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Spearfish School District curriculum Planning Development. By Jennifer Nehl, M. Ed. Outcomes. Our school district will have a vertically aligned curriculum in all subject areas, K-12 . Develop k-12 curriculum map for each subject area.
Spearfish School Districtcurriculum Planning Development By Jennifer Nehl, M. Ed.
Outcomes • Our school district will have a vertically aligned curriculum in all subject areas, K-12. • Develop k-12 curriculum map for each subject area. • K-12 Vertical Teams engage in alignment process and develop curriculum plan • Horizontal grade level & subject area teams develop/determine Essential Learning Outcomes or learning targetsand articulate units of study for each subject area • Our school district will have Common summative assessments in place, k-12, to measure learning in each subject area. • Teachers in each subject area will develop common summative and formative assessments to measure learning of the essential learning outcomesor learning targets.
District Implementation of Common Core State Standards Goal: A guaranteed and viable curriculum supported by best practice instruction and assessment Curriculum Assessment Instruction Implementation K-12 Vertical & Horizontal Alignment of Standards Common Assessments MyOER & Web Resources Clearly Articulated Transition Timeline Textbook/Resource Selection Agreed upon Placement of Standards, Instructional Units and Assessments I-Tester Curriculum Maps -Power Standards -Units of Study -Assessment Plan Investigate research-based instructional strategies Smarter Balanced Collaboration: is a key part of every phase of the process Professional Development: will need to be timely and on-going
Exploring the Standards http://sdccteachers.k12.sd.us
CCSS Mathematics Standards Two Types of Standards • 8 Standards of Mathematical Practice (recurring throughout the grades) • Mathematical Content (this will be different at each grade level)
Standards of Mathematical Practice • Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. • Reason abstractly and quantitatively. • Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. • Model with mathematics. • Use appropriate tools strategically. • Attend to precision. • Look for and make use of structure. • Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
7 Literacy Competencies They demonstrate independence. They build strong content knowledge. They respond to the varying demands of audience, task, purpose, and discipline. They comprehend as well as critique. They value evidence. They use technology and digital media strategically and capably. They come to understand other perspectives and cultures
Content literacy is defined as the degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process and understand information needed to evaluate, comprehend and apply content specific information.
myOER • Go to myOER and create an account • Guided exploration of the site
How We Got to This Place myOER provides the framework for the blueprint’s evolution
Summative & Formative Assessment Summative Assessment: How much have students learned at a particular point in time? Formative Assessment: How can we use assessments to help students learn more?
Summative Assessment The purpose of summative assessment is: • to measure student achievement at a particular point in time for reporting and accountability; • to sort students in rank order; and • to maximize student learning through standardized tests.
Formative Assessment The purpose of formative assessment is: • to promote further improvement of student learning during the learning process and • to involve students in the ongoing assessment of their own achievement.
Formative Assessments Formative assessment results are used primarily by students, educators, and parents. Results are used for: • helping students see and hit the target(s) and • identifying student needs and drives instruction.
It isn’t the method that determines whether the assessment is summative or formative… …it is how the results are used.
Target Method Match Assessment Methods
Look at Us Now: ELA Evolution over time: Change began in July and ended yesterday
ELA: What’s Different and Why? • No docs/no pdfs…only view • Focus descriptor and length revised and move • No anchor standards • End results: • More room • Readability • User friendly • Reactions?
Math Original Blueprint 8th Grade—based on Dana Center
Look at us now: Math Evolution over time: Change began in July and ended yesterday
Connecting to Disaggregated Standards Link to all of the disaggregated standards for an Instructional Focus helps users visualize the overall process and alignment to the CCSS.
Blueprint vs. Checklist • Checklist: The amount of repetition and focus is based on research (Gates Foundation and Common Core.org)rather than the blueprint. • The blueprint supports the checklist not the other way: Michele and Marcia, if you are working with a district that already has a curriculum map, how could the checklist be valuable?
Defining Curriculum • Get into groups five. • Create a matchbook definition of curriculum. • No more then 15 words. • Not a list • As much of a sentence as possible. • Write matchbook definition and be ready to share.
Defining Curriculum What are we going to hang our hat on?
Introduction to Spearfish School District curriculum Planning Blueprint
Spearfish School Districtcurriculum Planning Development – Day 2 By Jennifer Nehl, M. Ed.
Outcomes • Our school district will have a vertically aligned curriculum in all subject areas, K-12. • Develop k-12 curriculum map for each subject area. • K-12 Vertical Teams engage in alignment process and develop curriculum plan • Horizontal grade level & subject area teams develop/determine Essential Learning Outcomes or learning targetsand articulate units of study for each subject area • Our school district will have Common summative assessments in place, k-12, to measure learning in each subject area. • Teachers in each subject area will develop common summative and formative assessments to measure learning of the essential learning outcomesor learning targets.
District Implementation of Common Core State Standards Goal: A guaranteed and viable curriculum supported by best practice instruction and assessment Curriculum Assessment Instruction Implementation K-12 Vertical & Horizontal Alignment of Standards Common Assessments MyOER & Web Resources Clearly Articulated Transition Timeline Textbook/Resource Selection Agreed upon Placement of Standards, Instructional Units and Assessments I-Tester Curriculum Maps -Power Standards -Units of Study -Assessment Plan Investigate research-based instructional strategies Smarter Balanced Collaboration: is a key part of every phase of the process Professional Development: will need to be timely and on-going
Defining Curriculum What are we going to hang our hat on?
Introduction to Spearfish School District curriculum Planning Blueprint
Exploring the Standards http://sdccteachers.k12.sd.us
Steps in Curriculum Planning Blueprint • When referring to Instructional Focus, determine order of IF’s for your grade span. • Insert Standards in Curriculum Plan from Instructional Focus Blueprint • Insert Instructional Focus into Curriculum Plan from Blueprint • Insert Learning Targets (student friendly language) into Curriculum Plan from Blueprint • Evaluate resources which align to IF • Evaluate assessments which align to IF Horizontal Process • Refer to Horizontal Process to do List to complete Curriculum Plan