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Presentation made by 3D High School G.B. Bodoni. Business Plan. What is it? Business Plan is a planning document that describe in detail the business project and allows the objective evaluation of the feasibility and validity of the initiative. For what it’s used for?
Presentation made by 3D High School G.B. Bodoni Business Plan
What is it? Business Plan is a planning document that describe in detail the business project and allows the objective evaluation of the feasibility and validity of the initiative. For what it’s used for? The purpose of Business Plan is to demonstrate the validity and possibility of success of the idea and justify the request of any funding. What is it Business Plan and for what it’s used for
The first step is to focus the idea that is at the base of the business project. In this phase need to formalize the objectives in terms of: Products/services that it intends to offer Needs to satisfy Target reference Reasons for the success The idea and the business mission
A business idea is one that can meet: A need/ a necessity Warned by a sufficient number of subjects By offering a product / service A success business idea meets the following requirements: Innovativeness it’s a discovery, an instrument or a new idea due to a moment of research Marketability is whether the market is there a potential buyer for the goods or services to be produced, perhaps replacing the one currently purchased Competitiveness must verify that the resources available to allow us to put the idea in practice Profitability it’s necessary to check that the company you want to create will allow us to gain Business idea
The success of an initiative is not tied exclusively to the potential of the idea, but it also depends on the ability of people who will manage the initiative. It is important to explain how it arrived at the decision to start a business and to identify the sector of intervention. It should bring out: Who are the members? What will be the share of ownership? What educational experiences related to the business plan have lived? What competencies are developed? What opportunities has been able to grasp? What contacts have been established? The business group
It should draw up a list of products and services to sell and describe in detail, indicating the differences compared to existing products / services. You must indicate the type of needs that the product meets and benefits to the consumer. The description of the needs that the product / service fulfills a dual purpose of: Identify market segments in which the company intends to operate Provide the potential investor an idea of the advantages that the product / service has over its competitors. PRODUCTS AND SERVICES
Before we start, you should take a collection of data and information through which a picture of the economic and social situation and future trends. • The market analysis is the moment where the real opportunities are highlighted for the company to achieve its goals. The information needed to carry out market research can be collected in: • Desk analysis: data and information published in magazines, industry analysis, other market research. • Survey of field data collection and information directly from the main players in the market. Market analysis and marketing plan
The market analysis must contain: • An evaluation of general and industry trends of interest • The analysis of the degree of innovativeness in the field: the traditional sector subject to fashion, in a rapidly changing • Risk factors in the industry • Anybarriersto entry The collection of these data should provide a photograph of the area in which your company will operate Market Analysis
Customers You must identify the type of clientele that we want to address, because this change mainly because of two things: • The way in which "presents" • The type of service provided to complete the product sold. Must be identified the types of customers: • "End users" profile, numerosity, motives for buying • Customers "business": private companies or public agencies, how many and what size they are, the geographical area in which they operate, purchase frequency and characteristics sought in the product Specify if you have already established relationships / agreements with potential customers. The analysis of the market
The competition Itisverylikelythatwhenyou start a business venturethere are alreadyothercompaniesoffering the sameproduct / service (directcompetitors) or havefocused on a specificsegmentofcustomersbyoffering a viable alternative to the satisfactionofthatneed (competitorsindirect). It’s necessaryidentify the type and abundanceofcompetitors and, ifpossible, the market share heldbythem (rememberthat in additiontoitsdirectcompetitors can existevenindirect).-Identifywhichproducts / servicesoffer (evenreplacement / alternative toyourown)-Assesswhat are the strengths and weaknessesof the competition. The analysisof themarket
Salesstrategies and pricingis the timeto indicate howyouplantocontactcustomers, todefine the positioningcomparedtocompetitors, products and services in termsofprices, alsodefinepolitical discount, indicatingthat the price rangeofmeansto position the product / service and togivereasonswhy (alignmentwithcompetitors' prices, optionfor a high price range, aggressive policy withvery low prices). Advertising, promotion and communicationIncluded the identificationof the promotionalplan and advertising thatyouwantto put in placetopromote and advertise the company. The marketing plan
The organizationof the production process Mustcontainall information about the processof production / providing a product/ service and quantify the associatedcosts. • The resourcesMustcontainall information about the sizeof the structure and organizationboth in termsofpersonnel, bothsupportprocesses. Includesdefining the organization and remunerationpolicies. Operative and organizationalplan
The investmentplanis the listofinvestments "fixed", called "instrumental" neededto start the objectof the entrepreneurialactivities, withanindicationoftheir cost. Suchinvestmentsmay involve the useof the entrepreneur's own capital and financingfromthirdparties. The BalanceSheet and ForecastingHighlight the valueofassets and theirfundingsources. The economic and financialplan
Budget forecastofrevenues or sales Through the Sales Budget of the first twoyearsitispossibleto estimate the future earnings: providingfor the possible production and salesthat the market can absorb, we can evaluate the revenuepotential and itsvariations. Itshall show howyoudetermined the volume of business tobeundertakenforallyears in which the predictionismade. Assume revenueiscertainly the mostdifficult task, sincerevenuesdepend on the price of the product / service and the numberofcustomers. • Cost estimate or budget spendingAll the necessaryexpensesrequiredforactivity management. Costsshouldalwaysbedividedintofixedcosts and variablecosts. Fixedcosts are thosenotdirectlylinkedto turnover, they are the coststhat the entrepreneurhasto face regardlessof the goodsales.Variablecosts are directlydependent on the volume ofsales.Itshouldbefairlyobviousthat the good performance of the activityalsodepends on the attentionwithwhich the entrepreneur can keepfixedcosts low.