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Positive Behavior Interventions: Creating Supportive School Environments

This guide outlines strategies for implementing Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) across different tiers of intervention, from school-wide systems to individualized plans for students. Key concepts include establishing clear expectations, effective instruction, and collaboration among staff. By focusing on prevention and positive reinforcement, PBIS aims to create a supportive environment for all students. The text emphasizes the importance of consistent consequences and data-driven decision-making.

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Positive Behavior Interventions: Creating Supportive School Environments

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  1. PBIS Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports

  2. Tertiary Prevention: Specialized Individualized Systems for Students with High-Risk Behavior CONTINUUM OF SCHOOL-WIDE INSTRUCTIONAL & POSITIVE BEHAVIOR SUPPORT ~5% Secondary Prevention: Specialized Group Systems for Students with At-Risk Behavior ~15% Primary Prevention: School-/Classroom- Wide Systems for All Students, Staff, & Settings ~80% of Students

  3. ALL CHILDREN •Clear expectations•Teach expectations•Facilitate success •Effective instruction•Increased prompts/cues•Pre-correction •Functional assessment•Effective Interventions•Involve child •monitor•Rules, routines, and physical arrangements •Planned and implemented by all in home UNIVERSAL SYSTEMS SYSTEM-WIDE PREVENTION 10% •possible involvement of specialists TARGETED INTERVENTIONS TARGETED PREVENTIONS 1-3% •Effective instruction•Crisis management plans •Wraparound planning• Placement decisions •Special Services INTENSIVE PREVENTION AND INTERVENTION INTENSIVE SERVICES

  4. Systems of Positive Behavior Support:BIG IDEAS • Collaboration - work as a team • Consensus - Agree and stick by agreements • Consistency - across time, adults, students • Logical and Realistic Solutions • Teach and Facilitate Success • Measure and Evaluate • Sustain with Data-Based Decision-Making

  5. Reinforcement(success) Discipline Works When …. Prevention creates more Positive than negative consequences Punishment (Failure) 4 : 1

  6. PBIS “Big Ideas” • PBIS is not a curriculum - it is a framework for systems to identify needs, develop strategies, and evaluate practice toward success • The goal of PBIS is to establish host environments that support adoption & sustain use of evidence-based practices (Zins & Ponti, 1990)

  7. Positive Approaches: Keys • Prevention before reaction • Team and systems-based • Logical and realistic plans • Individualized • Consistency across time, adults, settings, and students • Founded on “Teaching” • Goal setting and monitoring

  8. ALL STUDENTS •Effective instruction•Increased prompts/cues•Pre-correction •Clear expectations•Teach expectations•Facilitate success •School-wide data•Rules, routines, and physical arrangements •Functional assessment•Effective Interventions•Individuals/small #s •Planned and implemented by all adults in school UNIVERSAL SYSTEMS SCHOOL-WIDE PREVENTION 10% •Key teachers and specialists implement TARGETED INTERVENTIONS TARGETED PREVENTIONS 1-3% •Effective instruction•Crisis management plans •Wraparound planning•Alternative placements •Special Education INTENSIVE PREVENTION AND INTERVENTION INTENSIVE SERVICES

  9. Administrator Discipline Time Cost/Benefit AnalysisUrban Elementary, Baltimore, MD

  10. Obtain 80% Staff Consensus A “YES” vote means that I agree to: • Provide input in determining what our school’s problems are and what our goals should be • Make decisions about rules, expectations, and procedures in the commons areas of the school as a school community • Follow through with all school-wide decisions, regardless of my feelings for any particular decision • Commit to positive behavior support systems for a full year - allowing performance toward our goal to determine future plans

  11. Predictable Problems Summary

  12. Collaborative Solutions

  13. Teaching • Create a discussion of each big idea - and the corresponding rule • Discuss their application in different areas of the school • Engage students in discussion and allow practice/demonstration time • Remind students (prompts, cues, pre-corrects) • Encourage and reinforce success • Discourage and provide correction/consequence for failure with rules • Provide re-teaching as indicated by failure • Remove prompts as indicated by success • Consider more direct teaching in complex areas (e.g., playground)

  14. EXAMPLE Teachable Expectations 1. Respect Yourself-in the classroom (do your best)-on the playground (follow safety rules) 2. Respect Others-in the classroom (raise your hand to speak)-in the stairway (single file line) 3. Respect Property-in the classroom (ask before borrowing)-in the lunchroom (pick up your mess)

  15. Sample Teaming Matrix

  16. Teaching Matrix Activity Classroom Lunchroom Bus Hallway Assembly Respect Others Use inside voice Eat your own food Stay in your seat Stay to right Arrive on time to speaker Respect Environment & Property Recycle paper Return trays Keep feet on floor Put trash in cans Take litter with you Respect Yourself Do your best Wash your hands Be at stop on time Use your words Listen to speaker Respect Learning Have materials ready Eat balanced diet Go directly from bus to class Go directly to class Discuss topic in class w/ others

  17. Consistent Consequences • Reinforcement • Continuum of reinforcers for different levels of success • Use the least amount necessary • Immediate and consistent to begin • Approximate and/or pair with natural reinforcers • Make part of routine and systems • Pre-plan and teach consequences • Fade • Move toward more natural reinforcers • Use more group contingencies • Increase ratios of behavior to reinforcement

  18. Consistent Consequences • Responding to negative behavior • Immediate and consistent • Try to keep with natural consequences • Use the least amount necessary to get desired behavior Pre-plan and teach • Correction and re-teaching • Use only with reinforcement for replacement behavior • Should defeat function of problem behavior

  19. Measure and Evaluate • Big Ideas: • School determines what outcomes are important • School identifies the simplest way to get that information • School uses that information to evaluate their plans

  20. Decision Flowchart

  21. Who?

  22. When?

  23. Where?

  24. “Cool Tool”

  25. Acknowledging SW Expectations: Rationale • Humans require regular & frequent feedback on their actions • Humans experience frequent feedback from others, self, & environment • W/o formal feedback to encourage desired behavior, other forms of feedback shape undesired behaviors

  26. Resources • www.pbis.org • www.coe.ufl.edu/faculty/scott/terrys/tscott.html

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