7. Treaty of Versailles Reparations Cycle Germany Pays Reparations To Britain & France Crash of 1929 US Banks Britain, France Loan Money to Germany Pay War Debts to US

  8. Treaty of Versailles Military Provisions • German army restricted to 100,000 men (long term contract) • No conscription or training • No tanks or heavy artillery • Navy limited to 15,000 men • 6 small battleships, 6 cruisers, 12 destroyers, no U-boats • No air force

  9. Treaty of Versailles War Guilt Clause ''The Allied and Associated Governments affirm, and Germany accepts, the responsibility of Germany and her allies for causing all the loss and damage to which the Allied and Associated Governments and their nationals have been subjected as a consequence of the war imposed upon them by the aggression of Germany and her allies.'' Article 231

  10. Treaty of Versailles Extremely harsh conditions • Significant territorial concessions • Huge reparations • Severe limitations on military • German admission of responsibility for war

  11. Treaty of Versailles  10:16 Video

  12. Lessons of World War I France: Defense! Germany: Offense! Britain: Sea Power! U.S.: Stay out of war altogether

  13. Lessons of World War I France: Defense! • Maginot Line: static defense

  14. Maginot Line "We could hardly dream of building a kind of Great Wall of France, which would in any case be far too costly. Instead we have foreseen powerful but flexible means of organizing defense, based on the dual principleof takingfull advantage of the terrainand establishing a continuous line of fireeverywhere."—December 10, 1929 André Maginot (1877-1932) French Minister of War (1922–1924, 1929–1930, 1931–1932)

  15. Maginot Line "Whatever conception one can make of a future war, there is a necessity that remains imperious, it's to protect the territory from invasion. We know what disasters can accumulate so that victory itself isn't able to compensate for the irreparable damages. The defensive organization on the borders that we want to realize doesn't have any other goal than to block the way of a still possible invasion. Concrete is better in this way and is cheaper than a wall of chests..." "Concrete is better … and is cheaper than a wall of chests..." André Maginot (1877-1932) French Minister of War (1922–1924, 1929–1930, 1931–1932) To the French Parliament, 1929

  16. Maginot Line Rationale: • To avoid a surprise attack and to give alarm (trip wire) • To cover the mobilization of the French Army (2 and 3 weeks). • To save manpower: France 39,000,000 inhabitants, Germany 70,000,000 • To protect Alsace and Lorraine and their industrial infrastructure • To be used as a basis for a counter-offensive.

  17. Maginot Line Defense in depth … but not everywhere

  18. Maginot Line Localized Defense in Depth

  19. Maginot Line Above and Below

  20. Lessons of World War I France: Defense! • Maginot Line: static defense • Huge expenditure • Repeated mistake of 1914: • assumed Belgian neutrality would be honored • Had good armored forces

  21. French Armor Char B Heavy Tank 47 mm cannon 75 mm cannon

  22. French Armor German PzKpfw II * French Char B Faster, better suspension, more range Larger guns, heavier armor Radios One-man turret Superior Tactics * Panzerkampfwagen

  23. Lessons of World War I France: Defense! • Maginot Line: static defense • Huge expenditure • Repeated mistake of 1914: • Assumed Belgian neutrality would be honored • Had good armored forces • Not enough funds to develop properly • Neglected innovations in tactics

  24. Lessons of World War I Germany: Offense! Size of army limited by Versailles Treaty • Not enough to defend against attack • Strategy: “Best defense is good offense” Capitalized on tactics under development in WW I =Blitzkreige • Stormtrooper tactics + Armor Lightning War!

  25. German Armor Encyclopedia Britannica

  26. Interwar Years Maginot Line video  11:39

  27. Ten Military Revolutions Infantry Revolution Artillery Revolution Revolution of Sail and Shot Fortress Revolution Gunpowder Revolution Napoleonic Revolution Land Warfare Revolution Naval Revolution Interwar Revolutions in Mechanization, Aviation, and Information Nuclear Revolution Interwar Revolutions in Mechanization, Aviation, and Information  Andrew F. Krepinevich “Cavalry to computer: the pattern of military revolutions” The National Interest, Fall 1994

  28. Interwar Revolutions 1920’s – ’30’s Perfected concepts introduced in WW I • Mechanized warfare • Aerial warfare • Carrier aviation • Amphibious warfare • Radio-based command & control Proliferation of new organizations • Armored divisions, • Carrier battle groups • Strategic bombardment wings

  29. Idealism Reality of World War I “The War to End All War” “Only the dead have seen the end of war”

  30. Reality of World War I Hope Renewed effort to limit war as an option “Only the dead have seen the end of war” New focus on the Laws of War

  31. Laws of War The Ultimate Oxymoron?

  32. Arms Control and the Laws of War Download Slides

  33. Treaties & Protocols Precedents for the Laws of War Kellogg – Briand Pact (1928) • Renounced war as an instrument of national policy • Negotiated between • Fran B. Kellogg – US Secretary of State • Aristide Briand – French Foreign Minister • Ultimately 62 nations signed the agreement • Failed in goal of preventing war • First Violation: Japan in Manchuria (1931) • Served as basis for concept of crime against peace • Nuremburg Trails (1945-1949) • Still in force

  34. Treaties & Protocols Precedents for the Laws of War Geneva Convention (1928) • Prohibit Use of Gas and Biological Methods of War Geneva Convention (1929) • Treatment of Prisoners of War Geneva Convention (1949) • I: Care of Sick and Wounded in the Field • II: Care of Sick, Wounded and Shipwreck at Sea • III: Treatment of Prisoners of War • IV: Protection of Civilians in War

  35. Treaties & Protocols Precedents for the Laws of War Geneva Convention (1975) • Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction

  36. Arms Limitation Can be considered almost a separate branch of the Laws of War Attempts to limit or ban entirely certain weapons

  37. First Arms Limitation? Crossbow By 11th & 12th centuries, crossbows could penetrate armor of knights. Threaten to upset the balance of power: • Semi-skilled peasants could anonymously kill gentlemen

  38. First Arms Limitation? Crossbow Banned by Pope Innocent II for use in killing Christians. • Second Lateran Council 1139

  39. First Arms Limitation Second Lateran Council Canon 29 “We prohibit under anathema that murderous art of crossbowmen and archers, which is hateful to God, to be employed against Christians and Catholics from now on.” Pope Innocent II EWTN: The Global Catholic Network http://www.ewtn.com/library/COUNCILS/LATERAN2.HTM

  40. Arms Limitation Interest in arms limitation increased as war has become come mechanized and weapons more deadly and expensive

  41. Arms Limitation Early Attempt St. Petersburg Declaration of 1868 “The Contracting Parties engage mutually to renounce, in case of war among themselves, the employment by their military or naval troops of any projectile of a weight below 400 grammes, which is either explosive or charged with fulminating or inflammable substances. “ Intent: Ban the use of fragmentation, explosive, or incendiary small arms ammunition. (Wikipedia) Signatories: Austria-Hungary, Bavaria, Belgium, Denmark, France, the United Kingdom, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Persia, Portugal, the North German Confederation (i.e., Greater Prussia), Russia, Sweden, Norway, Switzerland, Turkey (i.e.,the Ottoman Empire), and Württemberg. Only binding during war between signatories. US not invited (not considered a major power at the time), took no part in convention, never ratified it.

  42. Arms Limitation Modern Controversy Just because you are not a signatory, should you still abide by a humanitarian arms limitation treaty?

  43. Arms Limitation Modern Controversy Weapon: .50 cal McMillan Tactical Sniper Rifle http://www.eme421.com/50calmac.html Bullet: Raufoss Round http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raufoss_Mk_211

  44. Arms Limitation Modern Controversy Video: Canadian Snipers Afghanistan Video

  45. Arms Limitation Washington Naval Treaty (1922) • Response to post WW I naval building programs • Limited tonnage, armament on capital ships and aircraft carriers • Five major naval powers • US, Britain, Japan, France, Italy

  46. Arms Limitation Washington Naval Treaty (1922) Limits on capital ships • US: 525,000 tons • Britain: 525,000 tons • Japan: 315,000 tons • France: 175,000 tons • Italy: 175,000 tons No capital ship could exceed 35,000 tons Ratio 5 : 5 : 3 : 1.7 :1.7 Armament Limitation: 16-inch guns maximum

  47. Arms Limitation Washington Naval Treaty (1922) Limits on aircraft carriers • US: 135,000 tons • Britain: 135,000 tons • Japan: 81,000 tons • France: 60,000 tons • Italy: 60,000 tons Each nation could have two carriers up to 33,000 tons; remaining carriers limited to 27,000 tons each. Armament Limitations: 8-inch guns (max of 8 per ship)

  48. Arms Limitation Washington Naval Treaty (1922) Other Limits: • All other ships limited to • 10,000 tons each (no limit on total tonnage) • 8-inch guns or less

  49. Arms Limitation Washington Naval Treaty (1922) Impact of Treaty: • Navies modified existing capital ships • Unusual designs evolved (treaty battleships, treaty cruisers) to remain within tonnage restrictions • US built no battleships 1918-1937 • US concentrated on cruisers, aircraft carriers

  50. Treaty Battleships HMS Nelson Displacement: 33,950 tons Main Armament: nine 16-inch guns Post-Treaty: USS North Carolina Displacement: 35,000 tons Main Armament: nine 16-inch guns

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