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ECOOP WP11 International cooperation and technology transfer. P. Oddo INGV CLU, GFZ, NERC, DMI, GAS, IAP, INAT, INRH, MERCATOR, MHI, RSHU, SOI. WP11 - International cooperation and technology transfer 1/02/2007 - 31/01/2010 T11.1 - Preparation of the training material
ECOOP WP11 International cooperation and technology transfer P. Oddo INGV CLU, GFZ, NERC, DMI, GAS, IAP, INAT, INRH, MERCATOR, MHI, RSHU, SOI
WP11 - International cooperation and technology transfer1/02/2007 - 31/01/2010 T11.1 - Preparation of the training material S11.1.1 - Educational material for existing operational 1/02/2007 - 31/07/2008 oceanographic products and services T11.2 - Focused training for usage of ECOOP operational oceanographic products and Services 1/07/2008 - 31/01/2010 S11.2.1 - Bi-weekly training courses T11.3 - Integration of non-Eu existing operational forecasting systems 1/07/2007 - 31/01/2010 S11.3.1 - R&D for non-Eu existing operational forecasting systems T11.4 - WP11 Coordination (T11.0) 1/02/2007 - 31/01/2010 S11.4.1 - Coordination of WP11 activities
WP11 - International cooperation and technology transfer (INGV) Objectives: 1) develop capacity in non-Eu countries to use the existing operational oceanographic products from both observing systems and forecasting models 2) develop local capacity of non-Eu countries to observe and model the coastal ocean following the ECOOP standards 3) develop courses and educational material for new professionals, so-called ocean forecasters Description: This WP deals with the development of educational material and bilateral exchange of professionals to be trained in the usage of operational oceanographic products. With the same system, non-Eu countries will have partial support to develop coastal forecasting systems that will match the ECOOP standards for coastal forecasting. The non-Eu countries participants to this WP are scientists or operators of coastal forecasting systems that need to be trained on the type and quality of products available from the MERSEA, ECOOP and other projects converging into ECOOP.
T11.1 - Preparation of the training material (INGV) CLU, INGV, NERC Objectives: To prepare a consistent description of existing operational oceanographic products and services for educational purposes Description: Here in general, we follow the conclusions of the IOC Strategy document for Capacity Building (2005). The general conclusions are that the highest priority to implement operational oceanography in different areas of the world ocean is to enable the usage of already available operational oceanography products. At European level, several projects have developed or are developing a real time stream of operational oceanographic products: 1) MERSEA that develops the observational and forecasting products at the global and regional scales; 2) ARENA, MFSTEP, MAMA, PAPA, SEANET have developed systems that are operational at shelf scales and will be integrated into ECOOP. Educational material explaining the state-of-the art products of all the regional and shelf/coastal EU forecasting systems will be prepared in terms of Web based documents and software for remote visualization of products. S11.1.1 - Educational material for existing operational oceanographic products and services (INGV) - CLU, NERC Objectives: Produce educational material describing the existing operational oceanographic products and services, comprehensive of the description of the functionalities of ocean forecasting centers and products quality standards.
It’s been decided to use a Wiki software for the website, in order to allow all the involved partners to easily give their contribution in a collaborative manner. • Moreover wiki contents can be accessed, like a website, by anybody using a common web browser. • The educational material hasbeen divided geographically and the areas have been assigned to different users. • For each area identified, a wiki-page will be created and maintained by the assignee of the area. • The page creation procedure is extremely simple, the user can create and edit the page just clicking on the page link. • In order to have the contents well organized and to have a consistent structure, an index for the contents of the pages has been defined and the relative template is automatically loaded at the creation of the page.
T11.2 - Focused training for usage of ECOOP operational oceanographic products and services (INGV) DMI, GAS, IAP, INAT, INGV, INRH, MERCATOR, MHI, RSHU, SOI Objectives: To have medium term (two weeks) training courses for the selected participants at the ECOOP regional centers. Description: This Task will use material produced in Subtask 11.1.1 to have medium term (two weeks) training courses for the selected participants at the ECOOP regional centers interesting for the trainees. The courses will be one month long and the aim will be to train the interested personnel on the products and services offered by the different operational systems in the region of interest (Baltic, Middle Atlantic shelf, Mediterranean and Black Sea). The courses should be organized in order to show the existing operational system, its working protocols and should provide the possibility to handle operational oceanographic products locally by the visiting personnel. Support will be given. S11.2.1 - Bi-weekly training courses (INGV) DMI, GAS, IAP, INRH, MERCATOR, MHI, RSHU, SOI Objectives: To organize and coordinate medium term (two weeks) training courses for the selected participants at the relevant regional forecasting centers Description: A number of non-EU countries will be hosted by the regional ECOOP/MERSEA regional centers for a two weeks visit which will be conprehensive of: 1) frontal lectures with the educational material prepared in Task 11.1 2) the definition and completion of a visitor project to assess and upgrade the non-EU country forecasting system, especially in terms of usage of the available operational oceanographic products. Non-EU organizations involved are: 1) Marocco for the Middle Atlantic and the Mediterranean; 2) Russia for the Baltic and Black Sea; 3) Georgia for the Black Sea.
T11.3 - Integration of non-Eu existing operational forecasting systems (INGV) DMI, GAS, GFZ, INAT, INGV, INRH, MERCATOR, MHI, RSHU, SOI, Objectives: To organize partner-tailored exchanges of personnel between ECOOP operational European oceanographic sites and non-EU countries organizations involved in operational oceanography. Description: The activities of this Task are dedicated to the organization of exchanges of personnel between ECOOP operational European oceanographic sites (INGV, MERCATOR, DMI and MHI)and non-EU countries organizations (GAS, GFZ, INRH, SOI, RSHU, Uni-Alexandria and INAT) involved in operational oceanography. The visits will be defined on a bilateral basis in order to macth the needs of the non-Eu countries. The activities will aim to give support to scientists or operators that would like to implement observational ECOOP protocols for real time data exchange, make use of real time observations available from the ECOOP network, implement coastal forecasting models with the ECOOP standards. S11.3.1 - R&D for non-Eu existing operational forecasting systems (INGV) DMI, GAS, GFZ, INAT, INRH, MERCATOR, MHI, RSHU, SOI Objectives: Visit periods organization and coordination. Description: This Subtask will support the R&D of non-EU countries coastal systems following the standards of ECOOP. The R&D will be complemented by non-EU partner- taylored exchange of personnel at the relevant ECOOP regional centers. The non-EU forecasting systems will be first assessed in terms of products and services offered or, whenever not existent, they will be designed in collaboration with ECOOP centers and implemented from scratch.
Neva Bay S. Petersburg (RSHU) Black Sea (SOI) - (GAS) Croatia Split (GFZ) Morocco Coast (INRH) Tunisian Coast (INAT) Caspian Sea (SOI)
T11.4 - WP11 Coordination (T11.0) (INGV) Objectives: To coordinate the WP activities in terms of preparation of the material for the Web, the EU reporting and the management of the training visits, together with the dissemination of the educational material. Description: This Task is concerned with the coordination of the contributions from this WP of the material for the Web, the EU reporting and the management of the training visits, together with the dissemination of the educational material. S11.4.1 - Coordination of WP11 activities (INGV) Objectives: To coordinate WP11 activities Description: This subtask will be dedicated to plan and execute WP11 activities: material for the Web, EU reporting and management of the training visits together with the dissemination of the education material.
Deliverables D11.1.1.2 (Mo12): Web site for educational material. D11.3.1.1 (Mo12): Assessment of the non-EU operational products and service. D11.1.1.1 (Mo18): Documentation with technical details on the products and services. D11.1.1.3 (Mo18): Visualization tool for training. D11.3.1.2 (Mo24): Design of the upgraded system and practical implementation. D11.2.1.1 (Mo36): Bi-weekly courses and visits at the EU regional forecasting centers. D11.3.1.3 (Mo36): Validation of the system. Milestones and expected result WP11 M1 (Mo12): Design of the educational material and the Web site WP11 M2 (Mo12): Assessment of the non-EU operational products through preparation of a questionnaire WP11 M3 (Mo18): Bi-weekly training courses design WP11 M4 (Mo18): New models implemented in non-EU coastal areas.