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TAC12 report back. Outline: Organization CESSAMag Part A Building Injector Control. Organization. Central sector serving machine and BL: Not formalized, new structure would need approval of council, head of central sector to be assigned Informal practiced. Control/Computing
TAC12 report back Outline: Organization CESSAMag Part A Building Injector Control
Organization Central sector serving machine and BL: Not formalized, new structure would need approval of council, head of central sector to be assigned Informal practiced. Control/Computing Staff: One (A.Ismail) employed, one left (Z.Quazi), open positions not yet filled Control and Computing work together despite being in different sectors New in 2013: Left in 2013 Control-engineer: A.IsmailZ.Quazi Electrician: O.Kahdar Magnets: M.Ebbeni Beam-Dynamics: K.Maukyan Purchasing: M.Salama Building/Safety: A.Basheer Maintenance: I.Zoubi Administration: R.Ramadan(Nov.13) BL scientist for PX: R.Kaneez (Nov.13)
CESSMag Magnets designed and design approved (Jun. 2013) Call for bids (Jul. 2013) Opening of Bids (Aug. 2013) Expert Meeting with externals cancelled due to extended of deadline Selection: Dipole: TESLA Quadrupoles : ELYT + Turkey (coils) Sextupoles: CERN + Cyprus + Pakistan Prices allow Power Supplies to be fully done by CERN Clearance to vacuum chamber increased to > 1 mm Split dipole: Not foreseen (expect problems due to long structure) Assembling of vacuum chamber solved (see girder design) Systematic and random Multi-poles studied (later this talk) Contribution E.Huttel, A.Milanese, J.-P. Burnet
Building Crane: Still no maintenance contract Specs have to be defined by us Grounding: (ordered, built up 2014) A bus bar (0.5 X 250 mm Cu): In the Booster ring tunnel In the Storage ring tunnel Around the experimental Hall Additional ground pits inside the Hall Donated equipment: Items from free zone moved to SESAME Unneeded equipment still at SESAME (difficult to get rid off, due to custom) Hutches from Lure (who knows about it?) Solar Panel:No approach
Injector Microtron No operation since 2013 due to Booster built up New PS for main magnet To be done during commissioning: Emittance Measurement (Quadrupole scan) Injection Elements: New Power supplies for injection Septum and Kicker PS (FUG), Switch (SOLEIL) Transformer oil changed and repaired Sparks (inside Septum, conditioned to 100 kV) To come next: PS Booster Extraction Septum (design done) PS Booster Extraction Kicker SR Injection Septum SR Injection Kicker Contribution M.Attal
Control Staff: One in (A.Ismail) , one out (Z.Quazi), looking for two. Cooperation Control with Computing: yes (Regular Meetings) Expert Visit: PLCs installation (expert visit SOLEIL) CSS installation (expert visit ANKA) LINUX 6: Installed Integration (Cooperation) with clients: (PS group (up to programming), RF, VAC) Black Boxes: Repository built up. Booster-Control successfully built up Vacuum-Valves/Safety: PLC EPICS CSS Vacuum-Pressure: MOXA EPICS CSS RF: PLC EPICS CSS PS-Current: EPICS CSS PS-Safety: PLC EPICS CSS Timing: VME EPICS CSS See visit To be done:Data Save-Restore Database Alarm handler Motion Control Contribution A.Ismail/I.Saleh
AOB Radiation Safety: New license for Microtron commissioning from JNRC Radiation-monitors ordered and delivered Personal Safety System ordered, installation till Jan.2014 Back-up-plan with JNRC? Contribution M.Mansour Booster Diagnostics: Digital cameras, scopes purchased YAG screen from ANKA broken
Cooling system: Completed and successfully tested Contribution F.Makahleh Vacuum System:No in-kind contribution from Palestine SR vacuum system tendered Selected supplier FMB Contribution F.Makahleh Solid State Amplifier: Delivery of all equipment from SOLEIL items on hold by French government Feb 2013 Delivery approved Aug 2013 Cavities: Donated cavities from ELETTRA inspected, tendering for new ones done
Girder 6 feeds 3 struts used for transverse and longitudinal adjustment 3 jacks used for vertical adjustment and clamping Additional 3 vertical jacks used for clamping Tolerances (flatness, positioning): 0.05 mm
Girder-Design Vacuum chamber lifted in from top Dipole to be moved out by trolley
Which Girder-Tolerances Needed? When having shims, why small tolerances for the girder?
Dipole-Multipole Tolerances B4/B1=0.0020 B4 in center B7/B1=0.0006 B8/B1=0.0006 B8/B1=0.0007 B7/B1=0.0007 B4/B1=0.0002 B5/B1=0.0004 B6/B1=0.0003 General Remarks Which Dynamic aperture is needed (lifetime, injection)? Which program (OPA, AT, BETA)? Multipole contribution distributed (AT) or at exit/entrance (OPA)? Selected radius is 20 mm for bend and 24 or QP, SP. B = ΣBn xn-1, n=1 dipole Limits in integrated strengthsBn[m-n+2] about the same for DP,QP,SP. B4/B1=0.0010
QF Magnetic Multipole Tolerances Quadrupole composed from 4 segments. Assembling Error: Causes random 6-, 8-pole components 0.1 mm causes 2 10-4 dB/B @ r = 20 mm Finite Size: Causes systematic 12, 20 pole component 12 pole mostly corrected by chamfer Achievable: 6,8-pole 12,20-pole random σ systematic ANKA 5 10-4 5 10-4 ALBA: 3 10-4 3 10-4 SOLEIL: 3 10-4 2 10-4 Tolerable: SESAME: dB/B < 20 10-4
DP,QP Random-Field-Error and Beta-Beat Dipole dB/B = 1 10-3 orbit dist.: 2 mm dk/k = 3 10-3 vert.beta beat: 0.6 m QF dk/k = 3 10-3horiz.beta beat: 0.4 m vert. beat beat: 0.1 m QDdk/k = 3 10-3horiz.beta beat: 0.1 m vert. beat beat: 0.2 m
QP Multipole Tolerances ALBA,IPAC10 B6/B2=0.0012 Systematic Random B10/B2=0.0010 B10/B2 =0.0100 Random(per magnet) B4/B2=0.0100
Random Multipole Errors Decapole due to Correctors Sextupole Sextupole + Corrector → Decapole B5/B3 =780 10-4 Working point shifted
Dipole End Chamfer Vertical focusing from edge ∫B’dl/B ρ = 0.401 (1/m) B’(0)l / B ρ = 0.378 (1/m) (∫B’dl- B’(0)l)/ B ρ = 0.023 (1/m) tan(θ )/ρ = 0.034 (1/m) Opera give less focusing strength than optical model CERN initial: Less vert. focusing, more sector magnet, made QF obsolete (or changed to QF) No face rotation CERN final, LEGO blocks, flexible, ok, Octupole? (ALBA, ASRS) Preferred
Beam Based Alignment Procedure: Select QP close to BPM Do orbit scan through QP Modulate QP current (Producing additional kick, when beam not in center) Orbit with no orbit modulation when QP is modulated gives BPM offset Can the QF used for vertical and horizontal plane? H-kick (0.2 mrad) Offset at QF: 2.0 mm 5% QF-Modulation: orbit change: 0.5 mm V-kick (0.2 mrad) Offset at QF: 1.5 mm 5% QF-Modulation: orbit change: 0.4 mm 10% QD modulation: orbit change 0.1 mm Conclusion: BBA works with QF in horizontal and vertical plane No individual PS needed for QD for BBA
Insertion device and Beta-Beat SESAME: PD-Beamline Without local correction the PX wiggler will produce a beta-beat of +/- 4 % Individual QD-PS favored but not necessary
Power Supply Procurement Cost of magnet system allows to purchase complete PS-package in framework of CESSMAg CERN resumes PS package Change in concept (Before:QP-PS in series, Purchasing as complete package turn-key from Industry) Now: QP-PS in series, PSI-Controller, Voltage-source, DCCT; Assembling at CERN Advantage: Better performance in respect of: Maintenance Adjustment of Beta-Beat Beam-Based Alignment Integration of Insertion-devices Cost: More manpower needed for development and assembling Concept endorsed by Review-Committee (J.F.Bouteille, R.Kunzi, R.Visintini, F.Bouvet)
Combined/Individual QP-PS and Air Conditioning-Limits CERN: a revision of the installed cooling capacity is recommended. SESAME: The capacities of SESAME have to be accepted (cost- limited). RF: 700 kW AC, 5% eff. into air 35 kW air or Water? *): 2 QF in series, cable length reduced to 60 m Conclusion: AC is compatible with Individual powered QF/QD
Needed stability for Dipole and Quadrupole PS Needed stability Defines Tracking stability ( c Iqp-Idp)/Ldp Defines PS Stability 16 bit - 15 ppm
Synchronization Booster 1s 50 ppm step all 50 µs SR 240 s 50 ppm step all 15 ms SR Trigger precision: 1ms Trigger for each step or external start trigger and following internal clock? Clocks needed to be synchronized if only triggered for start ? Old Concept: Off-shelf controller : All PS from same provider to warranty synchronization? New Concept: PSI Controller for all devices: Synchronization warrantied. More fun with development.
PS Controller 32 QF-PS (3 kW) ( 1 magnet in series) 16 QD-PS (3 kW) ( 2 magnets in series) 1 SF-PS (2 x 3 kW ?) (32 magnets in series) 1 SD-PS (4 x 3 kW ?) (32 magnets in series) 1 DP-PS (440 kW) (16 magnets in series) Ethernet PSI Gate way PSI controller Serial out Serial in PWM DCCT Ethernet PSI Gate way PSI controller DAC ADC PWM DCCT Ethernet PSI Gate way PSI controller PWM DCCT Ethernet PS controller PWM DCCT Commercial PS Current source Commercial PS Power source Commercial PS Voltage source Commercial PS Voltage source To be developed by CERN? SESAME? Final PS built up by CERN/SESAME Foreseen for QP Foreseen for DP Foreseen for Corr
Questions New concept accepted. Individual PS for QF. PSI Controller for all PS. DAC card and off-shelf PS. DAC development by CERN or SESAME? Responsibility and Supervision by CERN Manpower from SESAME in limits of its capacity 26 Person months for 1 year? Two QD in series? 16 bit (one module less) or 18 bit? Public tender or contracting EEI for dipole PS?
Cavities Specification: Number: 4 Frequency: 499.65 MHz Shunt Impedance: > 3.3 MΩ Max Cavity Voltage: > 650 kV Max Window Power: > 120 kW HOM-Damping Properties: Wave guide (BESSY) ++ Beam-Pipe (KEK/PF) + Temperature (ELETTRA) 0 Invitation to Bid: Sep. 13 3 bids received : Nov. 13 (RI, ELETTRA, TOSHIBA)
Purchasing Cavities Two old ELETTRA cavities (reduced performance) available. Preferred: Purchasing of 4 new cavities ( ELETTRA, BESSY, KEKII/PF) Invitation to bid: Sep. 2013 Opening of Bids: Nov. 2013 (2.2 M$, 2.1 M$, 4.3 M$) Italy-INFN Contribution 1 M€ Initial proposal 2 new ELETTRA cavities Meeting Trieste Aug 2013, Agreed with INFN: SESAME can decide items to be purchased Money should be transferred to SESAMA account INFN Proposal Oct.2013: Two new ELETTRA cavities for 0.85 M €
Comparing Cavities Values from E.Weihreter
RF Amplifier Intended : Use 500 MHz solid state amplifier (0.6 kW Module) developed at SOLEIL Needed: 4 x 80 kW from 4 x 10 x 16 x 0.5 kW Status: 16 Modules combined and tested by SOLEIL. 40 kW tower will be built up by SOLEIL for THOMX (Beginning 2014). Export of Technology from SOLEIL to SESAME on halt (May 2013) Export approval received (Aug.2013) Intended:Built up of one 80 kW tower (Demonstrator) by SOLEIL, sold to SESAME. Participation of SESAME. Licensing of 500 MHz technology from SOLEIL to SIGAM-PHI-Electronics? Purchasing of further 3 towers from SIGMA-PHI-Electronics? Cost?
500 MHz 80 kW Solid-State-Amplifier X 16 X 10 4 x 0.65 kW 10 kW 80 kW Syn.Rad. Losses: (200 mA 600 kV) / 4 = 30 kW Cavity Losses: (500 kV)2 / (6 MΩ)= 40 kW 4 Cavities: 280 kW
RF-Amplifier-CRYELECTRA Same transistor, same power-supply as SOLEIL
Visit ILSF / Test of ILSF Amplifier Same transistor same performance: Pout: 650 W Gain: 20 dB Efficiency: 55%