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Nuclear Forensics: Preventing & Responding to the Greatest Threat

Explore the critical role of nuclear forensics in addressing the threat of nuclear weapon detonation, both pre and post-detonation. Understand the challenges, international collaboration, and the importance of rapid response in this field.

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Nuclear Forensics: Preventing & Responding to the Greatest Threat

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  1. Jay Davis The Hertz Foundation Nuclear Forensics: A Capability We Hope Never to Use APS Workshop on Nuclear Weapons Issues in the 21st Century George Washington University November 3rd, 2013

  2. Product warning information • This talk is at the intersection of physics and national security policy • It has no equations and no data • The interesting figures are lifted from the Internet • It does not guarantee a happy ending • However, the area is important and an immensely rewarding one in which to work Be careful, or you could end up doing this sort of thing

  3. Detonation of a nuclear weapon in the US is considered to be the greatest threat facing the country • President Clinton expressed this threat • President Bush expressed this threat • President Obama has expressed this threat • The danger is not just the human, environmental, infrastructure and economic cost, but the threat to democratic principles resulting from the reaction to the event Nuclear forensics plays a role in both preventing and responding to such an event

  4. I’ve had both technical and political involvement with this subject • After the First Gulf War, I did nuclear forensics in Iraq • At LLNL, I created the lab and group that developed AMS capabilities to measure actinide isotopic fractions • At DTRA, I started the national program in post-detonation forensics • I now serve on review panels evaluating activities in nuclear forensics here and abroad

  5. The forensics problem splits into pre-detonation and post detonation activities • Pre-detonation activities focus on interdiction and identification of materials in transit • These are inherently multinational • Use unclassified research techniques • Move at a normal law enforcement or intelligence timescales • Post-detonation activities will focus on characterizing and understanding the device • These will start as unilateral – and may remain so • The techniques are a mix of classified and unclassified • The timescale will be screaming panic

  6. An international technical working Group was born over a decade ago to address post-Cold War nuclear trafficking ITWG formed in 1995-1996 Paris, France 2.5 g HEU (72%) Podolsk, Russia 1.5 kg HEU Andreeva Guba, Russia 1.8 kg HEU (36%) Batumi, Georgia 920 g HEU (30%) St. Petersburg, Russia 3.0 kg HEU (90%) Ruse, Bulgaria 4 g HEU (72%) Munich, Germany 400 g Pu (87% Pu-239) 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 Georgia/Armenia Border ~170g HEU Vilnius, Lithuania 100g HEU (50%) Moscow, Russia 1.7 kg HEU (20%) - Electrostal Diversion Murmansk, Russia 4.5 kg HEU (20%) Tengen, Germany 6 g Pu (99.75% Pu-239) Prague, Czech Republic (2) 0.415 g + 17 g HEU (87.8%) NOTE: enrichments have not been independently verified for all seizures Landshut, Germany 0.8 g HEU (87.8%) Prague, Czech Republic 2.7 kg HEU (87.8%) As of May 2006

  7. There is a robust and effective international program in pre-detonation forensics • However • There are no universal databases of nuclear materials properties • Different states have different classification rules about weapons materials • Nuclear fuel data (alloys, cladding, burnable poisons) are restricted for obvious commercial reasons • Different states have very different views on the nuclear risks to themselves • Some states watch but do not yet play

  8. Post–detonation Nuclear Forensics is not a new subject • All the necessary technical tools were well developed and exercised in the Cold War • To diagnose our own weapons • To learn from the nuclear weapons tests of other states • But our goal was design information, not attribution • What is new is the need to execute this task fast, in public, and against an unknown perpetrator • Success will require sharing information and resources and exercising and evaluating multiple agencies together – not a common governmental core competency

  9. What is new is a challenge posed by Hans Mark in 1990 • He pointed out to us in a talk at LLNL that the relaxation in US-Soviet tensions made use of a single weapon more likely • That such a weapon would likely be used in tribal, sectarian, or terrorist application • That the weapon might be unattributed • …and that we had not prepared to work that problem I got religion on this issue then and became a real pain to many organizations – but remember that classical investigative techniques might still solve the problem

  10. An unattributed weapon could have multiple sources • One intentionally smuggled in by a peer state • One lost by a peer state and used by a terrorist • One built by a rogue state with a small covert weapons program • One built by terrorists from materials supplied or lost by a weapons state • One sold by a weapons state • One diverted from the inventory of a collapsing weapons state The goal of forensics is to try to differentiate among these cases

  11. An unattributed device could be of varying size and sophistication • Here are three candidates • The Trinity Device • One of our weapons -- a SADM • A hypothetical Russian suitcase bomb

  12. Authority and Ability are widely dispersed for this problem • The Intelligence Community owns the National Technical Means that detect an explosion and measure yield • The FBI owns response to terrorism and development of evidence for prosecution • State and local authorities own the consequence management issue – assisted by the Federal Government • DOE owns the analytical tools and the weapons codes to work the inverse problem • DHS has the responsibility for “Securing the Homeland” • State has the authority to manage response overseas • DoD has responsibility for operations overseas and, inevitably, the resources to back everyone else up The multiple interactions and handoffs in this community are now tested in exercises against the clock

  13. A real scenario • A Russian tactical nuclear device, diverted without their knowledge, is smuggled into the United States • Moved by vehicle, undetected, into the center of a US city (Cincinnati) • Device is detonated, without warning, at ground level, timed to maximize casualties • 10 kiloton yield is assumed

  14. Situation - 4 Hours After DetonationSome Regional Federal Assets Possibly On-scene 1 m wide Local response efforts will likely focus on the area of severe (inner blue circle) and moderate (yellow circle) damage to structures Response impaired by infrastructure damage, and extensive power, telecom system damage & upset (dashed circle) 100,000 people were killed outright or lethally exposed (within shaded red area) -many apparent survivors will eventually die, despite evacuation and extensive medical treatment 4 miles long

  15. Situation - 12 Hours After Detonation Early-Responding National Assets Arriving, Operational 1 1/2 miles 8 miles Growth of fallout area exposes those not evacuated to lethal radiation dose -40,000 more potential fatalities -many may still require medical treatment, even if evacuated Precautionary evacuation area will include many more people Many responders may become fatally exposed due to operations in high-radiation areas -will hamper mid-term response

  16. Longer Range, Longer-Term Consequences Within 7 days, significant population areas will receive radiation exposures exceeding annual limits for- Radiation workers- 5 Rad 195,000 persons 1000 sq miles General public- 0.5 Rad 311,000 persons = 125-1244 extra cancer deaths 5800 sq miles Psychological effects outweigh medical ones WHEELING PA DAYTON > 0.5 Rad >5 Rad CINCINNATI OH KY LEXINGTON, KY WV

  17. The President’s questions are: • Was it really nuclear and was it ours or Russian? • How big is the event? • Is there another one? • What steps do we now take to prevent a subsequent event? • How did it get there? • Where did it come from? • Who did it?

  18. Answers we can really give -- eventually • It was really nuclear and the yield was? • From NTM – Maybe! • It used Plutonium or Uranium • Field measurements • It had 14 MeV neutrons • Field measurements • Efficiency of burn of the fuel • From fuel isotopics in recovered samples • Weight of the fuel, hence device sophistication • From combining yield and efficiency • Fuel production technique • From stable isotopic signatures in recovered samples • Design details and sophistication • By comparing all signatures with forward runs of design codes and archived test results All this data combined with intelligence and FBI information may lead to attribution

  19. Early Yield Determination will come from satellites • Both GPS and DSP constellations carry optical nuclear detectors • Quaintly called “Bhangmeters” • Originally designed for treaty monitoring, they have forensic value • Exact sensitivity, accuracy, and system response time are classified

  20. In the present construct of the forensics program • The intelligence community has to deliver yield information quickly • FBI and DoD have to expedite access to the site and provide transport and chain of custody of the samples • Though it may be possible to grab airborne samples rapidly with RPVs or fighter aircraft • The national labs have to operate 24X7 in analysis mode • An oversight group has to vet technical results and inferences • The FBI and Intelligence Community have to practice integrating technical results with other data • The political establishment demanding an answer has to understand what is possible – and on what timeline • The public has to be informed and reassured And all this has to work under hysterical pressure!

  21. The forensics program operates at varying levels of openness • Databases of nuclear materials are a mix of unclassified and classified, open and proprietary • Sample and information acquisition methods may be open or classified • Most of the analytical techniques are well established research tools, are peer-reviewed, and meet the “Daubert” criteria for admission in court • The weapons codes and test results used to draw design inferences are obviously classified and will remain so • The ease of exchange of information depends on to whom one is talking – much information flow depends upon personal relationships

  22. As Director of CAMS at LLNL, I proposed and built AMS Hardware for Nuclear Forensics • AMS is insensitive to molecular isobaric interferences (e.g., 236U vs. 235UH) which enables ultra-sensitive and rapid measurement of long-lived radioisotopes: • Instrumental backgrounds <105 atoms • Isotope ratios as low as 10-17 • Measurement times are typically a few minutes. Getting law enforcement and intelligence community investment to augment a shared facility is a challenge

  23. As Director of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, I established a forensics program The Deputy Secretary of Defense was willing to invest $25M per year for several years on my say so to work a possibly impossible problem A great lesson here is that if you can’t sell a program, go to Washington and start one!

  24. Defining our policy goals is essential to international collaboration • Our priorities post-detonation are: • Sustain the authority and credibility of the Government • Determine the probability of further events • Manage the consequences of the present event • Motivate the population to take appropriate protective measures • Determine the source of the weapon and the likely perpetrators • Decide what prosecution or retribution steps to take • We need foreign participation to: • Be our partners in Red Teaming, exercise creation, and blind sample round robin activities • Provide data on fissionable materials before the event • Tighten materials and information controls before the event • Assist us in pursuit and capture of perpetrators after the event We do not want to overplay forensics as deterrent activity, confusing attribution with retribution

  25. In terms of technology • We need new systems and instrumentation for rapid sample acquisition and in-field analysis • We need to revamp our in-lab equipment and optimize it for the speed of this task • We need a new generation of experts • We need to use our weapons codes to model the thousands of device cases that we might see – almost all of which look nothing like our own weapons

  26. In terms of operations • We need to decide how many events we anticipate handling • And staff appropriately • We need to exercise all components of the program regularly against real cases and with real timelines • We need to institutionalize the review and feedback process as the Military does in its war gaming • We need to train the Cabinet Members in their roles and what can be expected • And ensure that this knowledge carries across changes of Administrations • And deal with the average tour of duty of twenty-seven months of a Presidential Appointee

  27. In terms of practice • Exercises for this capability need to be run at all the levels appropriate for emergency response: • Tabletop • Step play • Full field and home exercises with the clock running • The exercises should be used to evaluate and determine: • Doctrine • Policy questions for investigation • Organization • Equipment • R&D for future needs • Results of these exercises should influence careers and budgets • As they do in the military

  28. In terms of communication • The Government needs to : • Decide what to say about the program to the public • Determine who is the best spokesman at the best time • Consider how its messages will be heard by multiple constituencies • Agencies • Members of Congress • The citizenry at large • Foreign governments and populations • Subject itself to tests of performance in this area Poor communication in these situations can make matters worse!

  29. The current state of the game • The US has a competent and practiced program of post-detonation forensics • The policy decision needed is to resource it appropriately in the defense, counter-proliferation, and non-proliferation portfolio • The program needs then to be explained to the public and the international community and to be practiced against its possible need – here or abroad

  30. What’s in play that would affect the program? • The APS/AAAS unclassified study of the program endorsed it and made strong resource recommendations • The recently completed NAS classified review was able to address research and operational needs more deeply • There is a proposal for Track II talks with the Russians on this subject – opening the most important door • In the reshaping of the nuclear weapons program that is now in progress, the nuclear counter terrorism component will likely have a much larger role

  31. I have several important acknowledgements to make • To Hans Mark, for sensitizing me to this interesting issue over twenty years ago • To Deputy Secretary of Defense John Hamre, for being willing to give me $25M a year when I was Director of DTRA to work a problem that might not have had a solution • To many people at DTRA, Los Alamos, Sandia and Livermore, for following me into a dark place and actually coming out on the far side with technical and operational success • And to you, for listening to this strange talk at the intersection of physics and politics

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