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ECT* A 15 year perspective

Explore the history, activities, users, policy, and funding of ECT* (European Center for Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics) since its establishment in 1993, emphasizing its role in facilitating cutting-edge research and interdisciplinary collaborations.

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ECT* A 15 year perspective

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  1. ECT* A 15 year perspective 24 September 2008 Jean-Paul Blaizot, CNRS and ECT*

  2. Some historical backgroundWhat is ECT* ?Scientific activities at ECT* ?Who uses ECT* ?Scientific policyFunding issuesStructural issuesFinal remarks

  3. Some historical background

  4. The European answer to the INT (Institute for Nuclear Theory) in Seattle INT ECT* Established in 1990 Established in 1993

  5. A « bottom-up » creation • Initiative came from a scientific community • The Trento project was chosen (among several others) at a meeting in Orsay (France) in 1992 • The Centre received from the beginning a strong support from the PAT (through ITC) • New sources of funding were gradually obtained(MoU with France, Germany, Italy, Denmark (open to other partners); ad-hoc agreements with other countries) • ECT* was recognized as a major infrastructure by the EU and received support within the last FPs A beautiful example of an international (european) realization made possible by the strong support of a european region… and the personal dedication of its founders, in particular Renzo Leonardi.

  6. (EURONS)

  7. What is ECT* ?

  8. ECT* European Center for Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics and Related Areas

  9. … Theoretical Studies …. • Research done at ECT* is theoretical • But most meetings involve experimentalists, some collaboration meetings invole mostly experimentalists • Some ECT* researchers have very close contacts with experimental groups • Large variety of topics, related to various aspects of nuclear physics in a broad sense. Also cross-disciplinary activities • Theoretical tools common to many branches of physics • Large scale numerical calculations (BEN) • Library (on site, and access to that of the Phys. Dept.)


  11. Scientific activities at ECT*?

  12. The goals of the ECT** a) to arrange in-depth RESEARCH on topical problems at the forefront of contemporary developments in theoretical nuclear physics b) to foster INTERDSICIPLINARY CONTACTS between nuclear physics and neighbouring fields such as particle physics, astrophysics, condensed matter physics and the quantal physics of small systems c) to encourage TALENTED YOUNG PHYSICISTS by arranging for them to participate in the activities of the ECT*, by organising training projects and establishing networks of active young researchers d) to strengthen the INTERACTION BETWEEN THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL studies.

  13. (from Charlotte Ester, NSAC meeting, 05/16/07)

  14. Scientific activities at ECT* • International workshops and • collaboration meetings - Local research (ECT*, Univ, BEC) - Visiting scientists - Postoctoral program - High performance computing (BEN) - Doctoral training program(s)

  15. Some recent examples 1 Nuclear structure and reactions The Physics Opportunities with EURISOL (jan 06) The Physics of Halo Nuclei (nov 06) Num. Sim. of Heavy Ion Reactions in the Fermi Energy Domain (Apr 06) Experiment-Theory Intersections in Modern Nuclear Structure (Apr 07) Correlations in nuclei: beyond mean-field and shell model (Jun 07) Mass olympics (May 2008)

  16. Some recent examples 2 Hadrons / High energy Nuclear Physics • Generalized Parton distributions – The Present Status (Jun 06) • Lattice QCD, Chiral Perturbation Theory and Hadron Phenomenology (Oct 06) • Heavy Ion Reactions at Ultrarelativistic Energies (Jun 06) • The Physics of High Baryon Density(Jun 06)

  17. Some recent examples 3 Cross-disciplinary programs Hadrons and Strings (Jul 06) The interface of quark-gluon-plasma physics and cold-atom physics (Mar 07) Many-body open quantum systems: From atomic nuclei to quantum dots (May 2007)

  18. Some recent examples 4 Training activities(ECT* Doctoral Training Programs/ Schools) Computational Techniques in Strongly Interacting Systems (DTP 06) Summer School on Exotic Nuclear Beams (Sept 06) QCD Spin Physics (DTP2 06) Nuclear Structure and Reactions (DTP 07)

  19. (courtesy David Kaplan)

  20. Scientific activities at ECT* Distribution of costs

  21. BEN Joint venture: EXADRON PAT INFN The ECT* TFlop/s Cluster The Ape3D technology Soon, new project: ‘Aurora’

  22. Who uses ECT* ?

  23. Visitor-days spent at ECT* (workshop participants)

  24. Scientific policy

  25. ECT* is at the service of the community of nuclear physicists (in a broad sense) The proposals for activities at ECT*come from the community, and are selected by the ECT* Scientific Board

  26. ECT* Board • In particular, the functions of the Board are: • - to endorse on a yearly basis the programme of scientific activities with their expected overall cost and personnel requirements • - to establish research projects and long terms programmes • - to approve whatever changes in programmes and their relative budgets that are proposed by the Director • - to take the initiatives necessary to obtain, from National and European scientific-administrative institutions, additional financial resources • - to identify the Director and propose him to the FBK for appointment

  27. Board of ECT* • Mauro Anselmino (Univ. Torino) -from 25.09.08 • Wanda Alberico (Univ. Torino) -from 16.09.05 • Bengt Friman (Chair, GSI, Darmstadt) -from 17.10.06 • Brian Fulton (NuPECC/Univ. York) -from 27.06.06 • H. Åke Gustafsson (Lund Univ./CERN) -from 27.06.06 • Wick Haxton (Uni. Washington, Seattle) -from 27.06.06 • Pawel Haensel (Copernicus Ctr. Warsaw) -from 19.01.08 • Simon Hands (Univ. Swansea) – from 19.01.08 • Piet Van Isacker (GANIL, Caen) – from 16.09.05

  28. Board members are selected after consultation with the Associates Associates are allscientists that have positions in Universities or Laboratories involved in scientific activities within the scope of ECT*, and who have registered at ECT*. Associates are consulted for advice concerning the scientific programmes of the Centre and identification of scientists as Board Members. Membership in the Body of Associates of ECT* is renewed on a tri-annual basis.

  29. Budget issues

  30. Funding Total budget ~ 1.4-1.5 M€ Goals: i) Support research activities with external funds ii) Increase contribution of « all other countries »

  31. NuPECC-Countries supporting ECT* activities • Austria • Belgium • Czech Republic • Denmark • Finland • FRANCE • GERMANY • - (Greece) • - (Hungary) • ITALY • Netherlands • Norway • Poland • Portugal • Romania • Spain • Sweden • United Kingdom

  32. New opportunity Five year planning

  33. Structural issues

  34. ESF-NuPECC Funding agencies EJFRC FBK ECT* Scientific Board ECT* Director ECT* Associates International community of nuclear physicists (in a broad sense)

  35. Final remarks

  36. Susan Driessen Serena Degli Avancini Luana Slomp Barbara Curro Dossi Mauro Meneghini Tiziana Ingrassia Gianni Fattore Ines Campo Gianmaria Ziglio Donatella Rosetti Cristina Costa A dedicated staff Carmen Maffei Grazie a tutti !!

  37. 15 years…. the difficult age of teenagers…

  38. Good Luck Achim !

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