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"Eyes in the Skies: Using Astronaut Photography to Engage Students in the Process of Science"

"Eyes in the Skies: Using Astronaut Photography to Engage Students in the Process of Science". Mr. Tim McCollum Saturday, April 5, 2014 Mini-Conference on Integrating Technology - EIU. Get your students actively involved in NASA exploration, discovery, and research. .

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"Eyes in the Skies: Using Astronaut Photography to Engage Students in the Process of Science"

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  1. "Eyes in the Skies: Using Astronaut Photography to Engage Students in the Process of Science" Mr. Tim McCollum Saturday, April 5, 2014 Mini-Conference on Integrating Technology - EIU

  2. Get your students actively involved in NASA exploration, discovery, and research.

  3. Images courtesy of NASA and ARES

  4. Crew Earth Observations (CEO) • CEO takes advantage of astronauts in space to observe and photograph natural & human-made changes on Earth. • Crew members (astronauts) use handheld cameras and a variety of lenses to take Earth observation photographs. • Images record the Earth’s surface changes over time, along with dynamic events such as storms, floods, fires, volcanic eruptions, etc. • Images are used as the “hook” to get students interested in STEM-related content and careers.

  5. CEO • CEO is conducted from any nadir-viewing window on the International Space Station (ISS). Cupola Window in the Destiny module

  6. Getting students actively involved with NASA exploration and discovery. http://ares.jsc.nasa.gov/ares/eeab/ Getting Started Modeling the Process of Science Launchpad Activities Student Investigation Resources Standards-aligned, inquiry-based, hands-on activities. Resources that help facilitate student-led investigations about Earth and/or planetary comparisons. Enrichment Components Team Wiki Pages Interacting w/ Scientists Educator Trainings Data Requests Team Presentations

  7. EXPEDITION EARTH & BEYONDContent Standards • EEAB will help you address the following standards: • COMMON CORE STANDARDS: MATH & ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS [Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening, Language (conventions, vocabulary)] • NEXT GENERATION SCIENCE STANDARDS: Scientific & Engineering Practices • Asking Questions • Developing and using models • Planning and carrying out investigations • Analyzing and interpreting data • Using mathematics and computational thinking • Constructing explanations • Engaging in argument from evidence • Obtaining, evaluating and communicating information





  12. 21st Century Skills • LEARNING AND INNOVATION • Creativity and Innovation • Critical Thinking and Problem Solving • Communication • Collaboration • LIFE AND CAREER SKILLS • Flexibility & Adaptability • Initiative & Self-Direction • Social & Cross-Cultural Skills • Productivity & Accountability • Leadership & Responsibility • INFORMATION, MEDIA, & TECHNOLOGY LITERACY • Information Literacy • Media Literacy • Information and Communications Technology Literacy • Scientific communication: oral, written, mathematical, and graphical representations of ideas and observations. • Referencing work of others; drawing conclusions based on evidence; recognizing potential for bias. • High standards for accurate data collection, record keeping, and identification of potential sources of error. Science is a collaborative process. Science is a creative endeavor. Assessing the credibility, validity, and reliability of information. Communication tools for authentic research w/ peers & scientists. Use of online tools for data collection & online data sets. Multimedia resources (images, video, animations, simulations) Media Creation Tools (graphic design, digital photos, presentations)

  13. Getting students actively involved with NASA exploration and discovery. http://ares.jsc.nasa.gov/ares/eeab/ Getting Started Modeling the Process of Science Launchpad Activities Student Investigation Resources Standards-aligned, inquiry-based, hands-on activities. Resources that help facilitate student-led investigations about Earth and/or planetary comparisons. Enrichment Components Team Wiki Pages Interacting w/ Scientists Educator Trainings Data Requests Team Presentations

  14. The red line drawn in the image above represents ≈ 5.3 km. The red line drawn in the image above represents ≈ 51 km.

  15. The red line drawn in the image above represents ≈ 5.3 km. The red line drawn in the image above represents ≈ 51 km.

  16. (Wind) (Water) Aeolian Fluvial Impact Volcanic

  17. Getting students actively involved with NASA exploration and discovery. http://ares.jsc.nasa.gov/ares/eeab/ Getting Started Modeling the Process of Science Launchpad Activities Student Investigation Resources Standards-aligned, inquiry-based, hands-on activities. Resources that help facilitate student-led investigations about Earth and/or planetary comparisons. Enrichment Components Team Wiki Pages Interacting w/ Scientists Educator Trainings Data Requests Team Presentations

  18. Modeling the Process of Science Student Investigation Resources

  19. Modeling the Process of Science Student Investigation Resources Student Scientist Guidebook Student Scientist Guidebook: Expanded Version Model Research Investigation

  20. Snapshot Guide Tips and a suggested time line focusing on facilitating a student-led research investigation in your classroom. (Adjust time frames as necessary.)

  21. Getting students actively involved with NASA exploration and discovery. http://ares.jsc.nasa.gov/ares/eeab/ Getting Started Modeling the Process of Science Launchpad Activities Student Investigation Resources Standards-aligned, inquiry-based, hands-on activities. Resources that help facilitate student-led investigations about Earth and/or planetary comparisons. Enrichment Components Team Wiki Pages Interacting w/ Scientists Educator Trainings Data Requests Team Presentations

  22. EEAB Teacher Wiki DISCUSSION “tab” • Links to useful resources including PowerPoint presentations. • Provides a forum that includes a community of teachers and EEAB staff you can communicate with. • Sign up to join this wiki. Links to useful resources http://eeabteachers.wikispaces.com

  23. EEAB TEACHERWiki Sign Up Procedure • Go to: http://eeabteachers.wikispaces.com/ • Click on “Create an account” • Fill in the “Join Now” information and click “Join”

  24. Getting students actively involved with NASA exploration and discovery. http://ares.jsc.nasa.gov/ares/eeab/ Getting Started Modeling the Process of Science Launchpad Activities Student Investigation Resources Standards-aligned, inquiry-based, hands-on activities. Resources that help facilitate student-led investigations about Earth and/or planetary comparisons. Enrichment Components Team Wiki Pages Interacting w/ Scientists Educator Trainings Data Requests Team Presentations

  25. EEAB Student Wiki • Helpful information for teams conducting research. • Links to Team Wikis for participating teams to share their research and potentially work with a scientist mentor. • Team Wiki’s are optional. Links to helpful information and Team Wikis http://eeabstudents.wikispaces.com

  26. EEAB Team Wikis • Participating teams are provided with their own Team Wiki. • Teams log information about their research as they progress through each of the 9 steps in the process of science.

  27. EEAB Team Wikis • Participating teams are provided with their own Team Wiki. • Teams log information about their research as they progress through each of the 9 steps in the process of science. There are two options for your Team Wiki(s):OPTION 1: Have the entire class work as 1 research team. OPTION 2: Have multiple small groups of students working as research teams.

  28. EEAB Team Wiki • Once teams* log information in Step 4 (Experiment Design) they are assigned a mentor. • Teams communicate with a mentor through the DISCUSSION Tab. DISCUSSION “tab”

  29. Getting students actively involved with NASA exploration and discovery. http://ares.jsc.nasa.gov/ares/eeab/ Getting Started Modeling the Process of Science Launchpad Activities Student Investigation Resources Standards-aligned, inquiry-based, hands-on activities. Resources that help facilitate student-led investigations about Earth and/or planetary comparisons. Enrichment Components Team Wiki Pages Interacting w/ Scientists Educator Trainings Data Requests Team Presentations

  30. Distance Learning Events http://ares.jsc.nasa.gov/ares/eeab/eventcalendar.cfm

  31. Interacting with Scientists

  32. Getting students actively involved with NASA exploration and discovery. http://ares.jsc.nasa.gov/ares/eeab/ Getting Started Modeling the Process of Science Launchpad Activities Student Investigation Resources Standards-aligned, inquiry-based, hands-on activities. Resources that help facilitate student-led investigations about Earth and/or planetary comparisons. Enrichment Components Team Wiki Pages Interacting w/ Scientists Educator Trainings Data Requests Team Presentations

  33. CEO/New Data Requests

  34. Two Sample Screen Shot Sets

  35. CEO/New Data Requests • Charleston MS students submitted a Data Request Form for new images of the Dead Sea. • The above CEO message along with Figure 1 was sent to the crew of the ISS.

  36. AMPHI MIDDLE SCHOOL MESA TEAM IMAGE Glaciers of Mt. Rainier, Washington, USA Image ID: ISS025-E- 5775 Acquired 10/1/10 Image courtesy of Crew Earth Observations and Image Science & Analysis Laboratory, NASA Johnson Space Center

  37. CHARLESTON MIDDLE SCHOOL TEAM IMAGE Juan de Nova Island and Reef, Mozambique Channel Image ID: ISS027-E-11429 Acquired 4/19/11 Image courtesy of Crew Earth Observations and Image Science & Analysis Laboratory, NASA Johnson Space Center

  38. EVERGREEN MIDDLE SCHOOL TEAM IMAGE Research Topic: Mud Volcanoes Target Region: Pakistan Image ID: ISS031-E-41812 Acquired 5/15/12 Image courtesy of Crew Earth Observations and Image Science & Analysis Laboratory, NASA Johnson Space Center

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