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Family Times. Daily Questions. Prior Knowledge. Author's Purpose. Vocabulary. Dictionary/Glossary. Preview and Predict. Guided Comprehension. Sequence. Point of View. Independent Readers. Additional Resources. I Wanted my Mother. Language Skills. Study Skills. Genre: Biography
Family Times Daily Questions Prior Knowledge Author's Purpose Vocabulary Dictionary/Glossary Preview and Predict Guided Comprehension Sequence Point of View Independent Readers Additional Resources I Wanted my Mother Language Skills
Study Skills Genre: Biography Vocabulary Strategy: Dictionary/Glossary Comprehension Skill: Author’s Purpose Comprehension Strategy: Monitor and Fix Up
Question of the Week: Why do we help others even if there are risks? Daily Questions: Why did Mr. Sugihara ask the family members what he should do? Why was Mr. Sugihara’s help to the refugees so important? Why did the Karashkas risk their lives to help Debora and her Mother?
Language Skills Daily Fix It Practice Book Spelling Spelling Strategy Day 1 Page 25 Day 2 Page 25 Page 26 Day 3 Page 26 Page 27 Day 4 Page 27 Page 28 Day 5 Page 28 Transparency: Possessive Nouns Writing Workshop Reading Writing Connection Writer’s Prompt Writer’s Craft Standardized Test Prep
Language Skills Day 1 Daily Fix It The childrens eyes were sad? The children’s eyes were sad. Them fled from the nazis. They fled from the Nazis.
Language Skills Day 2 Daily Fix It The many travelers belongings were left behine. The many travelers’ belongings were left behind. Thay could not save theirself. They could not save themselves.
Day 3 Daily Fix It Language Skills Two mens’ clothing stores had its windows broken. Two men’s clothing stores had their windows broken. Brave citizens hided refugees in several house. Brave citizens hid refugees in several houses.
Language Skills Day 4 Daily Fix It The boy had no belt for he pantz. The boy had no belt for his pants. If she had a pare of scisors, Mama would fix them. If she had a pair of scissors, Mama would fix them.
Day 5 Daily Fix It Language Skills Poland was attacked, by the german army. Poland was attacked by the German army. Ain’t it a shame people cant’ get along? Isn’t it a shame people can’t get along?
Language Skills Spelling Strategy Some words seem so tricky to spell that we need to outsmart them with tricks of our own. Step 1: Mark the letters that give you a problem. Step 2: Find words you know with the same letters. Step 3: Use your problem words and the word you know in a phrase or sentence. Example: Hard word: dominoes Memory trick: We pushed the dominoes with our toes
Language Skills Writer’s Prompt Write a review of a story you have read recently. Tell readers the theme of the story, and introduce them to its setting and characters. Include your opinion about the story as well as supporting details.
Editing/Revising Checklist Language Skills • Have I supported my opinion of the story with details from the story ? • Have I used the correct possessive forms of nouns? • Have I spelled irregular plurals such as words that end in f and o correctly?
Activate Prior Knowledge Holocaust K W L Why did the Nazis dislike Jewish People? Happened during WWII Six Million People died
Author’s Purpose • An author may write to persuade, to inform, to entertain, or to express himself or herself. • You can infer an author’s purpose from the text features and specific language the author chose. Author’s Purpose: persuade Inform Entertain express Text features Specific Language
Monitor and Fix Up Good readers check their understanding as they read. Pace your reading depending on the author’s purpose. If the author is informing you and you want to understand every detail, slow down. If the author is entertaining you, you can read a little faster.
Write Before you read “ The Job of a Diplomat,” preview the article. Make a graphic organizer like the one above to predict the author’s purpose. As you read, check your understanding. Make a second graphic organizer to see if the author’s purpose is the same as you predicted.
Vocabulary Word List Agreement Cable Diplomat Issue Refugees Representatives Superiors Visa Introduce Vocabulary Word Know Have Seen Don’t Know Agreement Cable Diplomat issue refugees representatives superiors visas
Agreement Harmony in feeling or opinion
Cable Message sent through wires by electric current; also called a telegram
Diplomat Person whose work is to manage relations between nations.
Issue To send; put forth
Refugees People who flee to another country for safety.
Representatives People appointed or elected to act or speak for others.
Superiors People who are higher in rand or position.
Visa Official signature or endorsement upon passport or document, showing it has been examined and approved.
More Words to Know: Hannukkah: a yearly Jewish festival lasting eight days, celebrating the rededication of the temple in Jerusalem Nazis: members of the National Socialist Party, a fascist political party in Germany led by Adolf Hitler. Soviets: persons belonging to or fighting for the former Soviet Union.
Practice Lesson Vocabulary True or False A diplomat is the leader of a nation. Superiors are people of a higher rank that others. Representatives act and speak for others. Fill in the blank. Mr. Sugihara sent messages to Japan by _____________, or telegram. Mr. Sugihara asked for five ________________ from the crowd of refugees to come meet with him. _______________ from wars are cared for by neighboring countries.
Vocabulary Strategy (p. 164) Dictionary/Glossary Sometimes the sentences around an unfamiliar word don’t have context clues to help you find its meaning. Then you should look up the word in a dictionary or glossary. Follow these steps: Look to see whether the book has a glossary. If not, then use a dictionary. Find the word entry. If the pronunciation is given, read it aloud. You may recognize the word when you hear yourself say it. Look over all the meanings listed in the entry. Try each meaning in the sentence with the unfamiliar word. Choose the meaning that makes sense in your sentence. As you read “Foreign Service,” follow the steps above to help you find the meanings of unfamiliar words.
Genre: Biography A biography is the true story of a person’s life, written by someone else. As you read, notice how Mr. Sugihara’s life changes.
Preview and Predict Preview the selection title, question, and illustration. Identify the subject of the biography and predict who the people in the illustration might be. Use lesson vocabulary in your lesson.
Guided Comprehension Reread p. 168, paragraph 3. Is the author writing to entertain, to inform, to persuade, or to express his opinion? What do the narrator and his brother know about Germans? What clue does the narrator give you? Use a dictionary to learn what translated means on p. 170, paragraph 2. What is the main idea of the selection so far? Find the clue words in the first sentence on p. 172 that tell you when the father sent the cable to his government. What is the author trying to tell you when he says “My father cabled his superiors a third time, and I know the answer by the look in his eyes?” What lesson did the author’s mother and aunt remind him about when they decided they had to stay and help the refugees? Did you ever learn a lesson like this?