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Aggression in Higher Education

Aggression in Higher Education . Presented by Carsbia Anderson and Lara Shipley. Aggressive Behavior. Aggressive Behavior is not merely assertive behavior. Aggression seeks to harm others and occurs frequently in higher education. Dealing with roommate conflicts

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Aggression in Higher Education

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  1. Aggression in Higher Education Presented by Carsbia Anderson and Lara Shipley

  2. Aggressive Behavior • Aggressive Behavior is not merely assertive behavior. • Aggression seeks to harm others and occurs frequently in higher education. • Dealing with roommate conflicts • Policy enforcement, threatening behavior in hearings • Encountering drunk or substance abusing students • Managing psychological disturbances and disruptions • Dating relationship arguments/fights • Vandalism and robbery • Parking and food service complaints

  3. Aggression Continuum • With both Cognitive and Primal Aggressors, we must be aware of how they move through the aggression continuum. • This Aggression Continuum is made up of the: • Trigger Phase • Escalation Phase • Crisis Phase

  4. Aggression Continuum • Trigger Phase ( Heart Rate 60-80, normal) • Calm, normal breathing • An activating event occurs • Begin to experience stress and anxiety • Circumstances are dynamic but everyone is coping • Offers a baseline • Begins escalating….

  5. Aggression Continuum • Escalation Phase (Heart Rate 115-145) • As anxiety mounts.. • Quality of judgment diminishes • Swearing, arguing with others • Fewer arm and hand gestures • Diminished creativity in thought • Reduced thoughtful consideration

  6. Aggression Continuum • Crisis Phase (Heart Rate 145-175) • Hardens point of view • Issues ultimatum • Growling, baring teeth • Direct, prolonged eye contact • Moving in and out of your personal space • Eyes targeting body parts to strike

  7. Aggression Continuum • Crisis Phase (Heart Rate Above 175) • Loss of verbal control • Loss of judgment • Begins physical attack

  8. Aggressive Behavior Types Some forms of aggressive behavior are less overt. To identify these other forms of aggressive behavior, John Byrnes has developed the concept of the Un-magnificent Seven. These seven clusters of behavior are commonly experienced personality types which seek to negatively impact a community – whether it be an office staff, residence hall, classroom or department.

  9. Aggressive Behavior Types • Not all behavior you encounter will be overt aggression. • Most will be cognitive (intent-driven) aggression. • Many individuals develop frustrating behavior patterns that create chaos and disrupt a sense of community • We will now discuss seven common patterns of frustrating passive-aggressive behavior. They are the Un-Magnificent Seven.

  10. Aggressive Behavior Types • The Sherman Tank - This person enjoys confrontation and always needs to prove themselves right - They will argue about rules on your floor, office, department - Push past weaker personalities - They seek to dominate - Challenge your authority

  11. Aggressive Behavior Types • The Sniper • This individual will be critical of you behind your back • They will gossip and create chaos when you are not around • They will blend in to their surroundings when threatened or challenged • They will use jokes or sarcasm to cover their true motives

  12. Aggressive Behavior Types • The Exploder • This individual will have wide mood swings • Will be a “loud mouth” and will make insulting and cutting remarks • They want everyone to silence those who disagree with them and are happiest when others are passive

  13. Aggressive Behavior Types • The Complainer • Whines and complains about the situations they are in or the school rules • Never seems happy or optimistic about improvement • Wears down and drains those around them • Feels unappreciated and powerless

  14. Aggressive Behavior Types • The Negativist • These individuals are never happy and desire others around them to be just as gloomy • Rarely see the bright side to things • Say “no” to everything they are asked • Depress other people around them

  15. Aggressive Behavior Types • The Clam • These individuals are disengaged, silent and unresponsive • They may be upset or frustrated, but never communicate it

  16. Aggressive Behavior Types • The Bulldozer • These individuals overwhelm others with facts and figures • They only value their opinion and have little regard for the knowledge or viewpoints of others

  17. Aggression Management Aggression Management’s Universal Approach • Start with getting the aggressor away from the crowd. • Begin your interaction with a positive statement not a negative one (constructive, not punitive). • Explain to them the documented issues in a neutral and reflective way (without sarcasm).

  18. Aggression Management Aggression Management’s Universal Approach • Explain that their present behavior is not in their best interest. • Ask how we can work together to become more productive.

  19. Aggressive Behavior Documentation • It is important to document the behavior you observe in the Advocate system. • Ask yourself • Are there witness statements I should gather? • Is there evidence I should save? • Are my notes clear and legible? • Will my statement withstand a cross-examination? • Did I create my statement immediately after event?

  20. Aggression in Higher Education • Brian Van Brunt, Ed.D, Certified Senior Trainer • Phone: 603-491-3215 • Email: brian.vanbrunt@wku.edu • John D. Byrnes, President, Center for Aggression Management • Phone: 407-718-5637 • Email: JohnByrnes@AggressionManagement.com

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