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high tech high g raduate school of education u nboxed Zach Barden Krystle Goh Ned Levy

high tech high g raduate school of education u nboxed Zach Barden Krystle Goh Ned Levy Jen Schwartz. recommendations. 1. d efine & d esign 2. strengthen and s cale. define. HTH GSE has identity issues. define.

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high tech high g raduate school of education u nboxed Zach Barden Krystle Goh Ned Levy

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  1. high tech high graduate school of education unboxed Zach Barden KrystleGoh Ned Levy Jen Schwartz

  2. recommendations 1. define & design2. strengthen and scale

  3. define HTH GSEhas identity issues

  4. define “The mission of the HTH Graduate School of Education is to prepare reflective practitioner leaders to work with colleagues and communities to develop innovative, authentic, and rigorous learning environments. This mission parallels that of the High Tech High K-12 schools: to provide all students with an extraordinary project-based education and...” be clear & concise

  5. We’ve found the eight-word missiona crucial tool for funding decisions; it also turns out to be a great tool for design. You have to know where you’re going to be able to figure out the best way to get there.Razor-sharp clarityabout where you’re going allows you to ask three critically important questions: 1) Is this the best way to get there? 2) Is there anything else we should be doing to accelerate along the path? and 3) Is everything we’re doing really focused on getting there? Kevin Starr, Stanford Social Innovation Review, Sept. 12, 2012

  6. define who you are not

  7. define who you are

  8. design

  9. design

  10. strengthen & scale build internal pipelines leverage the Leading Schools Program (LSP) amplify impact of institutes &residencies short term pre-accreditation long term market accredited programs become “hub” for student-centered education post-accreditation

  11. strengthen & scale short-term: marketto candidates who do not require accreditation

  12. strengthen & scale short-term: boost recognition of pedagogy and overall brand through the LSP LSP Champions

  13. strengthen & scale short-term: maximizeLSP’s underutilizedcapacity

  14. strengthen &scale marketing LSP priority 1price point •  participants = #GSE advocates • price competitively • explore team discounts

  15. strengthen &scale marketing LSP priority 2engagekey stakeholders • Partner Organizations • Alumni • Principals

  16. strengthen &scale marketing LSP priority 3 then, get the word out!

  17. next steps conduct internal assessment of mission & brand hire professional design firm initiate LPS marketing campaign

  18. thank you

  19. appendix: comparable programs

  20. appendix: CA school funding trend

  21. “Educationprovides the foundation of our global possibilities. Wedesignthis well, and the whole world changes.” Sandy Speicher IDEO Education Practice Lead

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