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Blood Transfusion Public Health Risk to Explore Limitations of the Common Risk Matrix

Blood Transfusion Public Health Risk to Explore Limitations of the Common Risk Matrix. Shabnam Vatanpour. Outline. Background Objectives Methods Results Conclusions. Risk Management ISO International Standard. Risk Assessment. Risk Matrix * U.K. National Health Service Guidance.

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Blood Transfusion Public Health Risk to Explore Limitations of the Common Risk Matrix

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  1. Blood Transfusion Public Health Risk to Explore Limitations of the Common Risk Matrix Shabnam Vatanpour

  2. Outline • Background • Objectives • Methods • Results • Conclusions

  3. Risk ManagementISO International Standard • Risk Assessment

  4. Risk Matrix*U.K. National Health Service Guidance Simple to use Consistent Capable of assessing a broad range of risks Simple to adapt to meet specific needs

  5. Risk Matrix

  6. Cox’s Concerns Ambiguous inputs and outputs Poor resolution Sub-optimal allocation of resources In some situations, worse than a random guess

  7. Cox’s Theoretical Example Risk = Frequency × Severity where Frequency = 0.75 – Severity (for severity between 0 and 0.75) 0.5 1 0 1 0.5 0

  8. Negative Correlation Frequency Severity [0,0.25] → [0.5,0.75] Medium [0.25,0.5] → [0.25,0.5] Low [0.5,0.75] → [0,0.25] Medium • Risk (Frequency × Severity) = F × S • Risk (0.45, 0.3) =0.13 → Low risk • Risk ( 0.32,0.43) =0.14 → Low risk • Risk (0.1, 0.65)=0.07 →Medium risk • Risk (0.55, 0.2) =0.11 → Medium risk Risk Low Medium Medium Frequency

  9. Objective Evaluation of risk matrix • using a public health risk scenario tainted blood transfusion risk • when frequency and severity are negatively correlated

  10. Methods

  11. Severity and Frequency of Blood Infectious Diseases in Canada, 1987-1996

  12. National Health Service Criteria

  13. National Health Service Criteria

  14. Results Negative correlation Spearman correlation: -0.81 Logarithmic transformation log-Risk = log-Frequency + log-Severity Relationship between frequency and severity log-Severity = 0.24 log-Frequency2 + 1.01 log-Frequency +1.99 Risk function estimation log-Risk = 1.99 + 2.01 log-Frequency + 0.24 log-Frequency2

  15. Epstein-Barr virus Cytomegalovirus TT virus HIV SEN virus Syphilis CJD/vCJDC Hepatitis G Hepatitis B HTLV Bacterial Contamination Hepatitis C Risk = Frequency x Severity

  16. Blood Infectious DiseasesRisk Matrix Observed risk: Risk = Frequency × Severity Estimated risk: log-Risk = 1.99 + 2.01 log-Frequency + 0.24 log-Frequency2 Risk Color Coding †Risk estimation based on the fitted risk function ‡Observed risk based on the risk generic function

  17. Risk Estimation Risk{(Hep B,10-5, 103)} = 0.01 Low Risk Risk{(TT, 0.3, 10)} =10 Low Risk Risk{(Ep. Barr, 0.9, 100)} = 79Medium Risk Higher risk diseases tend to have higher risk ranks in the risk matrix.

  18. Epstein-Barr virus Cytomegalovirus TT virus HIV SEN virus Syphilis CJD/vCJDC Hepatitis G Hepatitis B HTLV Bacterial Contamination Hepatitis C Generating Data Generated data 4 Generated data 2 Generated data 3 Generated data 1

  19. Blood Infectious DiseasesRisk Matrix Observed risk: Risk = Frequency × Severity Estimated risk: log-Risk = 1.99 + 2.01 log-Frequency + 0.24 log-Frequency2 Risk Color Coding †Risk estimation based on the fitted risk function ‡Observed risk based on the risk generic function

  20. Risk Estimation Generated Data Risk{(Hep B,10-5, 103)} = 0.01 Low Risk Risk{(TT, 0.3, 10)} =10 Low Risk Risk{(Data 2, 0.00021, 103)} = 0.21 Medium Risk Risk{(Data 4, 0.005, 100)} = 0.5Medium Risk Higher risk diseases tend to have lower risk ranks in the risk matrix for some scenarios.

  21. Conclusions • Careful reconsideration of uses of the risk matrix in risk management • Use risk matrix outputs as an operational input to risk management decision-making, • Avoid risk matrix outputs to drive or even become the risk management decision.

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  23. Thank you.

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