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Dedicated to the Success of Not-For-Profit Organizations. More than thirty years experience leading, and consulting to not-for-profit organizations, including:
More than thirty years experience leading, and consulting to not-for-profit organizations, including: Abraham Joshua Heschel School – NYC, Associated Camps, Inc., Birthright Israel International, B’nai B’rith International, Bohrer Kaufman Hebrew Academy of Morris County, Camp Ramah in New England, Hannah Senesh Community Day School, Hebrew College/Meah Metropolitan New York, Jewish Federation of Cincinnati, Jewish Foundation for the Righteous, Harry B. Kellman Academy, National Museum of American Jewish History, Partnership for Excellence in Jewish Education, The Dalton School – NYC, UJA Federation of Greater New York – Financial Resource Development, Westchester Fairfield Hebrew Academy, Westfield Young Artists’ Cooperative Theatre, Inc. Italics = Clients served by since 2002 NFP ACHIEVEMENT, LLC
MISSION: PARTNER with our clients for measurable, increased results. BUILDINDEPENDENCE through skills, relationships and experience – for ACHIEVEMENT THAT IS RENEWABLE. SERVE CLIENTS DIRECTLY, and follow the highest professional and ethical standards. Bob Gurmankin NFP ACHIEVEMENT, LLC
We provide … • Strategic Planning • A Feasibility Study • Board Assessment and Development • Skills Development for Board, Volunteer and Professional leadership • Fundraising goal development • Campaign Planning and Organization – Annual, Endowment, Special Funds and Capital • First solicitation strategies, research and training and Partnering • Guidance for Campaign(s) Marketing and Materials • Guidance for Donor / Prospect Stewardship • Guidance on fund raising database systems that support relationship-building, donor enthusiasm and campaign success NFP ACHIEVEMENT, LLC
Strategic/Project Planning • Use the planning process to identify and engage key supporters in the work! • Focus Mission • Clarify and Promote Vision • Identify and assemble the building blocks, solutions to points of resistance – and timeline • Promote consensus and galvanize resolve “People support what people help to build.” NFP ACHIEVEMENT, LLC
Quick-Study the Feasibility • Set fundamental plan and prospective goals • Fine tune the message • Identify the Marketplace(s) for competition and support • Engage / Recruit key prospects • Measure enthusiasm and appraise support • Discover decisive issues / obstacles • Design and GET GOING! “Ready. Fire. Aim.” NFP ACHIEVEMENT, LLC
First solicitation strategies, research and training • Identify lead prospects • Determine approaches, solicitor teams and requests • Create the prospectuses • Research • Train and Rehearse solicitor teams • START! … Closing maximum gifts requires more than one meeting. “Giving is a donor’s way of telling you how well you’re doing – more than how well you’re asking.” NFP ACHIEVEMENT, LLC
ABK – Our services … We will… Guide case presentations that portray opportunity and predicament Facilitate dialog about fundraising needs and goals to build unity, enthusiasm and energy among leadership, principal, prospective parents and top donors, and staff Coordinate Marketing, Public Relations and Communications that promote Project and Fundraising Plans and, especially, Philanthropic Achievement. Guide the development of Case Statement, Materials, presenters and presentation skills Design and manage the Special/Capital Campaign(s), including Campaign Plans and Organization Budgets, including monitoring Timelines for Implementation Benchmarks and timelines for Campaign Achievement Engage key and prospective stakeholders directly in order to finalize campaign goals and fine-tune plans -- and, at the same time, launch cultivation Guide the design of database and other systems to support cultivation, solicitation and stewardship, including Research Assignments and solicitation-tracking Donor contact and Relationship building Pledge Recording, Acknowledgment and Collection NFP ACHIEVEMENT, LLC
ABK – Our services … We’ll Partner with leadership and staff to Formulate Naming Policies and Opportunities Plot Gift Stratification Projections Identify prospective board and campaign leadership, as needed Identify and research major prospects Strategize participation, approaches and materials for all major solicitations Make, track and follow-up solicitation assignments Train leadership, solicitors and staff Rehearse solicitors for all major solicitations Develop Donor Recognition Plans and oversee proper stewardship Monitor, report and push the campaign against achievement and timetable benchmarks We’ll Accompany solicitors, as appropriate, to Recruit and solicit Board members Recruit and solicit Campaign leadership Solicit prospective donors NFP ACHIEVEMENT, LLC
ABK – We’ll need … We’ll need… Ready access to organization, project and campaign leadership, and disciplined implementation according to agreed upon plans and chronology Prompt sharing of all needed history, insights, documents, materials and data – wherever possible in computer file formats Meetings scheduled and conducted promptly Letters of introduction, as needed Facilitation of appointments, as needed When onsite, office space – or appropriate space nearby – and technology Leadership and principal to play the primary and substantial role in cultivation, solicitation and stewardship Designated leadership and staff liaisons Timely decision-making on project plans and related policies Dedicated office resources and systems for Project and campaign-related correspondence, for gift recording, acknowledgment and invoicing, and Design, Copying and/or Printing and Production of Campaign Documents and materials NFP ACHIEVEMENT, LLC
Robert L. Gurmankin23 Timothy Court Morristown, NJ 07960Tel: 973-998-4709 Cell: 201-513-4252 Fax: 866-802-1122 (Toll free) Email: RLGUR@NFPACHIEVEMENT.COMwww.nfpachievement.comDedicated to the Success of Not-For-Profit Organizations NFP ACHIEVEMENT, LLC