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Learn how to identify and fix sentence fragments, and understand the importance of complete sentences. This lesson covers subjects, verbs, and complete thoughts, as well as different ways to correct fragments.
1. Sit in assigned seat2. Write down today’s homework3. Absent? Get your missed work Please put everything under your desk except for a pencil and a highlighter.
I can… identify missing parts of sentence fragments. identify complete sentences. Goals… I can
What is a sentence fragment? Not all “sentences” are created equal. Look at the following two groups of words: Fragment The weeds grew.Because of the rain. The weeds grew.Because of the rain. The weeds grew. Because of the rain. The weeds grew. Because of the rain. They both begin with a capital letter. They both end with a period. BUT The second does not express a complete thought. It is a sentence fragment.
No verb No subject Not a complete thought What is a sentence fragment? A sentence fragment does not have all the basic parts of a complete sentence. Fragments do not express a complete thought and are missing important information. Examples Reached the campsite early. The ground muddy and wet after the storm. Because the tent had a leak in it.
A Complete Sentence A complete sentence contains three main parts: complete thought subject verb
What is a sentence fragment? A sentence that is part of a sentence that is punctuated as if it were a complete sentence.
What is a sentence fragment?Complete sentence A completesentence is a group of words that contains a subject and a verb and expresses a complete thought. Subject Verb Some speciesare in danger. Some speciesarein danger. Some species are in danger. Verb Subject Scientistsstudythese animals. Scientistsstudythese animals. Scientists study these animals.
What is a sentence fragment? To identify sentence fragments, use a simple test: 1. Does the group of words have a subject? 2. Does it have a verb? 3. Does it express a complete thought? If the answer to any of these questions is no, you have a sentence fragment.
What three things does a group of words need to have to be a complete sentence? Pop Quiz A complete sentence has subject verb complete thought
2nd Pop Quiz What is a sentence fragment? Apply the test to the following group of words: Thebirdsat on a high branch. The birdsaton a high branch. The bird sat on a high branch. The bird sat on a high branch. Sentence 1. Does the group of words have a subject? Yes 2. Does it have a verb? Yes 3. Does it express a complete thought? Yes
3rd Pop Quiz What is a sentence fragment? Apply the test to the following group of words: After the train left the station. After thetrainleft the station. After the trainleftthe station. After the train left the station. Fragment 1. Does the group of words have a subject? Yes Yes 2. Does it have a verb? No 3. Does it express a complete thought? What happened after the train left the station?
Active Inspire Pages 4-5
How to fix a sentence fragment When revising a fragment, add the missing subject verb Or make it a complete thought
How to fix a sentence fragment You can also combine two complete sentences.
How to fix a sentence fragmentAdd a subject To fix a sentence fragment, first figure out which piece is missing. If the word group is missing a subject, add a subject to make it into a complete sentence. Fragment Complete sentence No subject. Who cared for the zebra? Cared for the sick zebra. The zookeeper cared for the sick zebra. Fragment Complete sentence Every day fed her a special food. Every day he fed her a special food. No subject. Who fed her?
How to fix a sentence fragmentAdd a verb If a fragment is missing a verb, add a verb to make it into a complete sentence. Fragment Complete sentence No verb. What did the leaf do slowly? The leaf The leaf slowly down the stream. floated slowly down the stream. Fragment Complete sentence More leaves More leaves from the trees soon. will fall from the trees soon. No verb. What will the leaves do soon?
Active Inspire Page 6
How to fix a sentence fragmentAttach the fragment to a complete sentence Sometimes you can fix a sentence fragment by attaching it to a complete sentence. Fragment Complete sentence + Until the sun went down. They played football. Not a complete thought Complete sentence = They played football until the sun went down.
How to fix a sentence fragmentAttach the fragment to a complete sentence Sometimes you can fix a sentence fragment by attaching it to a complete sentence. Fragment Complete sentence + Before the game began. We bought some snacks. Not a complete thought Complete sentence = Before the game began,we bought some snacks.
Review List three things a group of words needs to be a sentence: subject verb or complete thought
Review List the four ways a fragment can be corrected: add a subject add a verb express a complete thought combine two sentences
Homework Packet page 7 ALL HIGHLIGHT DIRECTIONS You may begin your homework. If you finish early you may read your SSR/DEAR book.
1. Sit in assigned seat2. Write down today’s homework3. Absent? Get your missed work Please put everything under your desk except for a pencil, Chapter 16 packet and a highlighter.
I can… identify complete sentences. revise sentence fragments. Goals… I can
Active Inspire Pages 7-8
List three things a group of words needs to be a sentence: subject verb complete thought
List the four ways a fragment can be corrected: add a subject add a verb express a complete thought combine two sentences
Active Inspire Pages 10-11 Circle the EVEN on both pages
Homework Packet pages 10 and 11 ODD HIGHLIGHT DIRECTIONS You may begin your homework. If you finish early you may read your SSR/DEAR book.