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Classification. Taxonomy: the science of classification. Why do we classify organisms?. 1. Why Classify? To study the diversity of life To group organisms according to shared lines of evolutionary descent 2. Why are organisms given scientific names? Common names are misleading.
Classification Taxonomy: the science of classification
Why do we classify organisms? • 1. Why Classify? • To study the diversity of life • To group organisms according to shared lines of evolutionary descent 2. Why are organisms given scientific names? • Common names are misleading silverfish star fish jellyfish None of these animals are fish!
Why Scientists Assign Scientific Names to Organisms? • Some organisms have several common names • This cat is commonly known as: • Florida panther • Mountain lion • Puma • Cougar Scientific name: Felisconcolor Scientific name means “coat of one color”
A frog species that appears to be the world's smallest has been discovered in Papua New Guinea by a US-based team. • The smallest vertebrates have, until now, been fish.
Binomial Nomenclature • Linnaeus developed the system, called Binomial Nomenclature, allowing scientists to give each organisms a universally accepted two-part name. • The first part of the name is the Genus. The second part of the name is the Species. • EX – “Homo sapiens” thinking man/ wise “Homo” is the Genus, “sapiens” is the species.
The 5 Rules of Nomenclature: • The Genus is a noun and is capitalized • The species is an adjective and is lowercase • If writing by hand underline each word separately • If typing the name italicize it • If used repeatedly first write it fully out, then you can abbreviate the Genus (Ex. H. sapiens)
Linnaeus’s System is Hierarchical Kingdom Most General • Which of the following contains all of the others? • Family c. Class • Species d. Order • Based on their names, you know that the baboons Papio annubis and Papio cynocephalus do not belong to the same: • Family c. Order • Genus d. Species Phylum Class Order Family Genus Most specific King Philip came over for good sweets! Species
Hierarchical Ordering of Classification Coral snake Abert squirrel Sea star Grizzly bear Black bear Giant panda Red fox KINGDOM Animalia As we move from the kingdom level to the species level, more and more members are excluded – species is least inclusive! PHYLUM Chordata CLASS Mammalia ORDER Carnivora FAMILY Ursidae GENUS Ursus SPECIES Ursus arctos
Phylogeny - Study of evolutionary relationships among organisms. The root of the tree represents the ancestral lineage, and the tips of the branches represent the descendents of that ancestor. As you move from the root to the tips, you are moving forward in time. When a lineage splits (speciation), it is represented as branching on a phylogeny. When a speciation event occurs, a single ancestral lineage gives rise to two or more daughter lineages.
Cladogram • Diagram used to show the evolutionary relationships among groups of organisms.
Dichotomous Keys • A tool for identifying unknown organisms using a key consisting of paired questions based on observable characteristics. • Steps: • Always begin at the top • Answer the paired questions with yes or no • Based on your answer follow the directions given by the key
Here's an example in written form using these items: Here's an example in written form using these items: • 1. a. Organism is living........................................................go to 4. • 1. b. Organism is nonliving..................................................go to 2. • 2. a. Object is metallic........................................................go to 3. • 2. b. Object is nonmetallic..................................................ROCK. • 3. a. Object has wheels......................................................BICYCLE. • 3. b. Object does not have wheels......................................TIN CAN. • 4. a. Organism is microscopic...................................PARAMECIUM. • 4. b. Organism is macroscopic............................................go to 5. • This is a dichotomous key using the following: pine tree, tin can, Paramecium, bicycle
Considerations: • Cell type: prokaryote or eukaryote? • Cell structure: cell wall structure? specialized organelles? • Number of cells: unicellular or multicellular? • Nutrition: autotroph or heterotroph? • Reproduction: asexual , sexual, replication
Vocabulary to remember • Prokaryote: lacks a nucleus • Eukaryote: contains a nucleus • Unicellular: contains one cell only • Multicellular: contains two or more cells • Autotroph: makes its own food • Heterotroph: must consume food
Cell Wall • Cell structure that surrounds a cell • Purpose: protection and support • Composed of chitin, cellulose, peptidoglycan, silica, and/or proteins (varies among organisms)
Viruses - nonliving • Cell Type: none bc not a cell • Cell wall: not a cell just a capsid (protein coat) • Body Type: noncellular • Nutrition: N/A • Reproduction: Replication requiring a host cell • Examples: influenza and HIV
Reproduction of Viruses • Cannot reproduce alone • Can reproduce ONLY inside a living host cell • Must use a host cell • Like a parasite
Lytic vs. Lysogenic Infection • Lytic Infection – virus enters a cell, makes copies of itself, and causes the cell to burst. • Host cell is lysedand destroyed.
Lytic Infection 1. Virus attaches 2. Virus injects genetic information into host 3. New viral proteins and genetic material are made 4. Viral parts are assembled 5. New viruses are released as host cell lyses (bursts) and is destroyed.
Lysogenic Infections – A virus integrates its DNA into the DNA of the host cell, and the viral genetic information replicates along with the host cell’s DNA.
How are bacteria classified? (1) Shape (2) type of cell wall (3) how they use energy
Cell Shape Bacteria that are spherical shaped are called coccus (cocci) Bacteria that are rodlike are called bacillus (bacilli) Bacteria that are spiral shaped are called spirilli
Identifying the type of cell wall using a technique known as Gramstainingis important for diagnostic and treatment purposes. a. Gram positiveabsorbs the dye and look purple • These bacteria have a single cell wall layer made of peptidoglycan. (strep/staph) b.Gram negativerepels the dye (has a capsule) and look pink • Gram negative bacteria are usually more resistant to antibiotics (like penicillin) and cause more severe infections.(menengitis/gonorrhorea) Cell membrane Peptidoglycan Peptidoglycan 2 membranes (lipid layers)
How They Use Energy • Bacteria have various relationships with oxygen. Some require it to live, others die if exposed to it. • Obligate aerobes- these bacteria require oxygen to undergo metabolism, just like humans. (ex. Mycobacterium tuberculosis) • Obligate anaerobes- these bacteria must live in the absence of oxygen, or die if exposed to it. (Ex. Clostridium botulinum - causes food poisoning and grows in canned goods not properly sterilized) • Facultative anaerobes- are able to function in different ways depending on their environment. They do not require oxygen to survive, but are not killed by its presence. They can live just about anywhere. (ex. E. coli - lives anaerobically in intestines and aerobically in sewage or contaminated water)
Movement of Bacterial Cells • Some bacteria contain pili • extensions of the plasma membrane help bacteria stick to surfaces • Bacteria contain flagella • enable bacterial cells to move
Kingdom Archaebacteria: Live in Extreme Habitats Bacillus infernus lives in deep sea vents in the ocean – obtains energy from Earth’s heat
Slide # 9 Kingdom Archaebacteria HOT Salty Colonies of halophiles form a purple-red scum in these salt collection ponds of the Dead Sea Colorful thermophiles grow in this hot spring. Grand Prismatic Spring, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming Adam Jones
Kingdom Eubacteria E-coli bacteria (yellow) on the head of a needle. Streptococcus :
Bacteria • Bacteria are helpful and harmful organisms • Helpful: • Cheese, pickles, yogurt, and vinegar are produced as the results of metabolism by certain bacteria • Clean up oil spills • Aids in human digestion (E. coli) and other life processes • Carry out photosynthesis • Decomposers (recycle nutrients) • Fix Nitrogen (bacteria live on plant roots & turn nitrogen in air into forms that plants can use to make proteins) • Harmful: • Some bacteria cause disease (~½ of all human diseases are caused by bacteria) • Pathogen – Disease causing agent
Diseases Caused by Bacteria • Dental Plaque (film destroys tooth enamel) • Strep Throat • Pneumonia • Diphtheria (causes a false membrane to form in the respiratory system which blocks air passages) • Acne
Bacterial Growth • Bacterial growth can be slowed by cold temperatures. • Bacteria can be killed by: • Heat/ high temperatures • chemicals like • Bleach • Disinfectants • Alcohol • Antibiotics (medicines that kill bacteria)
Bacteria are everywhere! On all surfaces, in liquids, in air, etc Thankfully most are harmless!
DOMAIN: EUKARYA Protista Kingdom • Cell Type: Eukaryotic • Cell wall: Cellulose (some) • Body Type: Unicellular and Multicellular • Nutrition: Autotrophic, Heterotrophic, Decomposers • Are Mobile (can move around) • Examples: paramecium, euglena, algae
How ProtistsMove!! • Flagella- long, whiplike projections that allow a cell to move. • Cilia- short hair-like projections similar to flagella • Pseudopod- a temporary bulge of the cell membrane that fills with cytoplasm, means false foot.
Protists are either… • Animal-Like (Heterotrophic) • Classified by their movement • Plant-Like (Autotrophic) • Classified by their means of obtaining food • Fungus-Like (Decomposers) • Classified if they lack chitin in cell walls
Diseases associated with animal-like protists • Malaria • Infected mosquito bites a human, its saliva contains sporozites which enters the blood stream , the sporozites (Plasmodium=no movement= parasitic) infects liver cells, cells burst releasing parasites into bloodstream • Causes severe chills and fever
African Sleeping Sickness • Transmitted by the tsetse fly • Causes fever, severe swelling of lymph nodes, causes insomnia, fatigue after parasite passes blood/brain barrier • Zooflagellate (flagella movement)
Amebic dysentery • an amoeba (sarcodine = pseudopod movement) forms infective cysts in stool
Plant-Like Protists • Red • Brown • Green • Unicellular & Multicellular Algae: • Euglenophyte • Diatoms Makes agar - Dinoflagellates Makes food: ice cream Spirogyra
RED TIDE – caused by dinoflagellates Texas gulf red tide – kills fish; latest affect on oyster harvesting
Fungus-Like Protists • Cellular slime mold Water Mold Called Fungus-like because they are heterotrophic and absorb nutrients from dead organic matter in a way similar to Fungi and lack chitin in their cell walls. * Acellular slime mold
The Great Potato Famine • In 1846 in Ireland, a water mold (oomycete) attacked the potato crop by destroying ALL parts of the potato making it a spongy sac of dust and spores. • 1 million Irish ppl died of starvation/disease within 6 years!
Fungi Kingdom • Cell Type: Eukaryotic • Cell wall contains Chitin • Body Type: Unicellular and Multicellular • Nutrition: Heterotrophic (digestive enzymes ) • Are Immobile (cannot move round) • Examples: yeast, morel, earthstar puffball, bread mold (rhizophusstolonifer), mushrooms
Grasshopper infected by a fungus • Once the spores enter the insect's body, they multiply rapidly and digest body tissues • Where are the fruiting bodies? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XuKjBIBBAL8
1. Plant Diseases From Fungi • Corn Smut- destroys corn kernels • Mildews- infect a variety of fruits • Factors that increase fungal growth = High Humidity Examples of fungal diseases of plants: Wheat Rust (left), ergots on rye (right) Corn Smut
2. Fungi will spoil food. Rhizopus - common bread mold
3. Fungi cause Human Diseases: • Athlete's Foot • Ring Worm • (NOT A WORM AT ALL!) • -Yeast Infections