1. DES thrombose: a real or overstated problem?
2. Conflict of interest Consultant/Speaker bureau for
Cordis J&J
Boston Scientific
3. Angiographic follow-up after placement of a self-expanding coronary artery stentSerruys PW et al New Eng J Med 1991;324:13-17
7. Late BMS thrombotic occlusion
14. Importance of compliance with antiplatelet medicationJeremias A et al. Circulation 2004; 109:1930-2
19. (Very) late ST? Lancet 2004;364:1519
20. Mrs. JN 1943. Admitted for sub-acute AMI (24h)
21. 3 years later (on aspirin alone) : recurrent ACS with new anterior T wave changes
26. DES thrombosis 18 years after the first coronary BMS procedure, stent thrombosis remains a rare but dangerous clinical problem following DES implantation. It does not appear to be more frequent than with BMS up to 12 months
To reduce the dependence on systemic oral antiplatelet medication, development of effective local antithrombotic coatings on DES is urgently needed