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Application Package for Chicago Early Childhood Education Programs

Access all the necessary forms and resources to complete the application package for Head Start, Early Head Start, Preschool for All, and Prevention Initiative programs in the Chicago area.

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Application Package for Chicago Early Childhood Education Programs

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome

  2. Samantha Aigner-Treworgy Chicago Public Schools Office of Early Childhood Education Beth Stover Chicago Department of Family & Support Services Division of Policy & Grants

  3. 1) Overview 2) How to Use this Application 3) Community Needs Tool 4) Head Start RFP 5) Preschool for All/Prevention Initiative RFP 6) Application Package 7) Budget 8) Appendix 9) Evaluation Rubric 10) Submission Information

  4. How to Use this Application Head Start and Early Head Start Preschool for All Prevention Initiative

  5. www.cityofchicago.org/bids/chicagoreadytolearn

  6. Shared Documents: Overview Application Package Chicago Needs Assessment Tool

  7. Application Package • Complete for each program • Editable text boxes • Extra pages at end • Icons indicate which program(s) form is required for • Submit separate, printed version with each application

  8. Questions?

  9. How to Use the Chicago Needs Summary Tool

  10. Chicago Needs Summary Tool allows you to: • Define the specific areas that you will target for services • Access census level data for those areas chosen

  11. Questions?

  12. Head Start & Early Head Start

  13. Head Start Act (amended 2007) Head Start Performance Standards Federal Rules and Regulations http://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/hslc

  14. Head Start & Early Head Start RFP Application Instructions • Application Package • Head Start Insurance Certification & Coverage Form • Head Start & Early Head Start Budget Workbook • Quality Evaluation Rubric for Head Start & Early Head Start

  15. Preschool for All & Prevention Initiative

  16. Preschool for All/Prevention Initiative Resources: www.isbe.net/earlychi • Illinois Birth to 3 Program Standards • Resource Toolkit for Early Childhood Birth to 3 Programs • Early Learning Standards for 3 and 4 year olds • Illinois Preschool for All Implementation Manual

  17. Documents for Preschool for All: • Preschool for All RFP Application Instructions • Application Package • Preschool for All Budget Forms, A&B • ISBE Certifications and Improvements • Quality Evaluation Rubric for Preschool for All

  18. Documents for Prevention Initiative: • Prevention Initiative RFP Application Instructions • Application Package • Prevention Initiative Center-Based Budget Forms, A&B • AND/OR • Prevention Initiative Home-Based Budget Forms, A&B • ISBE Certifications and Improvements • Quality Evaluation Rubric for Prevention Initiative

  19. Questions?

  20. Application Package

  21. Application Package Complete all the forms for each program you’re applying for Print out the forms for each program you’re applying for

  22. Head Start & Early Head Start Forms Cover Sheet (4) Site Level Community and Program Information Sheet(6-9) Head Start/Early Head Start Delegate Agency Summary Form(14) Home Visiting (10-11)/ Family Child Care Network Form(12-13) Recruitment, Selection, and Attendance Form(15-17) Curriculum for Children Form (18-20) Screening and Assessment Description Form (21-23) Children with Disabilities Form (24) Parent Engagement and Support Form (25-29) Community Partnership Form (33)

  23. Head Start & Early Head Start Forms (continued) IFSP and Case Management Form (30-32) Transitions Form (34-35) Health Services Form (36-38) Staff Qualifications Form (39) Human Resources Form (40-46) Organizational And Experience Form (47-49) Record Keeping, Monitoring and Self-Assessment Form (50-53) Governance Form (54-55) Board of Directors Form (56) Fiscal Capacity Form (57-59) Head Start/ Early Head Start Budget Narrative Form (60-62) Appendix List Form(63)

  24. Preschool for All Forms Cover Sheet (5) Site Level Community and Program Information Sheet(6-9) Recruitment, Selection, and Attendance Form(15-16) Curriculum for Children Form (18-20) Screening and Assessment Description Form (21-23) Children with Disabilities Form (24) Parent Engagement and Support Form (25-27) Community Partnership Form (33)

  25. Preschool For All Forms (continued) Transitions Form (34-35) Health Services Form (36-38)– OPTIONAL Staff Qualifications Form (39-40) Human Resources Form (41-46) Organizational And Experience Form (47-49) Record Keeping, Monitoring and Self-Assessment Form (50-53) Board of Directors Form (56) Fiscal Capacity Form (57-59) Appendix List Form(63)– Needed Appendix Items in Instruction Packet

  26. Prevention Initiative Forms Cover Sheet (5) Site Level Community and Program Information Sheet(6-9) Home Visiting (10-11) Recruitment, Selection, and Attendance Form(15-17) Curriculum for Children Form (18-20) Screening and Assessment Description Form (21-23) Children with Disabilities Form (24) Parent Engagement and Support Form (25-27) IFSP/FPA and Case Management Form (30-32) Community Partnership Form (33)

  27. Prevention Initiative Forms (continued) Transitions Form (34-35) Health Services Form (36-38)– OPTIONAL Staff Qualifications Form (39-40) Human Resources Form (41-46) Organizational And Experience Form (47-49) Record Keeping, Monitoring and Self-Assessment Form (50-53) Board of Directors Form (56) Fiscal Capacity Form (57-59) Appendix List Form(63)— Needed Appendix Items in Instruction Packet

  28. Questions?


  30. Head Start Budget 10% administration cost cap 33% Non-Federal Share (match or in-kind)

  31. Budget Work Book (excel) • Can be used to help complete the budget form • SF424a tab needs to be completed and submitted in appendix • Do not submit the Budget Work Book

  32. Budget Form Make sure you provide an adequate explanation/ cost calculation of expenses Make sure you follow federal cost principles Cost break out for match/ in-kind

  33. Preschool for All & Prevention Initiative BUDGETS

  34. Preschool for All & Prevention Initiative Budget form A&B • Distribution of CPS funds. • Necessary Teacher Credentials in Instructions • Use additional forms as necessary

  35. Questions?

  36. Appendix

  37. Head Start & Early Head Start Appendix Head Start/Early Head Start Budget Summary (SF242A) Proof of non-profit status (if applicable) Copies of application for child care licenses or evidence of license exempt status Proof of accreditation and quality certifications Organizational Chart Resumes of key agency leadership staff (or job descriptions) Copies of audited balance sheets for past three audits Board of Director’s approval of application Parent Policy Committee approval (include minutes)

  38. Head Start & Early Head Start Appendix (continued) Evidence of sufficient cash reserves or other resources Documentation of participation in USDA CACFP Certification of Liability Insurance Copy of Articles of Incorporation Performance Letter from the past year (current delegate) Letters of commitment from child care partner organizations Letters of support (5 maximum)

  39. Preschool for All & Prevention Initiative Appendix ❏ Budget Forms for Preschool for All ❏ Certifications and Assurances ❏ Copies of applicable child care licenses and/ or certification that facilities meet school board regulations for nonpublic school sites ❏ Proof of accreditation and quality certifications if available (NAEYC, QRIS, etc) ❏ Organizational Chart ❏ Resumes of key organizational leadership staff (or job descriptions, if vacant) ❏ Board of Director’s Approval for application ❏ Independent Auditor’s Report and audited balance sheet for the most recent three fiscal years for which these are available ❏ Taxpayer ID and Certification ❏ Letters of Support—optional (maximum of five) Refer to FAQ: ❏ Application for CPS Vendor Number* ❏ M/WBE Forms (for-profit organizations only)* ❏ Contractor’s Disclosure Forms*

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