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CIM and Utility Integration

CIM and Utility Integration. Presented By Curtis Crews of ERCOT and Margaret Goodrich of Project Consultants, LLC Presented to EMS User’s Group Atlanta, GA September 8, 2006. Topics. ERCOT Nodal Project Introduction Who is ERCOT What is Nodal The ERCOT Challenge The CIM Requirement

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CIM and Utility Integration

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  1. CIM and Utility Integration Presented By Curtis Crews of ERCOT and Margaret Goodrich of Project Consultants, LLC Presented to EMS User’s Group Atlanta, GA September 8, 2006

  2. Topics • ERCOT Nodal Project Introduction • Who is ERCOT • What is Nodal • The ERCOT Challenge • The CIM Requirement • Project Schedule • Nodal Implementation Plan • Data Exchange Plan • CIM Implementation Plan • Operational to Planning Model Conversion • Lessons Learned

  3. ERCOT Nodal Project Introduction – Who is ERCOT • Grid covers 75% of Texas’ land and serves 85% of Texas’ load • 38,000 miles of +60kV transmission lines • 750 miles of 345kV lines added since 1999 • ~4000 miles of transmission lines over the next 5 years (wind) • 70,000 MW of total resources • 26,000MW of generation added since 1998 • ~4000 MW/yr of new generation over the next 5 years (wind) • 63,056 MW peak load (8/17/2006) • 5400 Bus Model • ERCOT is a single control area with no seams issues • ERCOT has 3 pairs of DC ties • ERCOT has roughly 2000 model changes per year ERCOT

  4. ERCOT Nodal Project Introduction – What is Nodal Zonal Market • Insufficient price transparency • Resources grouped by portfolio • Indirect assignment of local congestion • Minimum number of Congestion Management Zones Nodal Market • Improved price signals • Improved dispatch efficiencies • Direct assignment of local congestion • 4000 Nodes

  5. ERCOT Challenge is unique in North American Interconnected Grids Texas consumers and market participants expect benefits similar to that of other ISOs in the Nodal market, but ERCOT differs significantly in technical protocols, governance, organizational structure and economic landscape.

  6. The CIM Requirement • The principal binding document (the ERCOT Nodal Protocols signed into Order, Docket #31540) established the requirements for the Nodal Program • Document was approved by the PUCT & the Market Participants • Section 3.10 (7) states: ERCOT shall use an automated process to manage the CIM-compliant packages loaded into the Network Operations Model as each construction phase is completed. • Section 3.10 (8) states: each change must be posted using the CIM data exchange format showing incremental changes to the last posted ERCOT Network Operations Model • Section 3.10.4 (8) states: ERCOT shall provide model information through the use of the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) and NERC-sponsored Common Information Model (CIM) and Web-based XML communications.

  7. Initial Project Schedule • The PUCT, the Texas Legislature, and the Market Participants defined the Schedule as follows: • CIM Model and all CIM Data Exchange functions to Go Live on March 31, 2008 • Real-Time Operations to Go Live on December 1, 2008 • Day Ahead and CRR Market to Go Live on December 08, 2008 • This schedule gave ERCOT less than 3 years to select the vendors and implement the Nodal Market. • All RFPs were written, distributed and all Vendors were selected by June 2006 – AND THE PROJECT BEGAN….

  8. OTS FAT OTS ITEST Go-live Trans. EDS 4 Nodal Market Scheduled to Go Live December 2008 Q3 2006 Q4 2006 Q1 2007 Q2 2007 Q3 2007 Q4 2007 Q1 2008 Q2 2008 Q3 2008 Q4 2008 Q1 2009 Q2 2009 Q3 2009 NMMS Conceptual Design NMMS Build FAT ITEST Common model update process Naming Convention information collection Naming Convention DB NMMS Planning UI Operations UI Model Data Certification Model Data Remediation Reconciliation EMS EMS Requirements, Conceptual Design EMS EMS FAT ITEST Outage Scheduler OS Requirements, Conceptual Design OS Build OS FAT ITEST SCED Requirements, Conceptual Design SCED Build SCED FAT ITEST MMS MMS Requirements, Conceptual Design MMS Design, Build, Pre-FAT MMS FAT ITEST CRR Requirements, Conceptual Design CRR Design, Build, Pre-FAT CRR FAT ITEST CRR Integration Requirements, Conceptual Design Build FAT ITEST FAT ITEST Registration ready StatementsLayout Script test CS Requirements, Conceptual Design Commercial Systems Design, Build, Pre-FAT CS FAT ITEST Commercial Systems MIS (SCED) Design, Build, Pre-FAT MIS FAT ITEST MIS (EMS/MMS/CRR) Design, Build, Pre-FAT MIS FAT ITEST MIS 168 hour market trials EDW Requirements, Conceptual Design EDW Design, Build, Pre-FAT EDW FAT ITEST EDW End of Trials Begin MP trial participation Business Requirements complete 10/30 Preliminary MP Interface Specs 12/31 Final MP Interface Specs 3/31 MPSCED Offers Registration complete ERCOT & MP Readiness MP Nodal Registration MP Financial & Operational Qualification Qualification Freeze 6/30/08LMP Market Readiness CriteriaMET 3/31/08Single Entry ModelGO LIVE 12/01/08Real Time Operations GO LIVE EDS 1/2 12/08/08Day Ahead Market/CRR GO LIVE Zonal Shutdown GO/NO GO EDS 3 EDS 3 Mote & ERCOT UAT Trials & Implementation

  9. Project Schedule • The schedule was too aggressive • The schedule did not include sufficient time for integration of the systems • The initial schedule will not be met. • An assessment is underway and a new schedule will be completed soon.

  10. Nodal Implementation Plan

  11. ERCOT’s Zonal Implementation Current Application Vendors Business and Engineering Model Mid Term Day Ahead Real Time Settlement CM&M Market Operations MP Registration Genesys OS Load F MOS S&B Integration TML EMS EDW • B&S Billing & Settlements • CRR Congestion Revenue Rights • CM&M Credit Monitoring & Management • DAM Day-Ahead Market • EDW Enterprise Data Warehouse • FT Financial Transfer • IMM Independent Market Monitor • LF Load Forecast • MIS Market Information System • MP Reg Market Participant Registration • NMMS Network Model Management System • OS Outage Scheduler • RUC Reliability Unit Commitment • SCED Security Constrained Economic Dispatch QSE Systems IMM User Interface Power Operations

  12. ERCOT Nodal Implementation Nodal Application Vendors Business and Engineering Model Mid Term Day Ahead Real Time Settlement CM&M Market Operations MP Registration NMMS OS CRR Load F RPPF DAM RUC SCED S&B Tibco Integration Bus MIS EMS EDW • B&S Billing & Settlements • CRR Congestion Revenue Rights • CM&M Credit Monitoring & Management • DAM Day-Ahead Market • EDW Enterprise Data Warehouse • FT Financial Transfer • IMM Independent Market Monitor • LF Load Forecast • MIS Market Information System • MP Reg Market Participant Registration • NMMS Network Model Management System • OS Outage Scheduler • RUC Reliability Unit Commitment • SCED Security Constrained Economic Dispatch QSE Systems IMM User Interface Power Operations

  13. Majority of ERCOT Systems to be replaced or upgraded… Business and Engineering Model Mid Term Day Ahead Real Time Settlement CM&M Market Operations MP Registration NMMS OS CRR DAM RUC SCED LF RPPF Commercial Applications Integration (information bus) MIS EMS EDW • B&S Billing & Settlements • CRR Congestion Revenue Rights • CM&M Credit Monitoring & Management • DAM Day-Ahead Market • EDW Enterprise Data Warehouse • FT Financial Transfer • IMM Independent Market Monitor • LF Load Forecast • MIS Market Information System • MP Reg Market Participant Registration • NMMS Network Model Management System • OS Outage Scheduler • RUC Reliability Unit Commitment • SCED Security Constrained Economic Dispatch QSE Systems IMM User Interface Power Operations Integration Architecture is being upgraded to improve flexibility and maintainability

  14. Data Exchange Plan(AKA NMMS using CIM/XML RDF Standards)

  15. Data Exchange Plan • Integration had to handle exchange of data between 13 different systems. • There were 4,000 separate and distinct data exchanges that had to be completed – point to point integration was not possible • The data also had to be available to all ERCOT stakeholders • ERCOT had to have a single, well documented and well understood data format that was not proprietary that all vendors could embrace • It was decided the only way to complete integration in time was to use the CIM as the foundation to maintain, distribute and exchange the data • This data exchange would include all models, model files and messages.

  16. Data Exchange Plan • Create a central repository Database with a GUI and features to import, export and validate models and model changes • Generate all models for all processes (and Vendors) • Repository for all model information • Both full and incremental CIM files • Use CIM/XML RDF Standards for file exchange format • Accept incremental modeling updates in CIM/XML RDF standard file exchange format • Submitted by the Market Participants (TSP, RE)

  17. The Big Picture – NMMS: the CIM Repository

  18. NMMS Scope and Value Proposition • NMMS High Level Scope Summary: • Consistency between Operations and Planning models • Streamlined method of entering modeling changes • Common Industry Standard Format for submitting and posting model data, to eliminate a significant amount of manual work • Faster, more efficient method of loading models and ability to provide multiple time-based models • Improved tracking of model changes

  19. Common Data Entry • ERCOT NMMS system provides Transmission Service Providers and ERCOT staff with the capability to submit changes to the network model electronically • Via a Graphical GUI interface • Via a CIM/XML RDF Incremental File or a CIM/XML RDF Full Model • NMMS performs initial validation on connectivity, equipment uniqueness, and basic constraints to reduce errors • NMMS exports the changes in a CIM/XML RDF Incremental file for each change that is submitted • NMMS generates CIM/XML RDF Incremental files or Full Models for all Downstream systems and the Transmission Service Providers.

  20. Time Based Models • Capability to provide time based models on a consistent basis • Sending the same model to multiple destination applications for any future date • NMMS is a single model generating solution for all downstream applications at ERCOT. • NMMS can create both CIM/XML and PSSE file formats

  21. CIM Implementation Plan

  22. CIM Definition – Obligatory Slide Common Information Model (CIM) • CIM is… • An information model that describes real-world objects and their interrelations within the electric power industry • A format for exchanging information • Why is it important? • Provides a standard way of depicting data • Enables the integration of multiple applications and vendors • Facilitates bulk and incremental model exchange

  23. ERCOT CIM – Namespaces and Profiles • Required non-CIM attributes must be added to a separate namespace • There are 3 namespaces that make ERCOT CIM • CIM • SPC – Siemens • ETX – ERCOT

  24. CIM Extension Statistics (to date) • 12 new packages defined: ETXContingency, ETX, ETXLoadModel, ETXMonitoring, ETXNetwork, ETXPlanning, ETXRating, ETXRegulation, ETXSCADA, etc • Roughly 140 new Classes • Roughly 850 new Attributes • Roughly 250 Associations • Roughly 70 Data Types defined • Roughly 150 Data Type enumeration defined • ERCOT is continuing to work with all vendors to ensure that the extensions will work in downstream applications (e.g. EMS, MMS, etc) • For each downstream system, a profile is created that contains each CIM Class, Attribute and Association required for that system.

  25. ERCOT CIM Profiles • ERCOT NMMS CIM Repository provides profile data exchange files for each of the following applications: • Emergency Management System (EMS) – Real-Time Model • Outage Scheduling (OS) – Model Topology • Outage Evaluation (OE) – Time Based Models • Operation Training Simulator (OTS) – Real-Time Model • Market Management System (MMS) – Day Ahead Model • Planning (PSS/E) – PSS/E Bus Branch Model • Congestion Revenue Rights (CRR) – Augmented Bus Branch Model • Settlements and Billing (S&B) – Small Profile Settlement Data File

  26. Operational to Planning Model Conversion

  27. Operational to Planning Model Conversion • Requires ERCOT to transfer and convert Operations modeling (Breaker level) data to Planning (Bus-Branch level) data • Requires business process in adding new equipment into the network model and conversion of the new equipment to planning models • Requires fast performance • NMMS solved this by creating a back end API to convert Operations models to Planning models

  28. Operational to Planning Model Conversion • NMMS provides the tools and interfaces to create a Planning Model from the Operational Model. • Planning Model is generated from the Operations Model • A Topology Processor is used to modify the Operations Model • The Topology Processor has options that may be selected based on the planning or CRR needs: • Consolidate Transformers to Three Winding Transformers • Distribution System Reduction • Remove Parallel Zero Impedance Branches • Defined CIM Extensions for Planning and submitted to the EPRI CIM for Planning project for review and possible submission to the IEC standards group.

  29. NMMS High Level Architecture Planning Model Network Operation Model • Network operation and Planning use a single platform with multiple applications and business processes to generate models • Single set of user interfaces for submitting changes for Market Participants • Single application architecture allows for “soft” coupling of application systems.

  30. Consistent Network & Planning Models • Traditional network modeling practices are for planning and operations organizations to use separate topological representations • ERCOT Nodal Protocols states that Planning models must be consistent with Operations models. • ERCOT will convert Operations models to Planning models on a time basis, including approved future based changes

  31. Lessons Learned

  32. Lessons Learned • Know your Data and define the following prior to extending the CIM: • Data Owner – this is the primary source of the Data • Data Consumer – what applications need a specific data element. This needs to be as detailed as possible • Make this the first part of the project and do not define the final integration plan until this effort is complete • Do not try to implement every system across the enterprise at the same time. • Set up Phases that bring value add to the organization as each phase is completed. • Each phase should be small enough to complete in one year • Get management complete buy-in and keep it with the phased successes

  33. Contact for Additional Information • Curtis Crews – ERCOT • Email: ccrews@ercot.com • Margaret Goodrich – Project Consultants, LLC • Email: margaretgoodrich@earthlink.net

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