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Analysis of minimal criteria for environmental inspection Basic study for twinning project

Analysis of minimal criteria for environmental inspection Basic study for twinning project sremer@cizp.cz. INTRODUCTION. Recommendation of EP and Counci l 2001/331/EC binding for all member states of IMPEL Based on Minim um criteria of IMPEL One of the twinning objectives.

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Analysis of minimal criteria for environmental inspection Basic study for twinning project

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  1. Analysis of minimal criteria for environmental inspection Basic study for twinning project sremer@cizp.cz

  2. INTRODUCTION • Recommendation of EP and Council • 2001/331/ECbinding for all member states • of IMPEL • Based on Minimum criteria of IMPEL • One of the twinning objectives

  3. STRUCTURE OF ANALYSIS • Quotation of each point chapter by • chapter • Description of actual situation at CEI • Assessment of point fulfillment

  4. Results of Analysis Chapter I and II:Purpose; area of force and definitions + Chapter III:organisation and carrying out inspections-it is mainly fulfilled (see further on) • + specifically in international co-operation (IMPEL) • improve: co-ordination of inspection with neighbours

  5. Chap.IV:Plans of inspection • from the main part + • plans do not cover all installations, • unified register is missing • are not fully accessible for public, • determinative is not the overall environmental assessment but the media-specific one • do not contain co-ordination with other inspection bodies

  6. Chap.V: Inspection on site • 2 points + • Inspection on site are not co-ordinated with other organisations, results are not always exchanged • the purpose is not primarily support of operator’s knowledge and understanding of EU legislation • inspections before permit issuing depends on invitation from permitting body

  7. Chap. VI and VII • Chap. VI: Reports and conclusions from inspection • mainly + • missing publishing reports from inspections or • conclusions • Chap.VII: Inquiries in serious accidents, events and • serious non-compliance • +

  8. Chap. VIII: General rules for report prep. on inspection activity in the environment field • Preparation of report at the beginning of 2003 for2002 • It is not available on CEI websites • EC will carry out assessment

  9. Chap.IX: Check up and other progress,Recommendation 2001/331/ES • Assessment of the report after 1 year: for future • membersEU is missing the integrated approach • Further process on the basis of report assessment after • 2 years: in case of not fulfilling new legislation EC • Minimum criteria for inspectors’ qualification are being • developed by IMPEL • Training programme development for env. inspectors-at • CEI only partially, ? result of this project

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