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A Vision for Pre-K 2019

A Vision for Pre-K 2019. BREN PETERS POST UNIVERSITY DR. AJTUM-ROBERTS. First Congregational Church Nursery School 2014. Goals & Philosophy Development of social, cognitive, emotional and physical needs Development of a healthy, happy outlook and self-concept

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A Vision for Pre-K 2019

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  2. First Congregational Church Nursery School 2014

  3. Goals & Philosophy Development of social, cognitive, emotional and physical needs Development of a healthy, happy outlook and self-concept Ability to express ideas and feelings in an acceptable manner Ability to adjust acceptably to different situations Growth and cooperative work, play, and negotiation skills Development of an appreciation for other people and their ideas Piagetian point of view Every child is unique.

  4. Founded in 1960 Serve children of all faiths, ages 3 to 5 –half day or full day Teacher/student ratio-1:5 Located in the center ofdowntown Bloomfield Open 7:30 am- 5:30 pm Start with a home visit Learning centers to support children’s development NAEYC Accredited Financial aid available To visit call 860-242-0183 Teacher bonding with child on his first day of school

  5. Governance Owned and operated by First Congregational Church Nursery school board oversees school-governing policies Christian board of education sponsors the nursery school Source: First Congregational Church (2013-2014). Preschool Program Family Handbook.

  6. Budget/Funding Church provides housing for the preschool Heat, lights, water Some custodial services Otherwise, dependent on income from tuition Approved for school-readiness grant FY 2014: $578,082 School-readiness helps to provide sliding scale tuition fee to families Sources: First Congregational Church (2013-2014). Preschool Program Family Handbook. Connecticut State Department of Education (n.d.). School readiness. Retrieved from http://www.sde.ct.gov/sde/lib/sde/PDF/DEPS/Readiness/sroverview.pdf .

  7. Literature Review of Current Trends Enrollment trends in pre-k Teachers’ education levels Parents involved in technology Impact of learning analytics


  9. Review of the Literaturecont’d Enrollment/Budget Trends Requirements & Impact of Teachers’ Education 2011-2012-$500 million decrease for pre-K programs-$400 decrease/child Decade before:-up by 650,000 kids-4-year-old slots up from 14% to 28% Source: NIEER, 2012 Mixed results:-Teachers’ education requirements vary state by state-teachers with a Bachelor’s degree taught children who scored higher on receptive & expressive vocabulary than teachers who did not have a BA deg.-pre-reading and numeracy scores not significantly different Source: Clifford, 2006 -

  10. Review of the Literature cont’d Parent Involvement in Online Learning/Technology Learning Analytics “Masses of data can be collected from different kinds of student actions” (Dyckoff, 2012), such as online interactions and extra-curricular activities Learning analytics is an effective way for educators to use student-driven data to optimize student performance Source: Dyckoff, 2012 Parents are involved… 7 year olds: 65% of their parents spend time with them online for educational purposes 11 year olds: parental involvement increases to 78%Source: Becta, 2008

  11. A visual of the lit. review

  12. Technology Trends FYI… 6 emerging trends & time-to-adoption horizons: 1 year or less-Mobile learning -Cloud computing2-3 years: -Leaning Analytics -Open content 3-5 years -3D Printing -Virtual/Remote Labs Source: Horizon Report Source: Horizon Report 2013 K-12 edition

  13. Methodology/Futuring Techniques Scenarios Scanning Possibility thinking Assessing +/- of various situations Minimize potential surprises/instability Pitfall: futuring is not a guarantee of success Focus on long-term trends Systematic surveying of internal & external sources Newspapers, magazine, website, other media Pitfall: also not full proof (org’s are dynamic)

  14. Vision for Pre-K 2019

  15. References Babatunde, B., & Adebisi, A. (2012). Strategic Environmental Scanning and Organization Performance in a Competitive Business Environment. Economic Insights Trends and Challenges, 64, 24-34. Retrieved from http://ehis.ebscohost.com/eds/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?sid=4fac229d-759e-4bff-895a-99a2e896f07c%40sessionmgr114&vid=22&hid=4108 Barnett, W., Carolan, M., Fitzgerald, J., & Squires, J. (2012). The state of preschool 2012: State preschool yearbook. In National Institute for Early Education Research.Retrieved February 12, 2014, from National Institute for Early Education Research website: http://nieer.org/publications/state-preschool-2012 BectaAnalysis of emerging trends affecting the use of technology in educaton. (2008, September). Retrieved February 6, 2014, from Becta website: https://post.blackboard.com/bbcswebdav/pid-1788332-dt-content-rid-18790308_1/courses/EDU505.901147014831/Documents/Analysis%20of%20Emerging%20Trends%20Research%20Report.pdf Clifford, R., Barbarin, O., Chang, F., Early, D., Bryant, D., Howes, C., . . . Pianta, R. (2005). What is Pre-Kindergarten? Characteristics of Public Pre-Kindergarten Programs. Applied Developmental Science, 9(3), 126-143. Retrieved from http://eds.b.ebscohost.com/eds/detail?sid=03377520-5fc9-4e16-bc18-7c8268462775%40sessionmgr115&vid=7&hid=107&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWRzLWxpdmU%3d#db=a9h&AN=17997486 Dyckhoff, A. L., Zielke, D., Bultmann, M., Chatti, M. A., & Shroeder, U. (2012). Design and Implementation of a Learning Analytics ToolKit for Teachers. Design and Implementation of a Learning Analytics Toolkit for Teachers, 15(3), 58-76. Retrieved from http://web.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail?sid=11eb58d7-fb61-4451-87e8-4fe834ab2c80%40sessionmgr4001&vid=4&hid=4107&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=a9h&AN=79816990

  16. References First Congregational Church Nursery School (2011-2012). Staff Handbook. First Congregational Church (2013-2014). Preschool Program Family Handbook, Bloomfield, CT. Herman, J., Post, S., & O'Halloran, S. (2013, May). The United States is Far Behind Other Countries on Pre-K. In Center for American Progress. Retrieved January 26, 2014, from http://www.americanprogress.org/issues/education/report/2013/05/02/62054/the-united-states-is-far-behind-other-countries-on-pre-k/ Methods. (n.d.). In World Future Society. Retrieved January 23, 2014, from World Future Society website: World Future Society Peters, B. (Photographer) (2011). Every child is unique [Photograph]. Peters, B. (Photographer) (2011). Teacher bonding with child on first day of school [Photograph].

  17. References Peters, B. (Photographer) (2011). Picture of children on title page [Photograph]. Peters, E. (Photographer) (2014). Child on iPad [Photograph]. Peters, B, (Photographer) (2011). Boy and girl [Photograph]

  18. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME AND ATTENTION. Questions & comments ARE welcome! ~BrEN PETERS

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