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Reproductive Diseases and Disorders

Reproductive Diseases and Disorders. SEX. Oligospermia. decreased sperm production can be caused by infection, fever, radiation, malnutrition, high temp in testes Can be temporary. Cryptorchidism. Failure of testes to descend Hormonal imbalance, physical obstruction

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Reproductive Diseases and Disorders

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Reproductive Diseases and Disorders

  2. SEX

  3. Oligospermia • decreased sperm production • can be caused by infection, fever, radiation, malnutrition, high temp in testes • Can be temporary

  4. Cryptorchidism • Failure of testes to descend • Hormonal imbalance, physical obstruction • Surgery or injection of testosterone

  5. Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy • Enlargement of prostate, squeezing urethra • Urination difficult or impossible • prostatectomy

  6. Inguinal Hernia • Intestines push through inguinal canal • can protrude into scrotum • Lifting heavy objects • External supports or surgery

  7. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease • Inflammation caused by infection • Oviducts (salpingitis) • Ovaries (oophritis) • Vagina (vaginitis)- STDs or candidiasis

  8. Sexually Transmitted Diseases aka Venereal Diseases

  9. Chancroid • Haemophilus ducreyi bacteria (gram -) • 90% reported cases are men • 1-2 days for ulcers to appear • Papules on skin • Highly contagious

  10. Genital Herpes • Herpes simplex virus type 2 • Blisters on genitals • Blisters may disappear temporarily • Acyclovir

  11. Genital Warts • Human papilloma virus • Nipple-like bumps on genitals • risk of cancer- 80% cervical • Surgery, laser, interferon

  12. Gonorrhea • Neisseria gonorrhoeae bacterium • The “clap” • Painful urination, penile discharge • Genitals, urinary tract, throat, conjunctiva, lower intestines • Antibiotics like penicillin

  13. Chlamydia • Chlamydia trachomatis bacterium • Chronic • Genital ulcers, swollen nodes, fever, muscle pain • Most common in US (2-4 mil/year) • 80% women no symptoms • Tetracycline

  14. Syphilis • Trepanema pallidum bacterium • Can affect any system • Chancre sore (tip of penis or hidden in females) is 1st • HIGHLY contagious

  15. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome • Human immunodeficiency virus • Direct contact of bodily fluids • Latent period • Damage to T cells, immunity impaired • Death from secondary infections or tumors

  16. Candidiasis

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