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English Language Teaching Russian Federation. The Dictionaries That Get Results Словари – серьезное подспорье в работе опытного преподавателя. Узнайте, как можно расширить лексический запас, написать сочинение, провести работу по совершенствованию всех видов языковой деятельности .
English Language TeachingRussian Federation TheDictionariesThatGetResults Словари – серьезное подспорье в работе опытного преподавателя. Узнайте, как можно расширить лексический запас, написать сочинение, провести работу по совершенствованию всех видов языковой деятельности. Лектор: М.Ю.Некрасова, учитель гимназии N1, г. Железнодорожный.
Если Ваш ученик грамотно и быстро работает со словарем, Вы, как учитель, можете быть уверены в том, что Вы действительно работаете в контексте системно-деятельностного подхода согласно требованиям ФГОС 2-го поколения, а Ваш ученик успешно и с увлечением изучает иностранный язык . Monolingual Dictionaries
Словарь – это НАВИГАТОР, т.е. инструмент/прибор, который обучающийся использует для успешного овладения иноязычной КУЛЬТУРОЙ. Как сделать так, чтобы Вашему ученику ЗАХОТЕЛОСЬ РАБОТАТЬ СО СЛОВАРЁМ??? Учителю необходимо знать: Какие есть словари; Как устроен конкретный словарь; Какие типы заданий существуют для вовлечения обучающихся в активную работу со словарем в современной методике обучения иноязычной культуре (зарубежной и отечественной); Какой из словарей будет наиболее эффективным при решении конкретной коммуникативной задачи.
«Изюминки» разных словарей Oxford Essential Dictionary for elementary and pre-intermediate learners of English • Information (n) - (no plural) • GRAMMAR • Be careful! You cannot say “an information”. You say some information or a piece of information: She gave me an interesting piece of information. • Cat (n) • WORD BUILDING • A young cat is called a kitten. A cat purrs when it is happy. When it makes a loud noise, it miaows: My cat miaows when she is hungry.
Oxford Essential Dictionary for elementary and pre-intermediate learners of English Piece (n) *SPELLING Remember! I comes before E in piece. Use the phrase a piece of pie to help you remember. Daughter (n) *PRONUNCIATION The word daughter sounds like water, because we don`t say the letters gh in this word.
Oxford Essential Dictionary for elementary and pre-intermediate learners of English • Pile (n) • WHICH WORD? • Pile or heap? • A pile may be tidy or untidy. A heap is untidy. • English (n) • CULTURE • Be careful! The people of Scotland (the Scots) and the people of Wales (theWelsh) are British, not English.
Oxford Essential Dictionary for elementary and pre-intermediate learners of English Study pages
Oxford Wordpower Dictionary Intermediate to Upper-intermediate Здесь я хочу сделать скриншоты с компакт-диска к этому словарю.
Oxford Learner`s THESAURUS A dictionary of synonyms Synonym scale shows all the words in the synonym group in order of strength, from the weakest to the strongest fast high-speed supersonic quick express brisk
Oxford Learner`s THESAURUS A dictionary of synonyms frightening * terrifying * scary * alarming * daunting * chilling * eerie * spooky * creepy * hair-raising PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS frightening/ terrifying/scary/alarming/daunting/ intimidating forsb
Oxford Advanced Learner`s Dictionary Build your vocabulary WORD FAMILY Stableadj. (unstable opp.) Stability noun (instability opp.) Stabilizeverb Word families show words related to the headword. This ladder doesn`t seem very stable. The political situation remains highly unstable.
Synonyms Big / large / great These adjectives are frequently used with the following nouns: big large great man numbers succsess house part majority dog company difficulty difference problem surprise a large amount of, a large number of, a large quantity of, a great deal of
WHICH WORD? • cautious / careful • A cautious person is nervous that smth may be dangerous or unwise, so they only do it very slowly or after a lot of thought (opposite = rash) • A careful person is not nervous but does take extra care to make sure that every thing is correct or nothing goes wrong. (opposite = careless) • Notice also: • Be careful / Take care when you drive on icy roads. • Caution / Warning – thin ice. WORD FAMILY broadadj. broadly adv. broaden verb breadth noun
Dictionary exercises and word history From word to word Level: Intermediate to advanced Aims: To give further practice in the use of dictionaries, with the emphasis on the language used in the definitions given. Procedure 1 Ask the Ss to work individually. Give each student a dictionary. Write up a word on the blackboard. Choose one which will produce a rich set of paraphrases/ synonyms. Ask the Ss to look up in the dictionary the word you have put on the board and to read through the definition(s). Then ask them to choose one of the words in the definition and to look that up.
Ask the Ss to continue in this way until they have looked up, say, a dozen words. At each stage they should write down the word they look up. Ask them to form pairs and compare their lists. Example Starting from the headword PLANT, one person produced this list: plant ---- vegetable ---- organism ---- structure ---- framework ---- skeleton ---- bone ---- bobbin ---- reel ---- cylinder ----- tubular ---- chamber and another: plant ---- grow ---- increase ---- rise ---- swell ---- waves --hair ---- thread ---- cotton ---- understand
Write yourself in Level: Elementary to advanced Aims: To add a strong personal element to dictionary practice. Materials: Dictionaries. Preparation Select 6-12 words from a text or other source of vocabulary. Procedure 1 Ask the Ss, working individually, to look up each of the selected words in their dictionary. When they have read the entry and any example sentences given, they should construct an example sentence for that word including their own name, or a reference to themselves.
So, if a student were to look up take one`s mind off and find the example Hard work always takes your mind off domestic problems, they might write English classes take my mind off work. In small groups, the Ss compare their example sentences. Variation This exercise can easily be adapted as a pair exercise by asking the pairs to write sentences that apply to both members, for example: veal: We are both opposed to the production of the white veal.
With their eyes still shut, tell them you are going to read them some words. Tell them to just let the words flow over them, whether they know their meaning or not. Read these words slowly and gently: Irrational immoral clockwise Incapable serviceman capable anticlockwise verbal fit ex-serviceman unfit to pack moral illegal to apply to behave to misapply to unpack moral to misbehave amoral
Read the word again twice, each time in a different order. Bring two Ss to the board. Divide the Ss up into two teams, and appoint one student from each team as a “secretary”. Give team A a word that they have to make negative from the set above. Give them 10 seconds` consulting time and no more. If they are right, one of the secretaries gives them a point on the board, while the other writes the word and its negative. Give team B a word to make negative, using the same procedure. Back to team A etc. …. At the end of the game, ask Ss to jot down all the words on the board in their notebooks, adding mother-tongue translations. In a monolingual class check some of these round the class.
Variation 1 Put the following on the blackboard: in- re- un- -tion -less -ness --er 2 Ask the class to suggest words that contain these elements, and then to brainstormother prefixes and suffixes. 3 Invite the Ss, individually or in pairs, to invent words of their own containing the brainstormed elements, and then to see if their words exist.