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Stress & Accentuation

Stress & Accentuation. Mrs. O. Pacheco Spanish III-IV. Dividing Syllables. Division of Syllables 1-2-3-4-5 : Make syllables one consonant first followed by one vowel. (as much as possible and wherever possible) Examples: (Put more stress on the bold syllable) CA -SA = house

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Stress & Accentuation

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  1. Stress & Accentuation Mrs. O. Pacheco Spanish III-IV

  2. Dividing Syllables Division of Syllables 1-2-3-4-5: • Make syllables one consonant first followed by one vowel. (as much as possible and wherever possible) Examples:(Put more stress on the bold syllable) CA-SA = house GA-TO = cat TE-LÉ-FO-NO = telephone MA-MÁ = mom GOR-DO = fat A-NO-CHE = last night

  3. 2.Only one strong vowel per syllable. • STRONG VOWELS:    A    E    O    Í    Ú    • WEAK VOWELS:    I    or    U   (without a written accent mark). • Examples:(Put more stress on the bold syllable) • TO-A-LLA = towel • A-E-RO-PUER-TO = airport • O-SO = bear • FE-O = ugly • TÍ-O = uncle

  4. NOTE: • The letter I or U (without a written accent mark) can be alone only at the beginning of a word.Examples:(Put more stress on the bold syllable) • U-RU-GUAY = Uruguay • I-TA-LIA = Italy • U-NI-DO = united • I-GUAL = same I-GUA-NA = iguana • LOS   ES-TA-DOS   U-NI-DOS = The United States

  5. 3. Never separate a diphthong • What is a diphthong? • A DIPHTHONG is when you see -- I or U together with any other vowel. • NOTE: I or U must be without a written accent mark. The other vowel may or may not have a written accent mark. • Examples:(Put more stress on the bold syllable) • JUAN = John • MA-RIO = Mario • CA-MIÓN = truck • BUE-NO = good • PIA-NO = piano • AC-CIÓN = action • ES-TU-DIAN-TE = student • PUER-TA = door

  6. NOTE: • Do divide when it is not a diphthong. • When the letter I or U has a written accent mark, it becomes strong. • Examples:(Put more stress on the bold syllable) • DÍ-AS = days • TÍ-O = uncle • MA-RÍ-A = Mary • PA-RA-Í-SO = paradise

  7. 4. Divide two consonants that are between two vowels. • Examples:(Put more stress on the bold syllable) • ¿CUÁN-DO? = when • ¿DÓN-DE? = where • PRIN-CI-PAL = principal • CAR-TE-RO = mailman

  8. EXCEPTION: • When the letter L or R has a consonant before and a vowel after, keep them all together in the same syllable. • Examples:(Put more stress on the bold syllable) • PRI-MO = cousin • INS-TRU-MEN-TO = instrument • CLA-SE = class • ES-TRE-CHO = narrow • DIA-BLO = devil • DO-BLA-DI-LLO = hem

  9. Never separate: • CH, LL, RR -- They are considered one letter. • Examples:(Put more stress on the bold syllable) • CHI-NA = China • MU-CHA-CHO = teen boy • PE-RRO = dog (m) • CA-RRI-TO = little car • GA-LLO = rooster • A-MA-RI-LLO = yellow

  10. NOTE: • Divide these two double consonants: CC & NN. • Examples:(Put more stress on the bold syllable) • AC-CIÓN = action • IN-NU-ME-RA-BLE = innumerable • RE-AC-CIÓN = Reaction • IN-NE-CE-SA-RIO = unnecessary

  11. Spanish Rules of Stress • For words with a written accent mark: • If a word has a written accent mark, then put more stress on the syllable with the written accent mark (á-é-í-ó-ú - only vowels have a written accent mark). • Example: Mé-xi-co        Pe-rú             Pa-na-má • For words without a written accent mark: • If a word ends in a consonant, except N or S, then put more stress on the last syllable: • Example: pa-pel          can-tar          ha-blar • If a word ends in a vowel, N or S, then put more stress on the next to the last syllable: • Example: ga-to          ha-blo

  12. Accentuation Rules • There are four categories of multisyllabic words in Spanish, as far as stress is concerned. A word's stress category has to do with which syllable is tónica.  • Palabras llanas are stressed on the next to the last syllable (la penúltima).  • Palabras agudas are stressed on the last syllable (la última).  • Palabras esdrújulas are stressed on the third to the last syllable (la antepenúltima).  • Palabras sobresdrújulas are stressed on the fourth to the last syllable. 

  13. Palabrasllanas All of the following words are stressed on the next to last syllable (o la penúltimasílaba). • no - che • ár - bol • bi - go - te • pe - rro • ca - ba - llo • co - ci - na • fa - bu - lo - so • lib - ro • ac - ci - den - te • fi - lo - so - fí - a • es - ta - cio - nes • hi - jos • cés - ped • hue - so • sa - ra - pe

  14. Palabrasagudas Each of the following words is stressed on the last syllable (o la últimasílaba). • fri - jol • can - tar • hab - ló • an - dén • so - por - tar • sen - tí • ma - ra - tón • re - loj • ñan - dú • baj - ó • sar - tén • pin - cel

  15. Palabrasesdrújulas All of the follwing words are stressed on the third to the last syllable (o la antepenúltimasílaba). Notice that esdrújulas always have a written accent mark. • fan - tás - ti - co • pa - ra - lí - ti - co • én - fa - sis • es - tú - pi - dos • lu - ciér - na - ga • mur - cié - la - go • es - drú - ju - la • miér - co - les • ri - dí - cu - lo • an - gé - li - cas • sín - te - sis • a - ná - li - sis

  16. Palabrassobresdrújulas All of the follwing words are stressed on the fourth to the last syllable (¡o la preantepenúltima sílaba!).  Notice that sobresdrújulas always have a written accent mark.Notice also that in each of them the last two syllables are attached pronouns. • fu - mán - do - me - la • es - cri - bién - do - se - lo • di - cién - do - me - lo

  17. THE WRITTEN ACCENT MARK • One-syllable words DO NOT have a written accent mark unless they are used to distinguish one word from its homonym pair. (si = if; sí = yes) • If a word ends in a vowel (a, e, i, o, u) or n or s and it is not llana, put an accent mark over the stressed syllable.  • If a word ends in a consonant (other than n or s) and it is not aguda, put an accent mark over the stressed syllable.  • An accent mark will also be placed over a weak vowel (u or i) in order to break an automatic diphthong.

  18. Words that end in a vowel (or "n" or "s") and are not llanas • ha - bló • viv - vió • can - té • sar - tén • cor - tés • fre - ne - sí • mas - ti - có • pon - dréis • Tim - buk - tú

  19. Words that end in a consonant (not "n" or "s") and are not agudas • ár - bol • cés - ped • chó - fer • pós - ter • di - fí - cil • fá - cil

  20. Breaking natural diphthongs • ba- úl • rí - o • ha - cí - a • a - ún • Ma - rí - a • con - ti - nú - a • pa - na - de - rí - a • mí - a • dú - o

  21. Practice: Divide & mention where are these words stressed. • Para • Preguntar • Todavía • Colocar • Marcador • Carro • Noviembre • Once • Estación • Entonces • mañana 12. Pedro 13. Papel 14. Río 15. Computadora 16. Televisión 17. Costumbre 18. Calculadora 19. Cartel 20. Rosado 21. Falda 22. Hipocresía 23. Papelera

  22. Practica: Silabas Tónicas y Acentuación • Click on the link(s) below: • http://www.hayrocket.com/cabrillo/cis132/project/accents-practice.php • http://www.editorialteide.com/replay/Flash/replay.asp?id0=pTKw50Anm2Ok6ODh50lXo3au7OPks7Ei60Sf7JIuu5PS0VFIy1Tf83Id0Q8sb1mq83BgeRJD18Xb01MqgLCn16Qed8Fb3FNRh4CO&IdIdioma=1&id3=3 • http://www.editorialteide.com/replay/Flash/replay.asp?id0=yETg83Jwv6Xt0XMq04uHx6je1YYuc1Nr04Co2SRfe8YC3GOriMDp26Rm4AHckNva37kpnBSM4HHk35Wa5ULx50Ann2Pk6OWBq7Mx&IdIdioma=1&id3=3

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