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Formula Layer applied at MSC forecasting offices. Aiming Wu Meteorological Services of Canada - Ontario Environment Canada The 8 th NUG meeting, Toronto, ON, Sept. 24, 2014. Outline. Introduction to formula layer ( N f L ) New features in version 1.8
Formula Layer applied at MSC forecasting offices Aiming Wu Meteorological Services of Canada - Ontario Environment Canada The 8th NUG meeting, Toronto, ON, Sept. 24, 2014
Outline Introduction to formula layer (NfL) New features in version 1.8 Some applications of NfL at MSC
What is NfL? A NinJo layer which can be used for Data retrieving (NWP - grid, sfc - point, Satellite - image, etc ) Scientific Calculation (new fields/variables) Visualization (display the new data as contours, isoareas, vectors, values etc) Script coded by NinJo Formula Language A special language similar to C++ and Java
Why we need NfL? Calculate new fields which are currently unavailable in NinJo, but needed in Ops New products not reply on the release cycle of NinJo (so no waiting) Easy to describe/forecast specific physical processes (e.g., fog, precip type, lake effect snow, freezing spray, CSI …) Condense all science into ONE layer, display the fields we exactly want to see (straightforward; avoid loading/overlaying too many layers) Test new theory/algorithm (research purpose, for Ntl. Lab etc)
New features in NfL 1.8 • Design mode and Protected mode • Adding new GUI elements • Toggle buttons (yes/no switch) • Spinner buttons (easily navigate to different models, runs, levels, elements …) • Customize icons
New features in NfL 1.8 (cont.) • Improved NfL Editor functionalities • Support of “vector” and “value” visualization • Importing library functions (for standard codes, no need to copy over …) • “Load menu” and “Layer Setting” (more easy to switch to different NfL applications without having to go over the layer config.) menu)
NfL applications at MSC (All fields experimental) • Basic fields • Temperature/vorticity/moisture advection • QG theory (geop. Tendency, Omega, Q-vector, Frontogenesis) • Theta-E & W • Thermal Frontal Parameter (TFP) • Winter weather fields • Snow-liquid ratio and snowfall amount • Precip. Type • Freezing Spray (marine forecast) • Lake effect snow
NfL applications at MSC (cont.) • Summer weather fields • Convective indices or Param. • P. Wats. • Moisture flux • Humidex • Satellite • Cloud top • 3.7 micron (thermal and reflection) • Air Quality • AQHI (air quality health index)
Advections • Temperature advection • Vorticity advection • Moisture advection q is specific humidity
Advection Fields (00Z Sep. 22, GEM-REG) Adv_Vort500 Adv_T850 Adv_Moisture850 Satellite
Q-G theory • Geopotential tendency EQ • Omega EQ • Q Vector • Frontogenesis
Fields based on Q-G theory (00Z Sep. 22, GEM-GLB) Geop. Tendency 500mb Omega 500mb Q Vector 500mb Frontogenesis 925mb
Thermal Frontal Parameter • Useful for finding fronts (areas with maximum TFP values)
Thermal frontal param (12Z Sep. 10, 2013) CMC analysis GEM-TFP
Precipitation type forecast Algorithm: partial thickness
Precip type – Partial thickness (06Z Dec. 22, 2013) The worst ice storm for Srn ON since 1998
Freezing Spray forecast Overland algorithm SAWADA Nomogram 5 Tf: freezing temperature of water (0oC for fresh water) Ta: surface air temperature Tw: water temperature Va: wind speed SWH: significant wave height (from WAM) UV: 10m wind speed A, B, C: constants Icing rate (in cm/h) < 0.7 light; [0.7, 2) moderate; [2, 4] heavy;> 4 very heavy 4 very heavy 3 heavy 2 moderate 1 light
Freezing Spray for the Great Lakes (12Z Jan. 6, 2014) SAWADA Overland
SN-Liquid Ratio & Snowfall amount(QPF snow in cm) Snow-liquid ratio (SLR) Algorithm from FO (David Baggaley, PASPC) Calculated using 1000-700mb thickness Adjusted by low level winds, surface temperature Snowfall amounts Calculate SLR every 3 hours SLR*3h QPF (type: sn) and add up 3h, 6h, 12h, 24h, 48h snowfall amounts in cm
Snow-liquid-ratio (00Z Jan. 4, 2014) YQK: 18-20 YQT: 12-14
24h Snowfall amount (by 12Z Jan. 4, 2014) 15-20cm 15-20cm YQT: 2 + 6 + tr + 4 = 12cm YQK: 6 + 8 + 4 + tr = 18cm
Lake effect snow forecast for the Great Lakes Algorithm - Fuzzy snow squall index (FSI) Algorithm from FO (D. Baggaley, PASPC) Temperature contrast factor (850mb and water) T850 factor Max shear factor Wind shift factor Lift factor
Lake effect snow for the Great Lakes (6h SN) NfL forecast Radar
Summer Convective Indices (21Z Sep. 21) S Index SWEAT Modified_TT Modified_K Clarke Index Delta_Theta-E
Summer Convective Param. (21Z Sep. 21) MU LI Showalter DCAPE MU CAPE MU CIN Radar
Air Quality Health Index (AQHI) O3 (in ppb) NO2 (in ppb) PM2.5 (in µm/m3)
Air Quality Forecast for OR (21Z Sep. 20) AQHI O3 NO2 PM2.5
Collaborations with Ntl Lab … Convective Initiation (CI) Project, Victor Chung ( Ntl. Lab – Remote Sensing & Nowcasting, Downsview). NfL will be extensively used in CI project for Satellite data processing Freezing Spray – Stallabrass Algorithm is being converted to NfL by Jamie McLean (Marine Lab, Dartmouth)
Cloud Top Height calculated from Satellite and Model data (with Victor Chung)
Summary NfL provides a powerful platform to calculate & visualize new fields/products Products created by NfL (as shown here) are promising, and useful for MSC forecast (public, marine, aviation and air quality) NfL has demonstrated great potentials in both research and operations
Acknowledgements Helps from CherifBissada Discussions & helps from Bruno Zurcher (Swiss), the NfL developer Courtesy from David Baggaley(PASPC) for SLR and FSI algorithm Support from Ontario Storm Prediction Centre