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Supplemental Figure 1S. Alignment and phylogeny of CRY proteins.

Supplemental Figure 1S. Alignment and phylogeny of CRY proteins.

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Supplemental Figure 1S. Alignment and phylogeny of CRY proteins.

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  1. Supplemental Figure 1S. Alignment and phylogeny of CRY proteins. Comparison of the amino acid sequences of the DNA-photolyase domain (a) and FAD binding domain (b) from several CRY proteins. AtCRY, SlCRY, GmCRY, OsCRY and FvCRY were from Arabidopsis thaliana, Solanumlycopersicum,Glycinemax, Oryza sativa Japonica Group and Fragariavesca, respectively. Consensus sequences are identified with gray highlighting. c. Phylogeny reconstruction of CRY proteins. A neighbor-joining tree was calculated using clustal W. Branch lengths indicate the number of substitutions per site. FaCRY1 and FaCRY2 are highlighted with open boxes. GenBank accession numbers of the amino acid sequences used include; GmCRY1,Glycine max cryptochrome 1 (NP_001235205); NsCRY1, Nicotianasylvestriscryptochrome 1 (ABB36796); VrCRY1, Vitisripariacryptochrome 1 (ABX80391); VvCRY1, Vitisviniferacryptochrome 1 (ABX79355); PsCRY1, Pisumsativumcryptochrome 1 (AAO23970); SlCRY1, Solanumlycopersicumcryptochrome 1 (NP_001234667); CbCRY1, Capsella bursa-pastoriscryptochrome 1 (ACX49994); AtCRY1, Arabidopsis thaliana cryptochrome-1 (NP_567341); OsCRY1, Oryza sativa Japonica Groupcryptochrome 1a (BAD17529); OmCRY1, Orobanche minorcryptochrome 1 (AAR08429); FvCRY1,FragariavescaCRY1 (ACV89993); FaCRY1, Fragariaananassacryptochrome1 (AB743569); GmCRY2, Glycine max cryptochrome2 (BAI47558); NsCRY2, Nicotianasylvestriscryptochrome 2 (ABB36797); SlCRY2, Solanumlycopersicumcryptochrome 2 (NP_001234245); BjCRY2, Brassicajunceacryptochrome 2 (ADM47404); ArCRY2, Armoraciarusticanacryptochrome 2 (BAC67178); AtCRY2, Arabidopsis thalianacryptochrome 2 (NP_171935); OsCRY2, Oryza sativa Indica Group (CAC82538); TaCRY2, Triticumaestivumcryptochrome 2 (ABX58030); FvCRY2, FragariavescaCry2 (ACZ71184); FaCRY2, Fragariaananassacryptochrome 2 (AB743570).

  2. Suppl. Fig 1S. a: DNA-photolyase domain CRY1 CRY2

  3. Suppl. Fig 1S. b: FAD binding domain CRY1 CRY2

  4. Suppl. Fig 1S.c

  5. Supplemental Figure 2S. Alignment and phylogeny of PHY proteins. Comparison of the amino acid sequences of the (a) PAS, (b) GAF, and (c) PHY domains of various PHY proteins. AtPHY, SlPHY, VvPHY, OsPHY, and FvPHY were from Arabidopsis thaliana, Solanumlycopersicum, Vitisvinifera, Oryza sativa Japonica Group and Fragariavesca, respectively. Consensus sequences are identified with gray highlighting. d. Phylogeny reconstruction of PHY proteins. A neighbor-joining tree was calculated using clustal W. Branch lengths indicate the number of substitutions per site. FaPHYA and FaPHYB are highlighted with open boxes. GenBank accession numbers of the amino acid sequences used include: VvPHYA, Vitisviniferaphytochrome A (ACC60965); VrPHYA, Vitisripariaphytochrome A (ACC60969); ArPHYA, Armoraciarusticanaphytochrome A (BAA99410); AtPHYA, Arabidopsis thaliana phytochrome A (NP_172428); StPHYA, Solanumtuberosumphytochrome A (ABA46868); MgPHYA, Monotropastrumglobosumphytochrome A (AAR08427); AfPHYA, Aquilegia formosaphytochrome A (ACV87353); BvPHYA, Beta vulgarisphytochrome A (ACY01932); GmPHYA, Glycine max phytochrome A (BAG72094); SbPHYA, Sorghum bicolor phytochrome A (AAR30884); OsPHYA, Oryza sativa Japonica Group phytochrome A (AAM47309); AmPHYA, Amblyopyrummuticumphytochrome A (AEA40447); HvPHYA, Hordeumvulgare subsp. vulgarephytochrome A (ABB13322); SlPHYA, SolanumlycopersicumphyA (CAA05089); FaPHYA, Fragariaananassaphytochrome A (AB743571); VrPHYB, Vitisripariaphytochrome B (ACC60970); VvPHYB, Vitisviniferaphytochrome B (ACC60966); StPHYB, Solanumtuberosumphytochrome B (ABC72086); NpPHYB, Nicotianaplumbaginifoliaphytochrome B (CAA74992); AfPHYB, Aquilegia formosaphytochrome B (ACV87354); AePHYB, Amphicarpaeaedgeworthiiphytochrome B (AEA41043); AtPHYB, Arabidopsis thaliana phytochrome B (ABY61307); OsPHYB, Oryza sativa Indica Group phytochrome B (CAA40795); SbPHYB, Sorghum bicolor phytochrome B (AAR30903); GmPHYB, Glycine max phytochrome B (AAA34000); SlPHYB, Solanumlycopersicumphytochrome B1 (CAA05293); FaPHYB, Fragariaananassaphytochrome B (AB743572); CfPHY, Charafoetidaphytochrome (CAA56565.1). FvPHYA and FvPHYB were obtained by blastp searches using FaPHYA and FaPHYB sequences from DATABASE: vescagenemodels2.faa (http://www.strawberrygenome.org/). Sequence numbers of FvPHYA and FvPHYB are from FragariavescaPhytochrome A (gene 22948) and FragariavescaPhytochrome B (gene 05117), respectively.

  6. Suppl. Fig 2S. a: PER-ARNT-SIM (PAS) domain PHYA PHYB

  7. Suppl. Fig 2S. b: cGMPphosphodiesterase/adenylcyclase/FhlA (GAF) domain PHYA PHYB

  8. Suppl. Fig 2S. c: phytochrome (PHY) domain PHYA PHYB

  9. Suppl. Fig 2S. d

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