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Trends in the Electronics – where is Bulgaria today? by Anelia Pergoot pergoot@zmdi.com. outline. New trends and focuses for improving speed and quality of electronics – ESSDERC 2013 based Where is the world today? New materials New elements New trends New areas of applications
Trends in the Electronics – where is Bulgaria today?by Anelia Pergoot pergoot@zmdi.com
outline • New trends and focuses for improving speed and quality of electronics – ESSDERC 2013 based • Where is the world today? • New materials • New elements • New trends • New areas of applications • What is going on in Bulgaria? • My idea’s about the educational system of today
New trends and focuses for improving speed and quality of electronics Where is the world today?
Moore’s Law Moore's law is the observation that, over the computing hardware, the number of transistors in IC doubles approximately every two years. The law is named after Gordon Moore, co-founder of Intel Co., who described the trend in his 1965 paper
Топ 20 производители на интегрални схеми за 2013 г. (млрд. USD) 1. Intel 48,3- uCore and Digital2. Samsung 34,4 - uCore and Digital, RAM3. TSMC 19,8 - producer4. Qualcomm 17,2 - uCore and Digital5. Micron 14,4- 6. Hynix 12,9 - DRAM7. Toshiba 11,9- uCore and Digital, RAM8. TI 11,5- uCore and Digital, RAM9. Broadcom 8,2- uCore and Digital, RAM10. ST 8,0- Mixed Signal, ASSP, MEMS11. Renesas 7,9 - uCore and Digital, RAM12. AMD 5,3- uCore and Digital13. Infineon 5,2- Mixed Signal, ASSP, MEMS14. Sony 4,915. NXP 4,8 - Mixed Signal, ASSP, MEMS16. MediaTek 4,6 - uCore and Digital17. GloFo 4,318. Freescale 4,0- Mixed Signal, ASSP 19. UMC 3,9 - producer20. Nvidia 3,9- uCore and Digital
New trends and focuses for improving speed and quality of electronics New Materials
Nanometer-scale InGaAs Field-Effect Transistors for THz and CMOS technologies • Integrated circuits based on InGaAs Field Effect Transistors are now widely used in the RF front-ends of smart phones and other mobile platforms, wireless LANs, high data rate fiber optic links and many defense and satellite communication systems. • InGaAs ICs are also under intense research for new millimeter-wave applications such as collision avoidance radar and gigabit WLANs. In the last few years. InGaAs-channel MOSFETs have emerged as a credible alternative for mainstream logic technology capable of scaling to the 10 nm node and below. • To get to this point, fundamental technical problems had to be solved though there are still many challenges that need to be addressed before the first non-Si CMOS technology becomes a reality. The intense research that this exciting prospect is generating will also reinvigorate the long march of InGaAs FETs towards the first true THz electronics technology.
Carbon Electronics • The slowdown of scaling intensified the search for the “next switch”. The dream is, of course, to find a new switching element that can replace the conventional transistor. Preferably without any change of the existing infra-structure – new materials and fabrication methods would be tolerated. • Due to its superb thermal and electrical transport properties carbon in form of graphene or carbon nanotubes (CNTs) is considered as a natural successor of the current available technology solutions in the digital and RF space. • In both, graphene and CNTs, devices can be build that resemble very closely the existing device structures and would therefore fit into the existing technology ecosystem without major interruptions. • However, graphene and CNT based device technologies come with their own challenges that have to be overcome to insert them into a technology.
New trends and focuses for improving speed and quality of electronics New Elements
MEMS факти • MEMS, tiny micro-electro-mechanical systems направени с процесите на КМОС технология • Established in Automotive applications since almost 30 years, they can be found today predominantly in smartphones, tablets, cameras, laptops, video games! • From accelerometers and gyroscopes to magnetic compasses, pressure sensors and MEMS microphones, MEMS sensors have dramatically improved the user experience with electronic devices. • According to IHS iSuppli an amount of 4.3 billion micromechanical sensors were sold in 2011 with an impressive increase to 9.8 billion sensors in 2015 – a growth rate of 23% per year!
Историяи развитие на MEMS Integration with uCores, SW, on 1 Si, in 1 package, ASSN’s
New trends and focuses for improving speed and quality of electronics New Trends
Digitally-assisted data converted design • Modern CMOS technologies provide digital signal processing capabilities at high integration density and low energy per operation. • Еxpending digital signal processing to enhance performance-limiting analog building blocks has become a widely explored paradigm in modern ICs. • Low power - 3D heterogeneous integration by near field coupling. • Digitally presented analogue circuits
Reliable Design with unreliable components • The ongoing miniaturization of data processing and storage devices and the imperative of low-energy consumption can only be sustained through low-powered components. However, lower supply voltages combined with variations in technological process of emerging nanoelectronic devices make them inherently unreliable. • As a consequence, the nanoscale integration of chips built out of unreliable components has emerged as one of the most critical challenges for the next-generation electronic circuit design. To make such nanoscale integration economically viable, new solutions for efficient and fault-tolerant data processing and storage must be investigated. • Safety requirements • EMI resistant designs
New areas of applications AudioElectronics OptoElectronics BioElectronics E-Brain programs in USA and Europe
Гипса се замества с пластмаса и след това върху кожата на пациента се поставя директно костен стимулатор с ниска импулсна ултразвукова интензивност (Lipus). Медицинската превръзка се комбинира със системата Lipus, за да се ускори процеса на оздравяване.От компанията твърдят, че системата намалява времето за заздравяване с до 38 на сто и увеличава бързината на процеса на лечение с до 80 на сто в сравнение с традиционните превръзки.
Изкуственно око базирано на CMOS камераJohn Rogers of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
What is going on in BG? Ръст е регистриран и спрямо предходния месец март 2014 - при производството на електронни и оптични продукти (11.2%) и производството на превозни средства, без автомобили (3.7%). See more at: http://industryinfo.bg
Technology parks and clusters in development to boost cooperation and improve access to technology and knowledge
CMEES members EU TU Gabrovo
Аутомотив индустрия в България • Great Wall, China, Lovetch, cars • Grammer, DE, Trudovetz, interior,1997, 800 • Johnson Control, USA,Sofia, SW,2001,600 • Melexis, BE, Sofia, IC, 2006, 600 • ZMDI, GE, Sofia and Varna, 2008, 52 • Montupet, FR, Russe,2008, Al parts, 700 • Javazaki, JAP, Jambol, cables, • Kostal, GE, Smolyan, PCB’s, • Behr-Hella, GE, Bozurishte, 2014, HVAC, 200 • Ixetic, GE, Strjama, 2014, pomps, 450 • Nexans, Pleven, 2014, cables, 600 • Witte, Standard Profil, and others…
MLX ranking 5th ZMDI ranking 11th in Automotive Sensors Source Strategy Analytics 2013
Nanotechnologies • Multidisciplinary activities covering a wide spectrum of application in nanotechnology and precision measurements, involving the study of unconventional materials and manufacturing methods in the frame of Nanowerk • MEMS development and production – AMG Technology, first Bulgaria company to win an Eurostars funding • Specialized design and test of mixed mode integrated circuits – ZMDI and Melexis investments with 20% growth rate/year
CosmiC studies • Small Communication Satellite Mission • Space Technology and Research Institute at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences • Sofia State University University “Kliment of Ohrid” • RaySat Ltd. (satellite networks ompany) • Support and enhancement of science research and human activities in Antarctica • Hi-speed two-way backhaul data transfer for scientific, safety and other applications • Off-line two-way operational communication services for professional personal or rescue purposes • Continental surface measurements of biological and natural phenomena • Weather monitoring and forecasting • Communications project, aiming to mobilize scientific and industrial effort to build a purely Bulgarian product with international impact. • 10-60 Mbps data-transfer bit rate • 1500-600-km orbit altitude • remote sensing of Earth exploration
LED development and production with strong growth and international successes • Global presence in the country • 2R –Bulgaria in Plovdiv • Lumicomp design in Sofia • Rommtech 3S in Vratsa • LED Variant in Russe • Octa light PLC in Godech • Incotex in Botevgrad • Denima 2001 in Lovech • IKIS SL in Sofia • LEDX in Varna • Moving from out-sourcing to in-sourcing and production • Laboratories in construction for test and certification
When is our educational system created? Lyceum up to 18 years old Academy after 18 years old Plato V b.c. Aristotle IV b.c. Pericles VI b.c.
School from the past till now Place to collect and transfer information and knowledge
Какво иска светът сега? • Базисно знание в много области – академията замества специализацията • Многофункционални мислещи хора – правене на връзки и стигане до атома вместо повтаряне на действия и парадигми • Мисленето и адаптивността ще водят хорото