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SUDLERSVILLE ELEMENTARY. A Title 1 School JANUARY 2011 “Where Eagles SOAR!” www.qacps.k12.md.us/ses/WELCOME.HTM. Principal’s News. Dear Parents and Friends of SES,
SUDLERSVILLE ELEMENTARY A Title 1 School JANUARY 2011 “Where Eagles SOAR!” www.qacps.k12.md.us/ses/WELCOME.HTM Principal’s News Dear Parents and Friends of SES, Happy New Year! School is back in session and it is good to see all of the SES students “back in gear” and ready for a great second half of the scholastic year. We have many activities planned through June but none is more important or focused than our academic effort. Please review with your child the importance of doing his or her best work each day. It’s not too early to begin thinking about the Maryland School Assessments (MSA) that will be administered in March to all students in grades three, four, and five. The work that teachers and parents are doing today with children will have a direct bearing on how well these youngsters perform on the spring tests. If your child is taking part in testing, take a few moments to discuss the importance of putting forth maximum effort. Educators are often asked, “What can I do to help my child become a better student?” The answers are many but an essential contribution you can make to help your child do well in school may be summed up in one word: READ. It is important to read to your child, to have him or her read to you and to keep print materials close at hand. Something as simple as reading with your child everyday can pay long-term dividends so find what is interesting to your child and read, read, read. As always, the SES staff thanks you for your support. Have a great new year. Sincerely, Upcoming Events • 1/11PTA Meeting • 6:30 pm • 1/17 No School • 1/24 I (Heart) Math • Planning Event • 8:00 am • 1/25-26 No School
SUDLERSVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL A Title 1 School JANUARY 2011 “Where Eagles SOAR!” www.qacps.k12.md.us/ses/WELCOME.HTM Welcome back. We hope everyone had a fabulous holiday. Boy did that time fly. We are starting our new unit "Seasons All Around". We will learn all about the 4 seasons and how they are different. We will be working with numbers and even do some adding and subtracting. Please remember to send back the permission slip for our upcoming field trip in February. This is the time of the year when kindergarten begins to focus on telling time and identifying money. You can help your child by creating a money bank of coins and having your child "buy" things. Remember to start very simply by just using prices that would be a single coin. As your child gains more confidence, have prices that involve multiple coins and/or ask if your child can find a different way to use the coins. For example, something might cost 10c and a dime would pay for it but your child can also use a nickel and 5 pennies. It is also important to remember to help your child practice counting by 5's. This is especially valuable when it comes to learning about telling time. PreK News Grade 2 News Just when you think you have a minute to breathe; it’s back to the grindstone. We hope you had a wonderful break. Are you making sure your child is reading every night? We can’t stress enough the importance of this nightly task. It’s good for you to read to them too. Make it fun. New Year already? Happy 2011! Unit themes we will cover this next marking period are Economics, Matter, whole number operations with regrouping and Around Town. All of the students are working hard and making progress. The second half of the year will be more challenging as we prepare the children for third grade. Respect, responsibility and the Golden Rule are important characteristics to teach the children. Treating others the way you want to be treated is the key to a well functioning society. Talking to your children and modeling good behavior will go a long way towards making them really good citizens. Your second grade team is always here for you. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us. Grade 1 News Happy New Year from the First Grade! To kick-start 2011, we will begin Unit 5 Math: Place Value, Number Stories, and Basic Facts. Students will begin using base ten blocks to construct numbers and to aide in the addition of two-digit numbers. Reading also marks the beginning of Theme 5: Home Sweet Home, with a focus on poetry. We will also begin blending consonant digraphs (sh, ch, wh, th, tch, ph). We will continue learning about the Land Around Us in both Social Studies and Science. Please check with your students' teacher regarding school supplies, as the halfway mark of the year is nearly upon us, and most pencil boxes may need replenishing. Let's start the new year with a fervent effort to keep our children focused and healthy! Kindergarten News
SUDLERSVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL A Title 1 School JANUARY 2011 “Where Eagles SOAR!” www.qacps.k12.md.us/ses/WELCOME.HTM Grade 3 News Grade 4 News Grade 5 News Welcome back! We are now beginning the second half of the year in third grade! Thanks to all the parents who chaperoned on the field trip to the Maryland Science Center last month. The students enjoyed the opportunity to discover and connect the information to the curriculum they have learned in class. Thank you for continuing to support our children in reading every night. In addition to regular homework, it is important that students read for fun and to expand their interests. Monthly book reports are assigned so that the students may read books and experience reading a variety of books. Mrs. Embert will be beginning a new reading program very shortly, look for more information coming home soon. This month we will be completing Unit 6, “Geometry” in Everyday Math. Students should be picking up speed with their basic facts in math. Quick recall of addition and multiplication facts will make it easier to learn more complex mathematical concepts. The students continue reading “Incredible Stories” in class- for example- “The Mysterious Giant of Barletta” and “The Garden of Abdul Gasazi.” We continue to write, write, and write in preparation for the M.S.A. in March! Please make sure to dress your child appropriately in the morning (including a heavy jacket, gloves and a hat) because we go out for recess everyday~ the student’s need the fresh air. Thanks for all of your support and enjoy the first month of 2011! Mrs. Bildstein, Mrs. Leventhal and Mrs. Thren Field Trip- We are planning our next field trip for February 17th. Permission forms will be coming home soon. The cost will be $10 per student and $15 per adult. We will only have room for 3 chaperones per classroom and they will be selected on a first come, first serve basis. Interns- Our classroom interns will be returning FULL-TIME on Monday January 24, 2011. Please help us welcome them back and encourage them as they start taking on more responsibilities. They have been a great resource in our rooms thus far and will continue bringing in new ideas for your children. Agendas- Please be sure to check your child’s agenda EVERY day. Your child’s classroom teacher expects your child to write his/her daily assignments in his/her agenda EACH day. This is also a great way to keep the communication lines open. If we have concerns we will often post them in your child’s agenda. Likewise, you can write informal notes in your child’s agenda for their teacher. Your child should have established a homework routine at this point in the year and should be completing nightly assignments in both Math and Reading on Mondays- Thursdays. Testing- We have already begun quarterly testing for Reading and will be taking our Quarterly assessments for Math soon as well. MSAs are just around the corner and we are working diligently to ensure that our students are prepared. You can help your child by keeping homework and sleeping routines. Thanks for all your support~ The 4th grade team We are excited to be entering a new year with many new goals. In reading we will focus on realistic and historical fiction stories as well as biographies that relate to our upcoming social studies units about the colonies and the American Revolution. In math we will continue to study fractions, decimals, and percents. In science we will complete our study of space and begin our physical science unit. Thank you for supporting student learning. Please continue to practice math facts for mastery and read every day! Welcome 2011! This year brings new ideas, materials, and artists into the art room. Fifth grade is excited to begin working on their masks. Fourth grade is completing Native American Winter Counts, for which they are creating imaginative stories using pictures. Third grade is finishing Rousseau and moving on to Gyotaku (an exciting Japanese printing process). Second grade will be creating many textures in a collage. First grade and Kindergarten will explore how the primary colors may be used to create many other colors. We will have an exciting time in the art room!Congratulations to January's Artists of the Month: Kindergarten: Sopia Mohen (Mrs. Nuse) 1st Grade: Daniel Hernandez (Ms. Pierson)2nd Grade: Kaleigh Lam (Ms. Eber) 3rd Grade: Lindsay Kemp (Mrs. Bildstein) 4th Grade: Grace Sweetak (Mrs. Hayman) 5th Grade: Shamiya Wilson (Mr. Christopher) Happy New Year!Cassie Hosler, SES ART Art News
SUDLERSVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL A Title 1 School JANUARY 2011 “Where Eagles SOAR!” www.qacps.k12.md.us/ses/WELCOME.HTM Character Counts Corner PILLAR OF THE MONTH FOR JANUARY is fairness. When we are fair, we show consideration for all people and treat each other in an equal way. We are lucky to live in a country where people are treated fairly and all are welcome in our schools and places of work and play. COLOR OF THE MONTH is orange. Each Friday as a reminder of the pillar of the month, we ask that children and staff wear the theme color, if possible. So bring some orange sunshine to our Fridays and help us celebrate a month of fairness! SOAR like an Eagle! At SES we are encouraging positive behavior with the SOAR program. Perhaps your child has earned a sticker or recognition as student of the month. SOAR helps us behave in exemplary ways in all areas of our school. One area we are especially interested in improving our behavior is in our school hallways. We are striving to have quiet and safe hallways so instruction may occur. This means that SES hallways are QUIET ZONES. Please keep your conversations for other areas and try to help us make our hallways and school a productive environment for student achievement and safety. S- safety O-outstanding behavior A-academic achievement R-responsibility HELP WANTED Parents- our SOAR team is looking for a few good men! We need some mentors who would be willing to share some quality time with some of our students. These students need a little extra attention and care. They need a role model. If you are interested in helping us by volunteering each week to meet with a child, please contact Mrs. Settelmaier or Mr. Harrison at SES. Health Room Winter is here, and so are winter colds and other illnesses that affect young children. You don’t want your child to miss school, but neither do you want to send a sick child to school and endanger themselves, other children, or school staff. Here are some guidelines that may help in decision making. A runny nose, is a way many children respond to allergens such as pollen, dust, chalk, or ‘change of season’. If it isn’t a common cold, and allergies are suspected, they do not have to stay home, as allergies are not contagious. A bad cough and cold symptoms can indicate a severe cold, bronchitis, flu or even pneumonia. Some children suffer one cold after another, and a run-of-the mill cold, without fever, may not be a reason to miss school. BUT, if your child is just not acting ‘right’, has difficulty breathing, fever, or dehydrated, it could be serious. Check with you Primary Care Physician right away. Diarrhea and vomiting make children very uncomfortable. If your child is having episodes of diarrhea and vomiting, and accompanied by fever, rash, general weakness, consult a doctor and keep your child out of school until the illness passes. Fever is an important symptom; when it occurs along with a sore throat, earache, nausea, listlessness or rash, your child may be carrying something very contagious. Most pediatricians advise parents to keep children home during the course of a fever, and 24 hours after the fever. Conjunctivitis or pink eye is highly contagious. Symptoms include burning, itching and discharge. Minor cases [caused by a virus] and severe cases [caused by a bacteria] both require treatment with eye ointment/drops. Keep your child home until your doctor says it’s all right for the child to return to school. [Usually 24 hours of treatment.] Strep throat and scarlet fever are two highly contagious conditions. They usually arrive with a sore throat and fever. A child with either strep or scarlet fever should be kept home and treated with antibiotics, as prescribed by a physician. AFTER 24 hours on antibiotics, a child is usually no longer contagious and may, with a doctor’s permission, return to school. Student’s who become sick at school, and present to the nurse, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, pink eyes, or rash, the parents will be notified to pick up their child. Please, keep current phone numbers on file and have a ‘back-up’ plan to pick up your child, as they should not ride the bus home sick. The health room can be a busy place, and can not provide students to stay all day. Thank you, and if you have any questions, you may call the school’s health room.
SUDLERSVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL A Title 1 School JANUARY 2011 “Where Eagles SOAR!” www.qacps.k12.md.us/ses/WELCOME.HTM Math Matters Reading News MATH MATTERS: GEOMETRY SHAPE UP FOR THE NEW YEAR! In Math, geometry involves sorting shapes and finding the rules for the sorting. We look for similarities and characteristics of shapes- from simple circles, triangles and rectangles to parallelograms, rhombus and solid three-dimensional shapes. Shapes are all around your home. Look at food containers, decorative objects, catalogs, and in stores and nature for shapes. Help your child use the vocabulary of math. The website www.mdk12.org has resources for teachers and parents. Here you can find clarifications about vocabulary and see which skills are appropriate and expected at various age levels. Whenever your child is participating in sorting experiences, the following questions will present opportunities for them to think more deeply about the sorting concept: How can we describe how these objects were sorted? Where would this shape go? How do you know? Can you think of another way to sort the shapes? How are these two shapes the same/different? How can you tell? Could this shape be a part of your group? Why/Why not? Is there any other shape that we do not have in our set that could be included? Have fun working with shapes! Terri Gloyd, Math Specialist MORE READING STRATEGIES 7. Retelling After your child has completed a piece of text/story, have them pretend that you were not there listening and have them retell you what he read. If he has problems retelling all of the text, stop him along the way and have him tell you about what he has read so far. The reader can also make predictions about what will happen next. The most important part of reading is understanding what is read! 8. Responsive Writing Ask your child to write about the parts of the story that she likes best and share that writing with you. Or have them write about: *what he/she would do to change the story *what the reader liked least about the story *what she would do if she was the main character *what she would ask the author 9. Rereading Help your child develop fluency by encouraging him to reread several pieces of text that he feels comfortable with. Each time he rereads the piece, the reading will become more comfortable and will give your child confidence. Practice, practice, practice! 10. Reading Is Fun Providing lots of fun poems, rhymes, short jokes, riddles, and predictable books, etc. will also help your reader develop fluency and feel good about reading. 11. Language Experience Language experience (an adult writes exactly what the child orally composes - a story, poem, etc.) and writing his own stories can benefit your reader's reading and writing. This gives your child the opportunity to read something that he is familiar with, has background knowledge of, and also interests him. 12. Echo Reading/Partner Reading Echo reading - the child's voice is close behind the proficient reader's voice as they read a favorite book or story, or partner reading - the child and the proficient reader read a piece in a duet- are both strategies that can help your reader become more fluent in reading, and help them move toward becoming independent readers. More strategies next month. I hope you and your families have a Wonderful Holiday and a Happy and Healthy New Year! Mrs. Thurber Reading Specialist
SUDLERSVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL A Title 1 School JANUARY 2011 “Where Eagles SOAR!” www.qacps.k12.md.us/ses/WELCOME.HTM Just a reminder that when sending in your Box Tops or Campbell Labels to please be sure to send them in Separate Envelopes/Bags. We are counting them separately by classrooms. Each classroom has collection boxes for both programs. The class that collects the most points will win a treat each month for Box Tops. The Campbell Labels are being counted every quarter. Box Tops for the Month of Nov.Mrs. Bildstein - 375 pointsMrs. Settelmaier - 374 pointsMrs. Munson - 294 points Box Tops for the Month of Dec.Mrs. Hayman - 575 pointsMrs. Davis - 179 pointsMr. Christopher - 173 points Campbell Labels for Sept/Oct/Nov.Mrs. Thren - 1,767 points Don't forget to go online and sign up to sponsor SES. We do receive credit points for Every Person sponsoring SES. You will find monthly coupon offers and recipes to print out.*Reminder to save your coke bottle caps and/or the code inside the 12 or 24 packs.Box Tops: boxstops4education.comCampbell Labels: labelsforeducation.comMy Coke Rewards: mycokerewards.comFood Lion: http://www.foodlionmvprewards.com Food Lion from Jan 5 thru Jan 11 has a Bonus Box Tops of 20 Bonus Points when you buy any 5 participating General Mills Box Tops for Education products with your MVP card in a single shopping visit. Let see how many Bonus Points we can get! Just think, every 20 Bonus Points equals $2.00 for SES. Acme from Jan, 7 thru Jan 12 has a Bonus Box Top of 50 Bonus Points when you buy any 10 participating General Mills Box Tops for Education products with your Acme SuperCard in a single shopping visit. We are also registered with the Centreville Acme. SES PTA SCHOOL STORE The school store will be open every Friday during all lunches. Gift Certificates can be purchased for your child if you do not wish to send money to school with them. If you are interested in purchasing a gift certificate please contact Cara Turner at 443.604.6269 or by email at: carat1177@gmail.com. Currently the items that are for sale are priced under $2.00. We will have a list of items and prices available during lunch on Fridays so that the children may show their parents what items they are interested in. In addition we would like to let all of the parents know that the children are not permitted to visit the school store until they have finished eating their lunches. Parent Involvement PTA As we are approaching the end of the 2nd marking period, teachers are being asked to submit names of parents who exhibit outstanding parent involvement. One parent will be recognized from each classroom just as one student per classroom is Student of the Month. The awards will be presented to the parents/guardians at the Awards Assembly in February. The criteria used by the teachers for selecting a parent are as follows: Student Attendance – also making up any missed work during an absence. Attend school events – PTA mtgs., parent teacher conferences, math and reading events, etc. Assist in student learning – make sure homework is done, student is prepared for school, encourage positive behavior, etc. Volunteer – assist in the classroom, work at home, make phone calls, etc. Complete and return required paperwork – parent conference forms, field trip forms, medical and emergency contact forms, etc. Your students are always proud when their parents/guardians are recognized for their participation in their success at school. Congratulations! We are also planning for a math event in February, with the first planning meeting scheduled for Tuesday, January 24, 2011 from 8 – 8:30 a.m. in the conference room for anyone who would like to help with the planning. You are welcome to attend. Bring your ideas and suggestions! Elaine Butler, Parent Coordinator x209 The PTA would like to thank everyone for their participation, help and support of our Christmas Cookie Walk and Bazaar. WOW - - Way to GO SES ! ! ! Congratulations . ..We just received our fall check from Box Tops . . it was over $1,198.00. Keep it going . Great Work Collecting! ! A Big Thank You To ALL! !
SUDLERSVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL A Title 1 School JANUARY 2011 “Where Eagles SOAR!” www.qacps.k12.md.us/ses/WELCOME.HTM