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Explore using cutting-edge technologies to enhance English language teaching, including creating interactive content, sharing resources, and engaging students through multimedia applications.
Using New Technologies forTeaching English Cardiff, 18-22 april 2016 International StudyProgrammes PoweredbyMrs Claudia Fontana
Internet Language www @ (ctrl+alt) .com : colon / forwardslash _ underscore - hyphen, dash Byte, megabyte, gigabyte, terabyte
The Keyboard ACTIONS: Switch on/off Log on/register Long in Log out Scroll down Reboot Cut and paste Save Delete Undoarrow Underline BUTTONS and FUNCTIONS Font Dimension Colour Caps /Caplock Tabsetting Copy Ctrl C Cut Ctrl X Paste Ctrl V Bulletpoints Task bar Bold ItalicsCtrl I UnderlinedCtrl S Wiped out
How to…. embed a Hyperlink in a PPT Go on “insert” on the toolbar click on “hyperlink” write the website youwantto link write text youwantto display and hereitgoes! Mywordpress website Fancy some music? Find URL on Youtube Paste on slide, change text ifyoulike and…SingAlong!
How to…. create a video withAnimoto Sign in at animoto.com (save username and pw!!) Att! itis free onlyfor 2 weeks!! Choose a theme, choose a soundtrack Start uploading some photos and videos Writecaptions under them Write text in text slots Rearrangepics and texts Pre-view, edit and publish Public and share by e-mail or on FB https://animoto.com/play/m57NZYYLgpMAdQdANvDZEA
How to … create a Voicethread Sign on voicethread.com (save username and pw!!) Open a newvoicethread upload a picture, a page, a text, a video click on comment record yourcomment edit, check go on the menu (bars on the top left) to share: copy the link and senditby e-mail https://voicethread.com/share/7775672/
How to… create a WikiSpace Go on www.wikispaces.com Click on Education Sign up usingyouremailaddress Giveyourwiki a name and fill the form Click on Page and then click on New Page Write on page, addlinkstowebsites Upload files, pictures, charts Cliksave, you can alwaysedititlater https://mrsfontana.wikispaces.com/
How to…. share a Wikiwithyourclass Open yourownwiki Go on Members, then go on Invite People Put students’ e-mails and sendaninvitation Or… Create anaccess code and share it on FB or whatsapp Or… Waitforsomeonetoasktoyoubeinvited
How to …. revisevocabularyareas You can useseveraltools: www.eclipsecrossword.comtomakecrosswords http://puzzlemaker.discoveryeducation.comtomakemanydifferentkindsofinteractivegames http://eduplace.com/graphicorganizerto help youmakemindmaps www.text2mindmap.com easy tooltomakemindmaps
How to …. create interactivecrosswords file:///C:/Users/docente/Desktop/Eclipse%20crossword/Territory%20interactive.html Download www.eclipsecrossword.com Make a wordlist and giveeach word a definition Whenready, launch the crossword Choose the best layout among the onesoffered Save the work asprintable pdf (basicscheme, answers, clues) or asaninteractive html page
How to …. usephoneappsforlearning English The phrasalverbmachine (CUP) Phrasalstein (phrasalverbs) The free dictionarybyFarlac Quizlet, Animoto, Voicethread, Prezi are alsoapps!! Bbc news, or News in differentlevels Duolingolanguagecourse, itmovesto upper levels Woices voice guides (anappto create personal voice descriptionofplaces
How to …. make and use QR codes Download the Appi-nigmaforreading QR quickresponsecodes http://qrcode.kaywa.comto create one: click more, click text, typeyour text, click generate , thenusesnippingtoolto cut it out an put it on a worksheet Whynottry a QR code treasurehunt?
How to … makequizzes Thisiswheretomakeyourownquizzes or find a readymade quiz: www.getkahoot.com Thisiswhereto play (the appshouldbedownloaded): www.kahoot.it You can play both on pc and on your mobile
How to…sendfilesusingDropbox Dropboxis a cloud, a way tosave, store and share fileswhen online. It can beusedto share multimedial material withstudents. Open youdropbox account, giveit a name, open some directories. Cut and paste yourfilesinto the right directory Forconsultationonly: send the sharing code to the class Collaboration: invitesomeoneto collaborate by e-mail https://www.dropbox.com/sh/umbi1me2rfqrcxe/AADaEXZhsOJIU4CiKmD1psxWa?dl=0
How to … create a survey Go on SurveyMonkey, sign in and saveyour password Go tomake a survey Insertyourquestions, decide the answers Foreachquestionyou can decide ifyouprefer a single answer or multiple ones Edityoursurvey and give link tostudents Whenanswersarrive, choose the graphicaspectyoupreferforyour data analysis (pie chart, towers, linesetc). https://it.surveymonkey.com/results/SM-5ZWV7PTL/
How…tomake a virtual billboard Go on www.padlet.com and sign in Open yourPadlet, choose the background, the structure, the privacy. Start publishingyour notes You can alsoadd a photo, a video, a text, anaudiofile Share the “magic word” withyourclass And hereitgoes!! https://padlet.com/wall/8nt3pup11zve
How to …. open a classgroup on facebook Go on yourprofile and open a newgroup Give the group a name (not just 1b, 2b…) In the privacy settingchoose “closedgroup” - everybody can see the groupbutnot the posts Put a groupimage, set a code ofconduct start publishing Giveyourstudentsyourgroup’s internet address They’llasktobeadmitted, no needtobefriends on FB. Choose a coupleofstudentsasadministrators https://www.facebook.com/groups/693364820803471/?fref=ts
How to… open a website There are manyprovidersof free user-friendlywebsites, with no needtoknow html . Oneof the mostwellknowniswordpress. Go on www.wordpress.com and choose the language Followinstructionsto decide the name, pages, font etcofyournew website Customizeitaccordingtoyournecessities Foranyproblem, look for a tutorial on youtube https://comeniuswaterresource.wordpress.com https://curriculumverticaleblog.wordpress.com https://aristoteleinternationalexams.wordpress.com
How to …. Find Training Online There are hundredsof free courses online offeredby the best universities in the world ! MOOC Massive Open Online Courses: www.futurelearn.com www.coursera.org www.europeanschoolnetacademy.eu www.eduopen.org (also in Italian)
Resources Research and resourses in LanguageTeachingDigitalLiteracy, Ed Pearson http://www.theconsultants-e.comlessonsusingmobiles and tablets www.elsvideo.comeverything!! www.puzzlemaker.commakeinteractivegames
Thankyouforyourattention! Feelfree tocontact me at claudia.fontana.marsan@gmail.com