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Set up GMETRIX and FUELED accounts to start daily assignments in Computer Apps 2. Activities include logging onto FUELED, watching videos, downloading student data files, and completing module readings and activities.
COMPUTER APPS 2MONDAYAUGUST 27-28, 2018 Objective: Students will set up GMETRIX and FUELED accounts so that they can get started on their daily assignments. ACTIVITIES: • Set up GEMETRIX accounts • Set up FuelEd accounts • Log onto FuelEd accounts • Log off your computer at:12:28 2
COMPUTER APPS 2AUGUST 29-30, 2018 Objective: Students will set up GMETRIX and FUELED accounts so that they can get started on their daily assignments. ACTIVITIES: • Set up GEMETRIX accounts • Set up FuelEd accounts • Log onto FuelEd EXCEL Class • Watch video • Getting started with MindTap • Download Student Data Files • Create a FUELED EXCEL Folder and put EXCEL materials in it • Office 2016 and Windows 10: Essential Concepts and Skills • Office 2016 and Windows 10: Essential Concepts and Skills • Read Module and complete activities • Office Mix for Office 2016 and Windows 10: Essential Concepts and Skills Module • This Mix shows real world usage of module content. • Videos Office 2016 and Windows 10 • Windows 10: Rename a file. • Windows 10: Maximize a window. • Windows 10: Minimize a window. • Windows 10: Resize a window. • Windows 10: Close an Office app. • Windows 10: Create a folder. • Windows 10: Open a folder. • Log off your computer at:12:33 3
COMPUTER APPS 2AUGUST 31, 2018 Objective: Students will set up GMETRIX and FUELED accounts so that they can get started on Module 1 assignments. ACTIVITIES: • Log onto FuelEd EXCEL Class • Download Student Data Files • Extract the downloaded files • Create a FUELED EXCEL Folder and put/drag EXCEL materials in it • Office 2016 and Windows 10: Essential Concepts and Skills • Office 2016 and Windows 10: Essential Concepts and Skills • Read Module and complete activities • Office Mix for Office 2016 and Windows 10: Essential Concepts and Skills Module • This Mix shows real world usage of module content. • Videos Office 2016 and Windows 10 • Windows 10: Rename a file. • Windows 10: Maximize a window. • Windows 10: Minimize a window. • Windows 10: Resize a window. • Windows 10: Close an Office app. • Windows 10: Create a folder. • Windows 10: Open a folder. • Complete SAM Training for Module 1 • Begin Module 1 Chapter Content and Activities • Log off your computer at:12:33 4
EXCEL MODULE 1 • Creating a Worksheet and a Chart Computer Applications 2 PERIOD 530 August – 7 September 2018 Peak FuelEducation Microsoft EXCEL 2016 Training • How can you use Microsoft Excel 2016 to Create a Worksheet and a Chart? • Check Google Classroom for Daily Quick Write at the end of the period. • PERIOD GOAL: BY THE END OF THE PERIOD STUDENTS WILL be able to Describe how enter a simple function in MS Excel. • SATURDAY ACADEMY FOR STUDENTS WHO WANT TO IMPROVE GRADE AND MAKE UP MISSING ASSIGNMENTS OR EXAMS Student Objective: In module 1, students will learn how to Create a Worksheet and a Chart. Students will work WITH THEIR PARTNER(S) to complete their Peak FuelEd assignments for Excel Module 1: Creating a Worksheet and a Chart EXCEL MODULE 1 OBJECTIVES: You will have mastered the material in excel module 1 when you can: • Describe the Excel worksheet • Enter text and numbers • Use the Sum button to sum a range of cells • Enter a simple function • Copy the contents of a cell to a range of cells using the fill handle • Apply cell styles • Format cells in a worksheet • Create a 3-D pie chart • Change a worksheet name and sheet tab color • Change document properties • Preview and print a worksheet • Use the AutoCalculate area to display statistics • Correct errors on a worksheet ALL MODULE 1 ASSIGNMENTS DUE September 7th • Excel Module 1: Creating a Worksheet and a Chart. Read & Follow the directions in the chapter contents to create your own Worksheet and a chart project with your partners. • Do the project in the Chapter contents readings 1-1 through 1-13. • Submit: Project — Personal Budget Worksheet and Chart • DUE AT THE END OF THE PERIOD September 7. • PROJECT: Complete & Email 113c - Apply Your Knowledge. Follow the directions and answer/complete all of the 9 assignment requirements. • Your name for #6. • Answer the question in #9. • Submit document. • Due September 7. (Friday) • Work with your partner. • Excel Module 1 SAM Training. You are required do the SAM trainings DAILY, as many times as you can before the final. Assigned as HOMEWORK September 4 through September 7 • Excel Module 11 SAM Exam – September 6 (Thursday) • SAM Project Exce; Module 1: September 6 (THURSDAY) • NO TALKING OR HELPING EACH OTHER DURING EXAM & PROJECT. STUDENTS WILL RECEIVE A ZERO FOR TALKING DURING EXAM. • Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri: Log off your computer at 12:28 • Wednesday: Log off your computer at 12:33 5
EXCEL MODULE 2 • Formulas, Functions and Formatting Computer Applications 2 PERIOD 512-14 September 2018 Peak FuelEducation Microsoft EXCEL 2016 Training • How can you use Microsoft Excel 2016 to finish the Project — Worksheet with Formulas and Functions? • Check Google Classroom for Daily Quick Write at the end of the period. • PERIOD GOAL: BY THE END OF THE PERIOD STUDENTS WILL be able to Describe how enter a simple function in MS Excel. • SATURDAY ACADEMY FOR STUDENTS WHO WANT TO IMPROVE GRADE AND MAKE UP MISSING ASSIGNMENTS OR EXAMS Student Objective: In module 2, students will learn how to Create a Worksheet with Formulas and Functions. Students will work WITH THEIR PARTNER(S) to complete their Peak FuelEd assignments for Excel Module 1: Creating a Worksheet and a Chart EXCEL MODULE 2 OBJECTIVES: You will have mastered the material in excel module 2 when you can: • Use Flash Fill • Enter formulas using the keyboard • Enter formulas using Point mode • Apply the MAX, MIN, and AVERAGE functions • Verify a formula using Range Finder • Apply a theme to a workbook • Apply a date format to a cell or range • Add conditional formatting to cells • Change column width and row height • Check the spelling on a worksheet • Change margins and headers in Page Layout view • Preview and print versions and sections of a worksheet ALL MODULE 2 ASSIGNMENTS DUE September 14 • Excel Module 2: Formulas, Functions and Formatting. Read & Follow the directions in the chapter contents to create your own Worksheet Formulas, Functions and Formatting project with your partners. • Do the project in the Chapter contents readings 2-1 through 2-11b. • Submit: Project — Worksheet with Formulas and Functions • Attach on an email. Lable clearly • DUE AT THE END OF THE PERIOD September 14. • Excel Module 2 SAM Training. You are required do the SAM trainings DAILY, as many times as you can before the final. Assigned as HOMEWORK September 12 through September 14 • Excel Module 2 SAM Exam – September 14 • SAM Project Excel Module 2: September 14 • Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri: Log off your computer at 12:28 • Wednesday: Log off your computer at 12:33 6
Computer Applications 2 PERIOD 517-21 September 2018 Peak FuelEducation Microsoft EXCEL 2016 Training EXCEL MODULE 3 • Working with Large Worksheets, Charting, and What-If Analysis • How can you use Microsoft Excel 2016 to finish the Project — Financial Projection Worksheet with What-If Analysis and Chart? • Check Google Classroom for Daily Quick Write at the end of the period. • PERIOD GOAL: BY THE END OF THE PERIOD STUDENTS WILL be able to Describe how enter a simple function in MS Excel. • SATURDAY ACADEMY FOR STUDENTS WHO WANT TO IMPROVE GRADE AND MAKE UP MISSING ASSIGNMENTS OR EXAMS Student Objective: In module 2, students will learn how to Create a Worksheet with Formulas and Functions. Students will work WITH THEIR PARTNER(S) to complete their Peak FuelEd assignments for Excel Module 1: Creating a Worksheet and a Chart EXCEL MODULE 3 OBJECTIVES: You will have mastered the material in excel module 3 when you can: • Rotate text in a cell • Create a series of month names • Copy, paste, insert, and delete cells • Format numbers using format symbols • Enter and format the system date • Use absolute and mixed cell references in a formula • Use the IF function to perform a logical test • Create and format sparkline charts • Change sparkline chart types and styles • Use the Format Painter button to format cells • Create a clustered column chart on a separate chart sheet • Use chart filters to display a subset of data in a chart • Change the chart type and style • Reorder sheet tabs • Change the worksheet view • Freeze and unfreeze rows and columns • Answer what-if questions • Goal seek to answer what-if questions • Use the Smart Lookup Insight • Understand accessibility features ALL MODULE 3 ASSIGNMENTS DUE September 21 • Excel Module 3: Working with Large Worksheets, Charting, and What-If Analysis. Read & Follow the directions in the chapter contents to create your own Worksheet project with your partners. • Do the project in the Chapter contents readings 3-1 through 3-14. • Submit: Project — Financial Projection Worksheet with What-If Analysis and ChartAttachon an email. Label clearly • DUE AT THE END OF THE PERIOD September21. • Excel Module 3 SAM Training. You are required do the SAM trainings DAILY, as many times as you can before the final. Assigned as HOMEWORK September17 through September21 • Excel Module 3 SAM Exam – September21 • SAM Project Excel Module 3: September21 • Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri: Log off your computer at 12:28 • Wednesday: Log off your computer at 12:33 7
Computer Applications 2 PERIOD 524-28 September 2018 Peak FuelEducation Microsoft EXCEL 2016 Training EXCEL MODULE 4 • Financial Functions, Data Tables, and Amortization Schedules • How can you use Microsoft Excel 2016 to finish the Project — Mortgage Payment Calculator with Data Table and Amortization Schedule? • Check Google Classroom for Daily Quick Write at the end of the period. • PERIOD GOAL: BY THE END OF THE PERIOD STUDENTS WILL be able to Describe how enter a simple function in MS Excel. • SATURDAY ACADEMY FOR STUDENTS WHO WANT TO IMPROVE GRADE AND MAKE UP MISSING ASSIGNMENTS OR EXAMS Student Objective: In module 4, students will learn how to Create a Worksheet with Financial Functions, Data Tables and Amortization Schedules. Students will work WITH THEIR PARTNER(S) to complete their Peak FuelEd assignments for Excel Module 1: Creating a Worksheet and a Chart EXCEL MODULE 4 OBJECTIVES: You will have mastered the material in excel module 4 when you can: • Assign a name to a cell and refer to the cell in a formula using the assigned name • Determine the monthly payment of a loan using the financial function PMT • Understand the financial functions PV (present value) and FV (future value) • Create a data table to analyze data in a worksheet • Create an amortization schedule • Control the color and thickness of outlines and borders • Add a pointer to a data table • Analyze worksheet data by changing values • Use range names and print sections of a worksheet • Set print options • Protect and unprotect cells in a worksheet • Hide and unhide worksheets and workbooks • Use the formula checking features of Excel ALL MODULE 4 ASSIGNMENTS DUE September 28 • Excel Module 4: Financial Functions, Data Tables and Amortization Schedules. Read & Follow the directions in the chapter contents to create your own Worksheet project with your partners. • Do the project in the Chapter contents readings 4-1 through 4-8. • Submit: Project — Mortgage Payment Calculator with Data Table and Amortization Schedule. Attach on an email. Label clearly • DUE AT THE END OF THE PERIOD September28. • Excel Module 4 SAM Training. You are required do the SAM trainings DAILY, as many times as you can before the SAM exam. Assigned as HOMEWORK September24 through September28 • Excel Module 4 SAM Exam – September28 • SAM Project Excel Module 4: September28 • Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri: Log off your computer at 12:28 • Wednesday: Log off your computer at 12:33 8
Computer Applications 2 PERIOD 530 Sept – 5 Oct2018 Peak FuelEducation Microsoft EXCEL 2016 Training EXCEL MODULE 5 • Working with Multiple Worksheets and Workbooks • How can you use Microsoft Excel 2016 to finish the Project — Mortgage Payment Calculator with Data Table and Amortization Schedule? • Check Google Classroom for Daily Quick Write at the end of the period. • PERIOD GOAL: BY THE END OF THE PERIOD STUDENTS WILL be able to Describe how to Apply a custom format code in MS Excel. • SATURDAY ACADEMY FOR STUDENTS WHO WANT TO IMPROVE GRADE AND MAKE UP MISSING ASSIGNMENTS OR EXAMS Student Objective: In module 5, students will learn how to Create a Worksheet while Working with Multiple Worksheets and Workbooks. Students will work WITH THEIR PARTNER(S) to complete their Peak FuelEd assignments for Excel Module 5: Creating a Worksheet and a Chart EXCEL MODULE 5 OBJECTIVES: You will have mastered the material in excel module5 when you can: • Format a consolidated worksheet • Fill using a linear series • Use date, time, and rounding functions • Apply a custom format code • Create a new cell style • Copy a worksheet • Drill to add data to multiple worksheets at the same time • Select and deselect sheet combinations • Enter formulas that use 3-D cell references • Use the Paste gallery • Format a 3-D pie chart with an exploded slice and lead lines • Save individual worksheets as separate workbook files • View and hide multiple workbooks • Consolidate data by linking separate workbooks ALL MODULE 5 ASSIGNMENTS DUE OCTOBER 5 • Excel Module 5: Working with Multiple Worksheets and Workbooks. Read & Follow the directions in the chapter contents to create your own Worksheet project with your partners. • Do the project in the Chapter contents readings 5-1 through 5-12. Consolidated Expenses Worksheet. Attach on an email. Label clearly • DUE AT THE END OF THE PERIOD OCTOBER 5. • Excel Module 5 SAM Training. You are required do the SAM trainings DAILY, as many times as you can before the SAM exam. Assigned as HOMEWORKThrough October 5 • Excel Module 5 SAM Exam:October 5 • SAM Project Excel Module 5:October 5 • Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri: Log off your computer at 12:28 • Wednesday: Log off your computer at 12:33 9
Computer Applications 2 PERIOD 58 OCT – 12 Oct 2018 Peak FuelEducation Microsoft EXCEL 2016 Training EXCEL MODULE 6 • Creating, Sorting and Querying a Table • How can you use Microsoft Excel 2016 to finish the Project — Creating, Sorting, and Querying a Table? • Check Google Classroom for Daily Quick Write at the end of the period. • PERIOD GOAL: BY THE END OF THE PERIOD STUDENTS WILL be able to Describe how to Apply a custom format code in MS Excel. • SATURDAY ACADEMY FOR STUDENTS WHO WANT TO IMPROVE GRADE AND MAKE UP MISSING ASSIGNMENTS OR EXAMS Student Objective: In module 6, students will complete assignments: Creating, Sorting, and Querying a Table. Students will work WITH THEIR PARTNER(S) to complete their Peak FuelEd assignments for Excel Module : Creating, Sorting, and Querying a Table EXCEL MODULE 6 OBJECTIVES: You will have mastered the material in FUELED module6when you can: • Create and manipulate a table • Delete duplicate records • Add calculated columns to a table with structured references • Use the VLOOKUP function to look up a value in a table • Use icon sets with conditional formatting • Insert a total row • Sort a table on one field or multiple fields • Sort, query, and search a table using AutoFilter • Remove filters • Create criteria and extract ranges • Apply database and statistical functions • Use the MATCH and INDEX functions to find a value in a table • Display automatic subtotals • Use outline features to group, hide, and unhide data • Create a treemap chart ALL MODULE 6 ASSIGNMENTS DUE OCTOBER 12 • Excel Module 6: Creating, Sorting, and Querying a Table. Read & Follow the directions in the chapter contents to create your own Worksheet project with your partners. • Do the project in the Chapter contents readings 6-1 through 6-14. Coffee Craft Daily Services. Attach on an email. Label clearly • DUE AT THE END OF THE PERIOD OCTOBER 5. • Excel Module 6 SAM Training. You are required do the SAM trainings DAILY, as many times as you can before the SAM exam. Assigned as HOMEWORKThrough October 12 • Excel Module 6 SAM Exam:October 12 • SAM Project Excel Module 6:October 12 • Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri: Log off your computer at 12:28 • Wednesday: Log off your computer at 12:33 10
EXCEL MODULE7 • Creating Templates, Importing Data, and Working with SmartArt, Images and Screenshots Computer Applications 2 PERIOD 515 OCT – 19 Oct 2018 Peak FuelEducation Microsoft EXCEL 2016 Training • How can you use Microsoft Excel 2016 to finish the Project — Creating Templates, Importing Data, and Working with SmartArt, Images and Screenshots? • Check Google Classroom for Daily Quick Write at the end of the period. • PERIOD GOAL: BY THE END OF THE PERIOD STUDENTS WILL be able to Describe how to Apply a custom format code in MS Excel. • SATURDAY ACADEMY FOR STUDENTS WHO WANT TO IMPROVE GRADE AND MAKE UP MISSING ASSIGNMENTS OR EXAMS Student Objective: In module 7, students will complete assignments: Creating Templates, Importing Data, and Working with SmartArt, Images, and Screenshots. Students will work WITH THEIR PARTNER(S) to complete their Peak FuelEd assignments for Excel Module : Creating Templates, Importing Data, and Working with SmartArt, Images, and Screenshots EXCEL MODULE 7 OBJECTIVES: You will have mastered the material in excel module7when you can: • Create and use a template • Import data from a text file, an Access database, a webpage, and a Word document • Use text functions • Paste values and paste text • Transpose data while pasting it • Convert text to columns • Replicate formulas • Use the Quick Analysis gallery • Find and replace data • Insert and format a bar chart • Insert and modify a SmartArt graphic • Add pictures to a SmartArt Graphic • Apply text effects • Include a hyperlinked screenshot ALL MODULE 7 ASSIGNMENTS DUE OCTOBER 19 • Excel Module 7: Creating Templates, Importing Data, and Working with SmartArt, Images and Screenshots. Read & Follow the directions in the chapter contents to create your own Worksheet project with your partners. • Do the project in the Chapter contents readings 7-1 through 7-9. Project — Home Security Systems. Attach on an email. Label clearly • DUE AT THE END OF THE PERIOD OCTOBER 19. • Excel Module 7 SAM Training. You are required do the SAM trainings DAILY, as many times as you can before the SAM exam. Assigned as HOMEWORKThrough October 19 • Excel Module 7 SAM Exam:October 19 • SAM Project Excel Module 7:October 19 • Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri: Log off your computer at 12:28 • Wednesday: Log off your computer at 12:33 11
Computer Applications 2 PERIOD 522 OCT – 26 Oct 2018 Peak FuelEducation Microsoft EXCEL 2016 Training EXCEL MODULE8 • Working with Trendlines, PivotTables, PivotCharts and Slicers • How can you use Microsoft Excel 2016 to finish the Project — Working with Trendlines, PivotTables, PivotCharts and Slicers? • Check Google Classroom for Daily Quick Write at the end of the period. • PERIOD GOAL: BY THE END OF THE PERIOD STUDENTS WILL be able to Describe how to Apply a custom format code in MS Excel. • SATURDAY ACADEMY FOR STUDENTS WHO WANT TO IMPROVE GRADE AND MAKE UP MISSING ASSIGNMENTS OR EXAMS Student Objective: In module 8, students will complete assignments: Working with Trendlines, PivotTables, PivotCharts and Slicers. Students will work WITH THEIR PARTNER(S) to complete their Peak FuelEd assignments for Excel Module : Creating Templates, Importing Data, and Working with SmartArt, Images, and Screenshots EXCEL MODULE 8 OBJECTIVES: You will have mastered the material in excel module7when you can: • Analyze worksheet data using a trendline • Create a PivotTable report • Format a PivotTable report • Apply filters to a PivotTable report • Create a PivotChart report • Format a PivotChart report • Apply filters to a PivotChart report • Analyze worksheet data using PivotTable and PivotChart reports • Create calculated fields • Create slicers to filter PivotTable and PivotChart reports • Format slicers • Analyze PivotTable and PivotChart reports using slicers ALL MODULE 8 ASSIGNMENTS DUE OCTOBER 26 • Excel Module 8: Working with Trendlines, PivotTables, PivotCharts and Slicers. Read & Follow the directions in the chapter contents to create your own Worksheet project with your partners. • Do the project in the Chapter contents readings 8-1 through 8-7. Project — LinkMe Internet Service Provider. Attach on an email. Label clearly • DUE AT THE END OF THE PERIOD OCTOBER 26. • Excel Module 9 SAM Training. You are required do the SAM trainings DAILY, as many times as you can before the SAM exam. Assigned as HOMEWORKThrough October 26 • Excel Module 8 SAM Exam:October 26 • SAM Project Excel Module 8 :October 26 • Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri: Log off your computer at 12:28 • Wednesday: Log off your computer at 12:33 12
Computer Applications 2 PERIOD 529 OCT – 2 Nov2018 Peak FuelEducation Microsoft EXCEL 2016 Training EXCEL MODULE9 • Formula Auditing, Data Validation, and Complex Problem Solving • How can you use Microsoft Excel 2016 to finish the Excel Module 9: Formula Auditing, Data Validation, and Complex Problem Solving? • Check Google Classroom for Daily Quick Write at the end of the period. • PERIOD GOAL: BY THE END OF THE PERIOD STUDENTS WILL be able to Describe how to Apply a custom format code in MS Excel. • SATURDAY ACADEMY FOR STUDENTS WHO WANT TO IMPROVE GRADE AND MAKE UP MISSING ASSIGNMENTS OR EXAMS Student Objective: In module 9, students will complete assignments: Excel Module 9: Formula Auditing, Data Validation, and Complex Problem Solving. Students will work WITH THEIR PARTNER(S) to complete their Peak FuelEd assignments Excel Module 9: Formula Auditing, Data Validation, and Complex Problem SolvingEXCEL MODULE 9 OBJECTIVES: You will have mastered the material in excel module9when you can: • Use formula auditing techniques to analyze a worksheet • Trace precedents and dependents • Use error checking to identify and correct errors • Add data validation rules to cells • Enable the Solver add-in • Use trial and error to solve a problem on a worksheet • Use goal seeking to solve a problem • Circle invalid data on a worksheet • Use Solver to solve a complex problem • Use the Scenario Manager to record and save sets of what-if assumptions • Create a Scenario Summary report • Create a Scenario PivotTable report ALL MODULE 9 ASSIGNMENTS DUE NOVEMBER 2 • Excel Module 9: Project — Life Coach Services Scheduling Analysis.Read & Follow the directions in the chapter contents to create your own Worksheet project with your partners. • Do the project in the Chapter contents readings 9-1 through 9-9. Project — LinkMe Internet Service Provider. Attach on an email. Label clearly • DUE AT THE END OF THE PERIOD OCTOBER 26. • Excel Module 9 SAM Training. You are required do the SAM trainings DAILY, as many times as you can before the SAM exam. Assigned as HOMEWORKThrough October 26 • Excel Module 9 SAM Exam:NOVEMBER 2 • SAM Project Excel Module 9:NOVEMBER 2 • Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri: Log off your computer at 12:28 • Wednesday: Log off your computer at 12:33 13
Computer Applications 2 PERIOD 55 NOV– 9 Nov 2018 Peak FuelEducation Microsoft EXCEL 2016 Training EXCEL MODULE10 • Data Analysis with Power Tools and Creating Macros • How can you use Microsoft Excel 2016 to finish the Excel Module 10: Data Analysis with Power Tools and Creating Macros? • Check Google Classroom for Daily Quick Write at the end of the period. • PERIOD GOAL: BY THE END OF THE PERIOD STUDENTS WILL be able to Describe how to Apply a custom format code in MS Excel. • SATURDAY ACADEMY FOR STUDENTS WHO WANT TO IMPROVE GRADE AND MAKE UP MISSING ASSIGNMENTS OR EXAMS Student Objective: In module 10, students will complete assignments: Excel Module 10: Data Analysis with Power Tools and Creating Macros. Students will work WITH THEIR PARTNER(S) to complete their Peak FuelEd assignments Excel Module 10: Data Analysis with Power Tools and Creating Macros EXCEL MODULE 10 OBJECTIVES: You will have mastered the material in excel module10when you can: • Explain Excel’s power tools • Customize the ribbon and enable data analysis • Use the Get & Transform data commands • Create a query using Query Editor • Build a PivotTable using Power Pivot • Explain data modelling • Create a measure • View cube functions • Use Power View • Create tiles in a Power View report • Use 3D Maps • Save a tour as an animation • Explain Power BI • Create hyperlinks • Use the macro recorder to create a macro • Execute a macro ALL MODULE 10 ASSIGNMENTS DUE NOVEMBER 9 • Excel Module 10: Project — Business Decisions Demographics.Read & Follow the directions in the chapter contents to create your own Worksheet project with your partners. • Do the project in the Chapter contents readings 10-1 through 10-9. Project Business Decisions Demographics. Attach on an email. Label clearly • DUE AT THE END OF THE PERIOD NOVEMBER 9. • Excel Module 10 SAM Training. You are required do the SAM trainings DAILY, as many times as you can before the SAM exam. Assigned as HOMEWORKthroughNOVEMBER 9 • Excel Module 10 SAM Exam:NOVEMBER 9 • SAM Project Excel Module 10:NOVEMBER 9 • Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri: Log off your computer at 12:28 • Wednesday: Log off your computer at 12:33 14
EXCEL MODULE11 • User Interfaces, Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), and Collaboration Features in Excel Computer Applications 2 PERIOD 512 Nov – 16 Nov 2018 Peak FuelEducation Microsoft EXCEL 2016 Training • How can you use Microsoft Excel 2016 to finish the Excel Module 11: User Interfaces, Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), and Collaboration Features in Excel? • Check Google Classroom for Daily Quick Write at the end of the period. • PERIOD GOAL: BY THE END OF THE PERIOD STUDENTS WILL be able to Describe how to Apply a custom format code in MS Excel. • SATURDAY ACADEMY FOR STUDENTS WHO WANT TO IMPROVE GRADE AND MAKE UP MISSING ASSIGNMENTS OR EXAMS Student Objective: In module 11, students will complete assignments: Excel Module 11: User Interfaces, Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), and Collaboration Features in Excel. Students will work WITH THEIR PARTNER(S) to complete their Peak FuelEd assignments Excel Module 11: User Interfaces, Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), and Collaboration Features in Excel EXCEL MODULE 11 OBJECTIVES: You will have mastered the material in excel Module11when you can: • Add and configure worksheet form controls such as command buttons, option buttons, and check boxes • Record user input to another location on the worksheet • Understand Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) code and explain event-driven programs • Explain sharing and collaboration techniques • Use passwords to assign protected and unprotected status to a worksheet • Compare and merge workbooks • Review a digital signature on a workbook • Insert, edit, delete, and review comments in a workbook • Manage tracked changes in a shared workbook • Format a worksheet background • Enhance charts and sparklines • Save a custom view of a worksheet ALL MODULE 11 ASSIGNMENTS DUE NOVEMBER 16 • Excel Module 11: Project — Global Pharmaceutical Company Sales Analysis.Read & Follow the directions in the chapter contents to create your own Worksheet project with your partners. • Do the project in the Chapter contents readings 11-1 through 11-6. Global Pharmaceutical Company Sales Analysis. Attach on an email. Label clearly • DUE AT THE END OF THE PERIOD NOVEMBER 16. • Excel Module 11 SAM Training. You are required do the SAM trainings DAILY, as many times as you can before the SAM exam. Assigned as HOMEWORKthroughNOVEMBER 16 • Excel Module 11 SAM Exam:NOVEMBER 16 • SAM Project Excel Module 11:NOVEMBER 16 • Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri: Log off your computer at 12:28 • Wednesday: Log off your computer at 12:33 15
Microsoft Word 2016 Training GMETRIX MICORSOFT OFFICE SPECIALIST TEST TRAINING Computer Applications 2 How can you pass the Certiport Microsoft Office Specialist Certification test? • Check Google Classroom for Daily Quick Write at the end of the period. • PERIOD GOAL: BY THE END OF THE PERIOD STUDENTS WILL HAVE COMPLETED THE TEST TRAININGS. • SATURDAY ACADEMY FOR STUDENTS WHO WANT TO IMPROVE GRADES AND MAKE UP MISSING ASSIGNMENTS OR EXAMS • Do all assignments in order. Be aware of ‘TRAINING’ and ‘TESTING’ modes. All assignments aredue ASAP. • Everyone must take the MOS certification test by January 18 (the end of the semester). • There are only 2 testing computers so be aware of the timeline • YOU CAN DO THIS! Student Objective: • Students will practice the GMETRIX training tests, in BOTH training and testing modes, everyday, until they achieve a score of 90% or better, without using the help feature, to prepare them TO PASS the MOS Excel2016 certification test by January 18, 2018. • NEED TO FINISH TESTING BY January 18 • When you finish a training or testing, go to “view details" then press Fn+Print Screen, and email me the results. • NEED TO GET MISSING ASSIGNMENTS DONE. Log off your computer at: (M,T,TH,F)8:48/9:40/10:39/11:32/12:28/1:51* (Wednesday)9:00/9:51/10:48/11:39/12:33/1:53*