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Diversity of Living Things. 2.2 Viruses p. 54-59 Nelson Biology 11. What is a Virus?. Microscopic particles capable of reproducing only within living cells Lifeless outside of living cells, in living cells (host cell) they can reproduce. Virus means poison in Latin.
Diversity of Living Things 2.2 Viruses p. 54-59 Nelson Biology 11
What is a Virus? • Microscopic particles capable of reproducing only within living cells • Lifeless outside of living cells, in living cells (host cell) they can reproduce. • Virus means poison in Latin http://www.humanillnesses.com/original/images/hdc_0001_0003_0_img0280.jpg
Viruses • Classified as non-living matter but has many characteristics of living matter • 1934: early electron microscope allowed scientist to first see viruses • Less than 0.1 micrometers in diameter (1 micrometer= 10 -6 m) • 5000 flu viruses fit on the head of a pin
Structure of Viruses • Nucleic acid (DNA or RNA) in core, surrounded by capsid (protein coat) • Some viruses have lipid membrane around capsid (HIV) http://www.microscopy.fsu.edu/cells/viruses/images/virus.jpg
Structure of Viruses • Bacteriophages or phages (category of viruses that invade and destroy bacteria cells) have unique shape and distinct head and tail regions • The capsid can display various shapes (See Figure 3 on p. 55) http://www.emc.maricopa.edu/faculty/farabee/biobk/T2phage.gif
Importance of viruses • Cause many human diseases • Differ in terms of their ability to spread from person to person • Epidemic: large-scale outbreak of disease in a particular region • Pandemic: epidemic occurring on global scale http://nursing-resource.com/influenza/
Importance of viruses cont’d • Small number of viruses have been linked to cancer. • Viruses also cause disease in animals and plants • They can be useful in ecosystems by controlling populations of certain organisms http://www.topnews.in/trials-start-potent-new-hepatitis-c-drug-developed-cardiff-2261786
Classification • Classified into orders, families, genera and species • Classified based on size, shape and type of genetic material http://www.goalfinder.com/product.asp?productid=99
Phylogeny • Many theories about origins of viruses • Could have been parasitic organisms that depended less and less on their own cell components • Could have come from fragments of genetic material of other organisms • Another hypothesis is that virus-like particles existed before the first cells
Viral Diversity and Specificity • Most viruses are selective and host-specific • Bacteriophages have a very restricted host range, while most plant viruses can infect a wide range of host plants • Host range: limited range of host cells that a virus can infect. http://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/cells/viruses/images/bacteriophage.jpg
Viral Diversity and Specificity • Some animal viruses have a broad range • ex. Swine flu virus (hogs and humans) • Rabies (many mammals) http://www.miamidade.gov/asd/images/rabies.jpg
Viral Diversity and Specificity • Other animal viruses have a very narrow host range • Ex. Cold virus only infects cells in the human upper respiratory tract • AIDS affects certain types of white blood cells http://www.teenaids.org/Portals/0/images/whatIsAIDS-pic3.gif
Viral Replication • 4 basic steps in the “lytic cycle” • 1. Attachment • 2. Synthesis • 3. Assembly • 4. Release • See video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLoslN6d3Ec • Some viruses have a lysogenic cycle, where host cells are not destroyed • Cancer-causing viruses can act by adding specific genes to a host cell’s DNA, causing it to become a cancer cell • Transduction is when a virus transfers DNA from one bacteria cell to another.
Viral Replication- Attachment and Synthesis Attachment: • Virus attaches to a specific receptor site on the host cell membrane • Lock and key model • Whole virus or just DNA/RNA enters the host cell Synthesis: • Viral DNA/RNA directs host cell in replicating virus parts http://www.pickens.k12.sc.us/phsteachers/edmunds/lytic%20cycle%201%20animated.gif
Viral Replication- Assembly and Release Assembly: Viral parts are assembled into new virus particles Release: • New virus particles are released from host cell • Lysis (destruction/bursting) of host cell http://www.microphage.com/images/lysis2.jpg
Lytic Cycle • Lytic cycle can take as few as 25-45 minutes to produce as many as 300 new viruses http://www.oralchelation.com/viewpoint/images/virus1.gif
Lysogenic Cycle-Viral Replication • 4 basic steps in the “lysogenic cycle” • 1. Attachment- same as lytic cycle • 2. Synthesis • 3. Assembly • 4. Release
Temperate Phages • Temperate Phages are bacteriophages that do not destroy host cell. • They inject their nucleic acid into host cell and integrate it into the host DNA • Bacteria cells will replicate with the viral DNA incorporated into the daughter cell eventually lytic cycle can begin due to some kind of environmental trigger
Vaccinations and Human Health • Viruses do not respond to treatment by antibiotics or other drugs, but some can be prevented by vaccines • Vaccines are mixtures that contain weakened or dead forms of a virus. B-cells retain memory of the disease so immune system can react quickly when exposed to real virus. http://www.scienceclarified.com/scitech/Bacteria-and-Viruses/Fighting-an-Invisible-Enemy.html
More on vaccinations • Vaccinations have dramatically improved human health • Some diseases have been completely eliminated such as small pox • It is not possible to create vaccines for all viruses.
Applications of viruses Viruses are used in genetic engineering: • to treat diseases through gene therapy by inserting gene into individuals suffering from genetic disorder • to insert gene from one species to another species • As capsules to deliver drugs to target cells in the body such as cancerous tumour cells
Viral Vectors • Viruses can be used as vectors (carriers) of genes into cells. • Images from: • http://stemcells.nih.gov/info/2006report/2006Chapter4.htm • http://news.haverford.edu/blogs/nicu/2010/06/20/the-worth-of-viral-infection/