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Digital Product Definition- A Summary for Aerospace Auditors Ralph Gamble The Boeing Company. Introduction.
Digital Product Definition- A Summary for Aerospace Auditors Ralph GambleThe Boeing Company RMC Workshop Long Beach, 16 – 17 July 2014
Introduction Digital Product Definition, or DPD, is a function of a quality system that is in constant change according to revised international standards, technologies and methods. Suppliers must annually review their digital processes and procedures to assure there is synchronization with customers that is reflected in their quality system. RMC Workshop Long Beach, 16 – 17 July 2014 RMC Workshop Long Beach, 16 – 17 July 2014
AS9100 – First Article Inspection A validation of DPD Processes Production Process Verification The organization shall use a representative item from the first production run of a new part or assembly to verify that the production processes, production documentation and tooling are capable of producing parts and assemblies that meet requirements. This process shall be repeated when changes occur that invalidate the original results (e.g., engineering changes, manufacturing process changes, tooling changes). NOTE This activity is often referred to as First Article Inspection (FAI). RMC Workshop Long Beach, 16 – 17 July 2014 RMC Workshop Long Beach, 16 – 17 July 2014
How One Company Responds to AS9100:D6-51991 – QUALITY ASSURANCE STANDARD FOR DPD AT BOEING SUPPLIERS Be DPD Aware D6-51991 has 11 sections responding to AS9100 when building parts and assemblies for Boeing. This presentation highlights AS9100 non-conforming activities found by the FAA during site audits of Boeing suppliers and summarized in a DPD Brochure available today. RMC Workshop Long Beach, 16 – 17 July 2014
WHAT TO LOOK OUT FOR RMC Workshop Long Beach, 16 – 17 July 2014
DOCUMENTED PROCESSES Is my process up to date, reflect current practices, map to and included in my AS9100 documentation? 1. Digital Product Definition QA Procedures and Documented Processes 2. Configuration Management and Media Security 3. Product Acceptance Software 4. Internal Quality Audits 5. Problem Reporting and Corrective Action 6. Procurement Control 7. Control of Measurement Equipment 8. Inspection Media 9. Data Exchange Methods 10. Tooling 11. Training and Process Performer RMC Workshop Long Beach, 16 – 17 July 2014
NOTIFICATION OF DPD CHANGES Do I notify the Customer when my CAD, CAM or CAI software or hardware is changed? Expectation: Provide Customer Supplier Quality 30 day notification to synchronize with Customer CAD platform Provide Notification of changes to Coordinate Measurement Systems (CMS) software or hardware. (new Laser Tracker, Articulating Arm, Scanner, Spatial Analyzer, PCDMIS, etc. RMC Workshop Long Beach, 16 – 17 July 2014 BOEING PROPRIETARY
CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT ANDMEDIA SECURITY Are we maintaining configuration control, change control and trace-ability of derivative data? Examples 1. NC Programs – Must be revision controlled and associated to FAI or Delta FAI at any revision change. 2. Manufacturing Planning 3. Measurement Planning 4. Screen Captures 5. Procedures 6. Model Conversions from V4 to V5 7. Measurement Reports 8. Special Tooling RMC Workshop Long Beach, 16 – 17 July 2014
CAD SYSTEM Is there a CAD system synchronization requirement? • For Boeing, an Engineering Distribution Group provides only Native CATIA V4 – V5. If V5 type design occurred in a later version of CATIA, models cannot be opened or used. • V4 models will require saving as step or iges and translations must be verified. • If converted to V5, models must be verified to the authority 2D Drawing and any authoritative 3D geometry. RMC Workshop Long Beach, 16 – 17 July 2014
CAD SYSTEM If I have to convert from CATIA V4.model to V5.CATpart, do I have adequate procedures and verification steps in place to insure a successful, complete and accurate translation? • Has REFERENCE ONLY information been identified? • Has the resultant model be compared to authoritative drawing and 3D data? • Has the resultant model been configured and has trace-ability? RMC Workshop Long Beach, 16 – 17 July 2014
AS9100 - PRODUCT ACCEPTANCE SOFTWARE (PAS)When used in the monitoring and measurement of specified requirements, the ability of computer software to satisfy the intended application shall be confirmed. This shall be undertaken prior to initial use and reconfirmed as necessary.NOTE Confirmation of the ability of computer software to satisfy the intended application would typically include its verification and configuration management to maintain its suitability for use. PRODUCT ACCEPTANCE SOFTWARE Has my CMS (Coordinate Measurement System) software been validated as required? RMC Workshop Long Beach, 16 – 17 July 2014 BOEING PROPRIETARY
PRODUCT ACCEPTANCE SOFTWARE Make a Plan What to Test – Native, IGS, STP GD&T using Artifact 321 Alignment using Artifact Best Fit using Artifact Scale (temperature compensation) Security Planning Includes: Purpose of Test Scope of Test Description of the Test Result of Test - PASS/ FAIL RMC Workshop Long Beach, 16 – 17 July 2014
PROCUREMENT CONTROL Do I flow down DPD requirements and have adequate oversight of my sub-tiers? How Does Boeing Document Supplier Compliance? RMC Workshop Long Beach, 16 – 17 July 2014
Control of Measurement Equipment Do I have complete procedures for all my Coordinate Measurement system equipment? CMS requirements are as follows: • Provide a method to complete or a procedure for calibration of measurement equipment. • Provide an inventory list for your measurement systems including scale bars, adaptors, thermometers and equipment. • Provide an operator reference parameter guideline for equipment handling, set-up, field checks and establish special targeting and target adapter requirements • Provide documented acceptance criteria for use of scale factors to compensate measurements for coefficient of thermal expansion and to verify accuracy as well as establish, transform and manipulate coordinate systems establish data collection parameters and requirements. • Provide a process for data analysis, format, storage and reporting. 6. Provide training syllabus with curriculum to assure those using the equipment have been adequately educated on the use of CMS and PAS as well as Boeing requirements. RMC Workshop Long Beach, 16 – 17 July 2014
INSPECTION MEDIA Is my CMS data aligned to engineering datums or datum targets? RMC Workshop Long Beach, 16 – 17 July 2014
Inspection Media 8.4.1. Supplier’s QA must verify that all design requirements; e.g., all features defined by feature control frames, annotation, specifications, notes and other specified requirements in the authority MBD dataset and associated parts list including dimensional and other properties are identified and planned for inspection/validation. RMC Workshop Long Beach, 16 – 17 July 2014
Datum Alignment • A 3-2-1 datum scheme or datum reference frame is comprised by the following: • The primary datum feature relates the part to the datum reference frame by bringing a minimum of three points on the surface into contact with the first datum plane. See Fig. (a). • The part is further related to the frame by bringing at least two points of the secondary datum feature into contact with the second datum plane. See Fig. (b) • The relationship is completed by bringing at least one point of the tertiary datum feature into contact with the third datum plane. See Fig. (c) Note: Actual X,Y, Z callout can change as long the alignment is to the Primary, Secondary and Tertiary datum. Fig. (a) Fig. (b) Fig. (c) RMC Workshop Long Beach, 16 – 17 July 2014
Datum Alignment • A 3-2-1 requires mutually perpendicular planes (primary, secondary, and tertiary datum planes). • This 3-2-1 Rule defines the minimum number of contact points necessary to properly locate a part. • If Datum targets are called out, these datum points usually have basic dimensions locating them. With Model Based Definition, the basics may not be shown, but they are implied. • Engineering Datum features are usually related to the actual function or relationship of other parts being assembled. RMC Workshop Long Beach, 16 – 17 July 2014
Datum Alignment • CMS Datum Alignment Example 1 • The Nominal (model data) and Actual (as inspected) datum values A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, C1 show little to no Delta (deviation) when aligning to the part datum features. • Note the location of the 4 Out of Tolerance (OT) hole location conditions. * Not all inspection points are shown for illustration purposes. RMC Workshop Long Beach, 16 – 17 July 2014
Best-Fit Alignment RMC Workshop Long Beach, 16 – 17 July 2014
Best-Fit Alignment • Best-Fit simply takes the operator chosen alignment features and spreads their error equally around all the chosen alignment setup features. Best-Fit allows you to choose certain features to concentrate on the alignment direction. • Best-Fit alignment is used to align inspection data to the CAD model. Best-Fit alignment looks at all the scanned data and does an average fit to the CAD model. • Best-Fit Alignments can only be used if the engineering dataset is NOT datum controlled. NOTE: When GD&T callouts exist on the engineering dataset, you must use a datum alignment for product acceptance. The GD&T callouts will direct you to the associated datum alignment requirements. RMC Workshop Long Beach, 16 – 17 July 2014
Best-Fit Alignment • CMM Best Fit Alignment to inner surface points to make Out of Tolerance (OT) holes CONFORMING - Example 1A • Assume a Best Fit Alignment direction to the inner surface along B1 & B2 was used due to an out of tolerance hole (h1, h2, h3, h4) location condition when setup to the established Datum features. NOTE: This particular Best Fit alignment will shift the Actual B1 and B2 datum locations from the inner surface values causing the actual alignment values to be non-conforming. BUT the 4 holes will now be CONFORMING. * Not all inspection points are shown for illustration purposes. RMC Workshop Long Beach, 16 – 17 July 2014
MODEL BASED DEFINITION Are my FAIs complete – Have I accounted for all explicit and implicit design characteristics?
TRAINING Have all employees working with DPD or MBD been trained in the DPD or MBD requirements that apply to their specific area of responsibility?
END RMC Workshop Long Beach, 16 – 17 July 2014
1 2D Drawing Examples- Note: CATIA V4 models are made up of 255 layers like a book. Some pages contain reliable KUTD info…some don’t and are marked. 2 This Drawing indicates ALL layers in the 3D model are use-able for manufacturing and inspection 3 This Drawing indicates ALL layers in the 3D model are use-able for manufacturing and inspectionEXCEPT LAYERS 161 and 162 RMC Workshop Long Beach, 16 – 17 July 2014
CATIA V5 CAT.part CATIA V4.model RMC Workshop Long Beach, 16 – 17 July 2014
Configuring Conversions RMC Workshop Long Beach, 16 – 17 July 2014
Sub-tier Control Example Sub-tier Supplier Activity – how one aerospace company controls. The Boeing tier 1 supplier will flow down the requirements of D6-51991 or equivalent document to sub-tier suppliers and document sub-tier supplier compliance when Boeing authority datasets or dataset derivatives are used for manufacturing or product acceptance. RMC Workshop Long Beach, 16 – 17 July 2014
Sub-tier Control – Use a Checklist RMC Workshop Long Beach, 16 – 17 July 2014
Sub-tier Control – Maintain Records RMC Workshop Long Beach, 16 – 17 July 2014
Sub-tier Control – Maintain Detail Information RMC Workshop Long Beach, 16 – 17 July 2014
Implicit vs. Explicit RMC Workshop Long Beach, 16 – 17 July 2014
IMPLICIT FEATURES RMC Workshop Long Beach, 16 – 17 July 2014