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Part 5 -Christ in the Flesh. Isaiah 7 | Luke 2 | Matthew 1.
Part 5-Christ in the Flesh Isaiah 7 | Luke 2 | Matthew 1
So all this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet saying: ‘Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel,” which is translated, “God with us.” Luke 24:44
One of the greatest names for Jesus Christ is the title “Immanuel”, God with us. At Christmas we celebrate the most incredible and miraculous gift ever given, namely Jesus Christ the unique and only God-Man who came to earth as the perfect and final payment for the sin of all mankind. Approximately 800 years before the incarnation (the “in-flesh” birth of Christ) Jesus’ miraculous birth was precisely and perfectly prophesied in Isaiah 7.
Christ in the Flesh • BACKGROUND: A Troubling Alliance • Isaiah 7:1-9 • The year was 734 BC and Israel and Aram had forged an alliance to overtake Judah and set up a puppet king in place of the Ahaz the king of Judah. This alliance pitted brother against brother and God’s people against God’s people.
Christ in the Flesh • BACKGROUND: A Troubling Alliance • PROPHESY: A Terrific Announcement • Isaiah 7:10-14 • Isaiah came to Ahaz informing him that both Israel and Aram would be thwarted in their plans to destroy Judah. Ahaz was then asked to request a sign from God as proof that he believed, but Ahaz refused and God offered up a sign of His own. This sign was the child Immanuel, “God with Us.”
Christ in the Flesh • BACKGROUND: A Troubling Alliance • PROPHESY: A Terrific Announcement • FULFILLMENT: A Two-Fold Answer • Answer #1: A child is born to a young lady and his birth sets in motion the fall of two kings (Isaiah 70:15-25) • Answer #2: A child is born to a virgin and His birth set in motion the salvation of all who will believe (Luke 1:26-38; 2:1-20; Matt. 1:18-25)
Christ in the Flesh • In Christ’s incarnation we learn how God would act if He were in our shoes. In Jesus we get a front row seat to perfect love, perfect relationships, perfect anger and perfect humanity. Jesus is God in the flesh and our perfect example for every decision in life. He is much more than just our perfect example He is God’s perfect gift for our sin. John 3 puts it plainly, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life.”