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Diversion Systems in the WDB and NHD

Diversion Systems in the WDB and NHD. March, 2012. Karen Hanson, U.S. Geological Survey Kristiana Elite, U.S. Geological Survey Keith Larson, U.S. Natural Resources Conservation Service. Source: Getty Images. Overview. Diversions in NHD Modification field changes to WBD

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Diversion Systems in the WDB and NHD

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  1. Diversion Systems in theWDB and NHD March, 2012 Karen Hanson, U.S. Geological Survey KristianaElite, U.S. Geological Survey Keith Larson, U.S. Natural Resources Conservation Service Source: Getty Images

  2. Overview Diversions in NHD Modification field changes to WBD Purpose of NHD/WBD diversions project NHD/WBD Diversion comparison Central Arizona Project-pilot Acquiring diversion data

  3. Overview Diversions in NHD Modification field changes to WBD Purpose of NHD/WBD diversions project Central Arizona Project-pilot Acquiring diversion data

  4. Overview Diversions in NHD Modification field changes to WBD Purpose of NHD/WBD diversions project Central Arizona Project-pilot Acquiring diversion data

  5. Overview • Diversions in NHD • Modification field changes to WBD • Purpose of NHD/WBD diversions project • Central Arizona Project-pilot • WBD vs. NHD diversion comparison • Acquiring diversion data

  6. Overview Diversions in NHD Modification field changes to WBD Purpose of NHD/WBD diversions project Central Arizona Project-pilot Acquiring diversion data

  7. What is a Diversion? • Engineered structure • Water rights Withdrawalconveyance dam canal, pipeline Receiving Wind River Diversion Dam. Source: Wikipedia reservoir, treatment plant

  8. Composition of a Diversion NHD Dams Underground Pipelines Canals Reservoirs Pumping Station Water Treatment Plants

  9. NHD Points, Lines, and Polygons Dams Underground Pipelines Canals Reservoirs Pumping Station Water Treatment Plants

  10. NHD Conveyance Features: Pipelines • Underground • Underwater • Elevated • At or near surface • Aqueduct • Siphon • Penstock Source: Getty Images

  11. Withdrawing / Receiving Points NHD ColoradoRiver Parker Dam Withdrawals Withdrawals Colorado River Aqueduct Central Arizona Project Aqueduct (CAP)

  12. WBD Trans - Basin Diversions 2-digit (Region) 4-digit (Subregion) 8-digit (Subbasin)

  13. WBD Modification Field - Change • Reasons to change the way WBD Modifications were reported: • Lines and polygon modifications both were carried on the polygon label. Line modifications should be on the lines! • 27 options were available on poly….now 15 line, and 16 poly • Many of the items reported were in duplication with what NHD carries • Interpretation of Modification fields were inconsistent across the nation • Redundant to track at both the 10- and 12-digit hydrologic unit

  14. NC Noncontributing Area NM No Modifications OC Overflow Channel or Flume OF Overbank Flow OT Other PD Pipe Diversion PS Pumping Station RS Reservoir SC Stormwater Canal or Drainage Canal SD Stormwater Ditch SI Siphon TF Transportation Feature UA Urban Area • POLYGON MODIFICATION OPTIONS • AD Aqueduct BC Barge Canal or Navigation Canal CD Channel Diversion DD Drainage Ditch DM Dam at Outlet GC General Canal/Ditch GF Ground-Water Flow GL Glacier ID Irrigation Ditch IF Ice Field IT Interbasin Transfer KA Karst LA Lava MA Mining Activity WBD Modification Field Options – Version 1.0 Standards

  15. LINE MODIFICATION OPTIONS AW Artificial Waterway DM Dam at Outlet LA Lava LE Levee MA Mining Activity NM No Modifications OC Overflow Channel or Flume OF Overbank Flow PD Pipe Diversion PL Playa • PS Pumping Station • SI Siphon • SL Shoreline • TF Transportation Feature • UA Urban Area POLYGON MODIFICATION OPTIONS AW Artificial Waterway GF Groundwater Flow GL Glacier IF Ice Field KA Karst LA Lava Field MA Mining Activity NC Noncontributing Area NM No Modifications OC Overflow Channel or Flume OF Overbank Flow PD Pipe Diversion RC Receiving RS Reservoir Playa • UA Urban Area • WD Withdrawal WBD Modification Field Options – V 3.0 Standards * WBD will carry a new flow table providing linkage between the RC Receiving and WD Withdrawal

  16. RC Receiving A hydrologic unit that receives diverted water

  17. WD Withdrawal A hydrologic unit from which water is diverted

  18. WBD Modifications Applied-Before

  19. WBD Modifications Applied-After AW NM UA AW,UA AW,UA AW,UA UA AW,UA TF UA TF LE LE LE LE UA

  20. Purpose • Provide the nation a single and comprehensive understanding of how water is diverted in the U.S. • Exploit already available knowledge in the WBD and NHD, but more fully develop and populate the structure that we have, and acquire the information that is still needed • Delivery-A Web Service that offers the public easy access, and a more sophisticated system for the scientist • A user can select on a “Receiving” or “Withdrawing” hydrologic unit and navigate up or downstream and see the connectivity, and relationship to the NHD • Goal to implement this nationwide

  21. Central Arizona Project (CAP) 336 miles 1.5 milllion acre/ft a year Colorado River Central Arizona Project Aqueduct Tucson Phoenix

  22. Two Complementary Approaches NHD WBD Colorado River Phoenix Tucson

  23. Two Complementary Approaches NHD WBD • Conveyance Location • Path and geometry of diversion Colorado River Phoenix Tucson

  24. Two Complementary Approaches NHD WBD • Conveyance Location • Path of diversion • Points of withdrawal / receiving Colorado River Phoenix Tucson

  25. Two Complementary Approaches NHD WBD • Conveyance Location • Path of diversion • Points of withdrawal / receiving Hydrologic Unit Colorado River Phoenix Tucson

  26. Two Complementary Approaches NHD WBD • Conveyance Location • Path of diversion • Points of withdrawal / receiving • Hydrologic Unit • Withdrawal / receiving units (flow table) Colorado River Phoenix Tucson

  27. Two Complementary Approaches NHD NHD WBD WBD • Conveyance Location • Path of diversion • Points of withdrawal / receiving • Hydrologic Unit • Withdrawal / receiving units (flow table) • Modification fields WD RC Colorado River Phoenix Tucson

  28. Inter-Basin Transfer Flow Table

  29. Inter-Basin Transfer Flow Table

  30. Inter-Basin Transfer Flow Table

  31. Inter-Basin Transfer Flow Table

  32. Inter-Basin Transfer Flow Table

  33. Inter-Basin Transfer Flow Table

  34. CAP Overview

  35. WBD Coding Overview 1 WD (at Colorado River) Many RC (along CAP Canal) Coding in WBD has been simplified, and is also more useful in understanding where water is going

  36. Data Collection First option for collection of data = CAP (actual entity) Data provided from CAP => turnouts, recharge facilities, flumes, and much more Secondary option is the water consumers (i.e. municipalities, tribes, irrigation districts)

  37. CAP Turnouts CAP Receiving can be categorized into 4 types of water use Turnouts are most useful in determining RC from CAP

  38. Agriculture

  39. Municipal

  40. Recharge

  41. Tribal

  42. Imagery – The third option

  43. Imagery – The third option

  44. Diversions in NHD / WBD are Important! ColoradoRiver Photo courtesy of Jonathan Waterman

  45. Thank You Contact Information: Karen Hanson: khanson@usgs.gov Kristiana Elite: keelite@usgs.gov Keith Larson: keith.larson@az.usda.gov

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