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Welcome to 
Meet the Grown 

Welcome to 
Meet the Grown 
Ups!!. Badger Class Grown ups. Badger Class M rs Lad & Mrs Manases and Mr Hadjigeorgiou. The Year 1 Team. Hedgehog Class M iss Hutton & Mrs Bhogaita, Mrs Kleopa and Miss Sophie Sq uirrel Class M rs Saroya, Mr Hadjigeorgiou & Mrs Kay. The Curriculum.

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Welcome to 
Meet the Grown 

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome to 
Meet the Grown 

  2. Badger Class Grown ups Badger Class Mrs Lad & Mrs Manases and Mr Hadjigeorgiou

  3. The Year 1 Team Hedgehog Class Miss Hutton & Mrs Bhogaita, Mrs Kleopa and Miss Sophie Squirrel Class Mrs Saroya, Mr Hadjigeorgiou & Mrs Kay

  4. The Curriculum Please collect a curriculum newsletter before you go.

  5. Computing New computing curriculum from September 2014. Introduction of simple programming in Years 1 and 
2. New School Website. 
http://www.staglaneinfant.harrow.sch.uk Virtual learning environment to be launched soon.

  6. Our class charter I have the right to learn So I will listen carefully 
and try my best.

  7. Behaviour Management Class Charter Traffic Light Thinking Room

  8. Attendance and Punctuality -Important that children come to school everyday -If a child is absent from school. Please notify us by 
9:30am. -Holiday leave- please avoid taking holidays during 
term time. Educational penalty notices!! -school opens at 8.40am -Early Bird -parents please leave by fire exit 
in the classroom -encourage your child to be 
independent and carry their things

  9. Universal free school 

  10. Healthy Schools -School focus on healthy eating and exercise. -2 hours of PE a week. -Water bottles (please wash them regularly) -Fruit snack bar -Nut free school -Healthy packed lunches -Please check the contents of party bags your 
child brings home.

  11. End of Day Routine Please line up to collect your child at the end of the day. Children will be dismissed in order.

  12. Marking Learning intention I am learning to describe a character. Steps to success: Think about what the character looks like. Write some sentences describing what they look like. Carefully sound out your words. Start your sentences with a capital letter and finish with a full stop. Self evaluation Targets

  13. Phonics Screening Check -The Phonics Screening check will be taken in June by all children in Year 1. -A meeting will be held later in the year to give you more 
information about the check. -children will be taught in ability groups in phonics to help 
prepare them for the phonics screening check.

  14. Home Learning - Your child will be given 2 reading scheme books each week.They will also 
choose one library book to take home every week. -Each child will receive a topic homework folder and a handwriting folder. -Handwriting homework will begiven out on Mondays and handed in on Thursday of the same week. -Creative topic related homework will be given out onFridays and handed in two weeks later on a Thursday. -Phonics words will be sent home each Friday for your child to practise 
reading and spelling. -Ocean Maths homework, Mathletics and Bug Club reading will start after half term. Further information to follow. - Mr Badger!

  15. How to help your child - Read regularly with your child and ask them questions about what 
they read. -Encourage your child to sound out unknown words and practise 
reading and spelling the phonics homework words. -Help your child to learn the reception tricky words given in 
Reception. -Remind children to use capital letters and full stops in their 
writing. -Practise number recognition and counting forwards and backwards. -Work on mental maths skills: number bonds to 10 (i.e. 6+4=10) adding by starting with the biggest number

  16. English in the classroom -Please ensure all uniform items (and water bottles) are named. -Uniform can be purchased from the Welfare room near 
Reception at the beginning and end of the school day. -School uniform is now a light blue polo shirt. -No jewellery, except for religious reasons. -PE kits should be kept in a draw string bag, not a rucksack

  17. PE and Uniform -Please ensure all uniform items (and water bottles) are named. -Uniform can be purchased from Mrs Hamilton in the Welfare 
room near Reception at the beginning of the school day. -School uniform is now a light blue polo shirt. -No jewellery, except for religious reasons. -PE kits should be kept in a draw string bag, not a rucksack Outdoor PE on Wednesday Led by specialist PE coaches Indoor PE on Thursday

  18. After School Clubs A wide selection of clubs will be on offer this 
year. The Governors are looking into setting up a daily 
after school club to be held between 3.15pm and 

  19. Assemblies Whole school Harvest Celebration: Tuesday 14th October Diwali Celebration led by Year 1: Wednesday 22nd October Badger Class Assembly: Friday 28th November

  20. Parentmail We are an Eco School. Please sign up to Parentmail to receive newsletters and other correspondence by email. Badger class email address: badgerclass@staglaneinfant.harrow.sch.uk

  21. ? Any 
questions? Thank you for coming!

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