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PD Team Meeting May 2, 2012. Webinar Protocol. PLEASE MUTE —your computer and we will move you to panelist so you can talk THANKS!. Webinar Protocol. Eliminate background noise as much as possible.
Webinar Protocol PLEASE MUTE —your computer and we will move you to panelist so you can talk THANKS!
Webinar Protocol • Eliminate background noise as much as possible. • Send messages through the chat window to all as needed; we may not monitor the questions bar. • Raise your hand on the dashboard if you can’t get into the conversation.
Meeting Outcomes By the end of this session, participants will.… • Discuss Facilitative Team Time • Discuss process for external review of modules • Discuss the NCEES position and new ways of working • Discuss the project teams that will launch at the May retreat • Get new ideas about how to build local capacity with RttT initiatives • Issues Bin
Norms • Respectful communication as allies. • Be actively involved • Focus on established goals • Assume the best of my colleagues • Thoughtfully involve others.
Note-Taker Mary K will take notes.
Robert Introduce new team members
Paul Marshall – Region 5 & Math Andrew Horne – Web Content New Team Members
Request from Lynne Where are we?How Do we know?What are we doing about it?
Evidence of Support • Which LEAs in each region are NOT moving? • How are helping them? • Who • What • When • How
Heather Discuss Facilitative Team Time
Facilitative Team Time Updates
Updates: What’s New • Day 1: Afternoon Pre-Planning Session for Leaders to provide up-to-the-minute opportunities for differentiation • District, School, and PD Leaders will create goals for their teams and share with other LEAs/Charters • What are your strengths?
Toolkit Materials • Calling all Resources – It takes a village!
LEA/Charter Information Sheets Dropbox • ERD Shared Folder • Facilitative Team Time • LEA/Charter Information Sheets • Use Fidelity Check Feedback to Complete Table • Roundtable Support
Red Flags • Look for comments such as: • “Please let us know what we need to bring for this time.” • “Please provide goals for this time.” • Contact LEA/Charters to share expectations for Facilitative Team Time • Contact LEAs/Charters who have not completed the survey – send them the direct link.
Ensuring Best Fit • Variety of strengths on our team and across divisions • Google Form
Training • Date TBD • Facilitator’s Tips • Guiding Questions • Review of the Resources • Overview of LEA/Charter Needs
Geetanjali Discuss process for external review of modules
External Review After content team review and beta test Stake holders • Teachers (largest group) • Principals/Administrators • Dpi staff (sample) • Module content specific reviewers
Kim Discuss the NCEES position and new ways of working
CHANGES AS WE MOVE FORWARD • NCEES Consultant Role • Information must be simplistic and consistent. • Building a team to guide this process of support: THINK TANK North Carolina Educator Evaluation System
Robert Discuss the project teams that will launch at the May retreat
Improving Professional Development Capacity Purpose: Support district and charter leaders in establishing systems and structures for planning, designing and evaluating high quality professional development. Outcomes: Use web-based, and face-to-face opportunities to: • Maintain high quality fidelity support for LEA/Charter teams • Promote and support a PD planning cycle that addresses planning, design, implementation, evaluation • Sustain highly effective (High Quality) PD • Develop data literacy for professional development (EVAAS, Guskey)
IDEA: Designing Web-based Professional Development Purpose: Collaborate within and across DPI Divisions to develop effective web-based instructional content that incorporates sound pedagogy and current technological tools. Outcomes: Develop web-based resources that: • Engage learners • Model instructional best practices • Increase content knowledge • Develop instructional skills • Provide resources and support
NCEES: Evaluating Educators Effectively Purpose: Support North Carolina Principals and Administrators with the North Carolina Educator Evaluation System. Outcomes: Use web-based, and face-to-face opportunities to: • Provide information and support for new users • Provide experiences for building clarity and fidelity with the standards and elements • Develop local capacity through area “super users” • Develop data literacy for fidelity and inter-rater reliability
ERD 21: Engaging 21st Century Learners Purpose: Provide support to North Carolina Educators for establishing classroom rigor and engagement appropriate for 21st Century Learners Outcomes: Use web-based, and face-to-face opportunities to: • Establish deep understanding of 21st Century Skills • Build Capacity with Technology Enabled Learning (TPACK) • Develop local capacity through collaborative communities of practice • Develop data literacy for instructional alignment and assessment design
Building Instructional Capacity Purpose: Provide support to North Carolina Educators for utilizing NCDPI tools and resources to establish rigorous, deeply aligned instructional resources and strategies Outcomes: Use web-based, and face-to-face opportunities to: • Support districts with aligning local curricular resources to content standards • Support educators with aligning instruction and assessment to local curricular resources • Provide experiences for developing rigorous classroom instruction and assessment (Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy) • Develop data literacy for instructional alignment and assessment design (PLCs)
Savonand Yvette SI Logistics
Greg and Mary Capacity corner
Region 3 Capacity Corner LEA Partnership (Roanoke Rapids, Weldon City & Halifax) with Friday Institute to create and populate a database of technology infused lessons.
Region 3 Capacity Corner Regional PD sessions sponsored by CCRESA on curriculum design. Sessions will be facilitated by The Leadership and Learning Center and will occur several times throughout the year.
Region 3 Capacity Corner Regional Roundtable Meetings: Developing a purpose and strategic plan to better address and align resources around regional needs. New Regional Lead has brought about a new direction and structure for meetings.
Region 3 Capacity Corner Collaboration is encouraged at every meeting/event. We stress the importance of networking throughout the region. Our participants are asked to exchange contact information with at least one person before the end of the meeting/event.
Team Availability • Yvette and Eliz will be tied up with the IIS RFP proposal process from May 7-21. At this point, we do not know how available we will be but Robert and Kristin are available to help you. • Mary R., Robin, Beth, DeLea, Kim, & Jenn will join in the IIS work from May 14-21. They will also have limited availability. (Jenn will attend scheduled EE sessions, however). • All IIS folks will be unavailable from May 31-June8 with vendor demonstrations. • Yvette will be in Greece from May 14 - May 28. Savon and Robert will take over the final SI preparations. • We may be calling on you for additional help as needs arise.
Issues Bin • Make your own hotel reservations for our May retreat and send your 10-8’s to Kristin. • We will get a sign up sheet on the wiki for the evening event at Robert’s. The style will be similar to our recent event at Lynne’s. • Attend the webinars on NCEES. • Attend one webinar on an overview of EVAAS before the May retreat. If you are already an EVAAS expert, you are welcome to skip this task. Visit https://ncdpi.sas.com/evaas/signin.jsf . You do not need to register for these sessions. • “How do we know?” • What else?