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Deaf Women WHO Dare to Challenge World!. Harriet Martineau (1802-1876).
Harriet Martineau (1802-1876) • Harriet Martineau reached out to the world through her writings. She was independent, ambitious, and sometimes stubborn which are all excellent characteristics for a good writer. She wrote articles in the newspaper using a man’s name because of the oppression of women. She became deaf during her childhood because of constant sickness. Her parents, especially her mother, were very strict with Harriet, claiming that her behaviors were not like an English lady. At the age of 19 years old, Harriet became a famous journalist and went on to write about 30 books and thousands of articles. In her effort to make the world a better place, she wrote concerning many different issues including her own experiences and opinions. Transition Services Preparation & Training
For more information on Harriet Martineau http://cepa.newschool.edu/het/profiles/martineau.htm http://www.transcendentalists.com/harriet_martineau.htm http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/Wmartineau.htm http://www.webster.edu/~woolflm/martineau.html Transition Services Preparation & Training
Julia Brace (1807-1884) • Julia lost her vision and hearing around age five. In later childhood, she began a long and happy life at the Hartford Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb. During her residence at Hartford in the 1830s, she became a celebrity because she was able to do so much in spite of not being able to see or hear. When she was in her mid-30s, the Perkins Institute attempted to give her more formal instruction. Unfortunately, because of her age she was not able to make much progress, and had to return to Hartford. For more information on Julia Brace: http://www.dartmouth.edu/~library/Library_Bulletin/Nov1992/LB-N92-Wait.html http://www.famousamericans.net/juliabrace/ http://www.disabilitymuseum.org/lib/docs/1739.htm?page=8 http://www.deafblindinfo.org/people.asp Transition Services Preparation & Training
Laura Bridgman (1829-1889) • Laura was born in Hanover, New Hampshire lost her hearing and sight at the age of 2 from scarlet fever. In 1837, Samuel Howe began meeting with her and discovered at the age of 7 that she didn’t know she had a name. Through much work, Laura became the first deaf-blind person ever to learn language. She found ways to communicate: chatting with friends by signing into their hands, reading books, and writing letters. In the 1840's, at the height of her fame, it was said that the only better-known female was Queen Victoria. Transition Services Preparation & Training
For more information on Laura Bridgman http://www.virtualology.com/virtualmuseumofhistory/hallofwomen/LAURABRIDGMAN.COM/ http://deafness.about.com/cs/deafblind/a/laurajulia.htm http://www.connsensebulletin.com/keller.html http://search.eb.com/women/articles/Bridgman_Laura_Dewey.html Transition Services Preparation & Training
Laura Catherine Redden Searing (1840-1923) • Laura was a well known writer during the Civil War for a magazine titled “Reform Nation”. She became deaf at the age of 10 through an attack of spinal meningitis. In her writing she used the surname “Howard Clyndon” because of professional oppression towards women at that time. She was a well known journalist for America and wrote about many different topics such as Abraham Lincoln. She strongly supported the union and was an ardent Republican. Transition Services Preparation & Training
For more information onLaura Catherine Redden Searing http://www.umsystem.edu/whmc/invent/2290.html http://www.msd.k12.mo.us/wheeler/Pages/drama_class.htm http://www.famousamericans.net/lauracatherinesearing Transition Services Preparation & Training
Juliette "Daisy" Gordon Low (1860-1927) • Juliette Gordon Low was born in Georgia, but lost her hearing in one ear at the age of 25 because of a severe ear infection which was treated poorly. A year later at her wedding a grain of rice lodged in her good ear and became infected which damaged the nerves when it was removed. She received her nickname, "Daisy", because she was a very stubborn and outspoken person. Juliette became very interested in the British Boy Scouts and slowly began to start troops for young girls. The Girl Scouts were founded in 1912, and when she died, there were 167,000 girl scouts. Now, there are 3,000,000,000 Girl Scouts across the country. Transition Services Preparation & Training
For more information onJuilette “Daisy” Gordon Low http://www.girlscouts.org/who_we_are/history/low_biography/ http://www.factmonster.com/ipka/A0900539.html http://www.greatwomen.org/women.php?action=viewone&id=100 http://www.electricscotland.com/history/america/low.htm http://www.lkwdpl.org/wihohio/low-jul.htm Transition Services Preparation & Training
Helen Keller (1880-1968) • Helen Keller is probably the most famous deaf and blind woman that ever lived. Since she was a little girl, she devoted her entire life to helping others with similar disabilities. From the many books which she wrote to “The Miracle Worker”, a film written on her life, many people have been educated and made aware of deafness. Many services have been set up and named after Helen Keller since her death such as a children’s museum, a hospital, services for the blind, school for the deaf and blind, and the Helen Keller Foundation which researches methods for vision care. Transition Services Preparation & Training
For more information onHelen Keller: http://www.rnib.org.uk/xpedio/groups/public/documents/publicwebsite/public_keller.hcsp http://www.time.com/time/time100/heroes/profile/keller01.html http://www.afb.org/braillebug/helen_keller_bio.asp http://www.helenkellerfoundation.org/home.html Transition Services Preparation & Training
Alice of Battenberg (1885-1969) • Alice of Battenberg was born into the Royal British family and was a Princess of England. Her full name was Princess Victoria Alice Elizabeth Julie Marie. She was born deaf but immediately learned how to lip read in English, French, and German and later in Greek. She married Henry VIII and had the opportunity to travel all around the world which became one of her favorite past times. Through her life she took care of countless orphaned children and affected the lives of many. Transition Services Preparation & Training
For more information on Alice of Battenberg: http://encyclopedia.laborlawtalk.com/Princess_Alice_of_Battenberg http://www.localcolorart.com/search/encyclopedia/Princess_Alice_of_Battenberg/ http://www.history-europe.com/Alice_Princess_Andrew_of_Greece_0312302398.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Princess_Alice_of_Battenberg Transition Services Preparation & Training
Nellie Z. Willhite (1892-1990) • Nellie was the first deaf individual to earn a pilot’s license. She was born in Box Elder, South Dakota and lost her hearing when she was 4 years old from measles. She participated in many air shows and performed many new and dangerous tricked which amazed all who watched. Eleanor worked as a commercial pilot until she was 52. She founded the South Dakota chapter of the "Ninety-Nines," a group of pioneering women flyers. She was a charter member; Amelia Earhart was their president. Transition Services Preparation & Training
For more information on Nellie Z. Willhite http://www.workersforjesus.com/dfi/880.htm http://www.augie.edu/cws/telegram.html http://edf3.gallaudet.edu/diversity/BGG/The21stCenturyWoman/deafwomen.htm Transition Services Preparation & Training
Regina Olson Hughes (1895-1993) • Regina Hughes was born in Omaha, Nebraska and grew up loving plants. She lost her hearing when her family doctor poured sweet oil down her ears for her earache, and became deaf at the age of 13. She knew multiple language such as French, Portuguese, Italian, Latin, German, and Romanian. Her first job she worked at the U.S. Department of Agriculture as a botanical artist, illustrating hundreds of pictures of plants. She had her drawings of plants published in botanical books all over the world. She had her work exhibited in many galleries, including the Smithsonian. In honor of her accomplishments, she got a species of orchid named in her honor, hughesia reginue. She received an honorary doctorate from Gallaudet in 1967. Transition Services Preparation & Training
For more information on Regina Olson Hughes • http://www.webster.edu/~woolflm/martineau.html • http://p3.csun.edu/p3access/Calendar2001/0201facts.html • http://liblists.wrlc.org/gsdl/cgi-bin/library?e=d-000-00---0deafbios--00-0-0-0prompt-14-Document---0-1l--1-en-10000---20-home---001-001-0-0isoZz-8859Zz-1-0&a=d&c=deafbios&cl=CL1.8&d=HASH01a227e7bd84ff6592b959a9 Transition Services Preparation & Training
Frances Woods (1907- ) • Frances Woods was a very well know dancer of her time. Due to a premature birth, she was congenitally deaf but always loved music and to dance. In the late 1920s, Frances and her husband Billy Bray were given the name, "The Wonder Dancers," for a most unusual husband-and-wife dancing team. They were featured in “Ripley’s Believe It or Not”, and life-size wax replicas of both were placed in the Ripley Museum. In the 1950s, Frances and Billy opened a dance studio in Youngstown, Ohio. At first, they taught ballet, modern jazz, acrobatic dancing, and tap dancing. Later they focused on adult ballroom dancing. They frequently gave free dance lessons to children and entertained disabled and elders patients in hospitals and nursing homes. Transition Services Preparation & Training
For more information on Frances Woods http://www.workersforjesus.com/dfi/964.htm http://edf3.gallaudet.edu/diversity/BGG/The21stCenturyWoman/deafwomen.htm http://www.sddot.com/fpa/Aeronautics/general_history.asp http://edf3.gallaudet.edu/diversity/BGG/The21stCenturyWoman/deafwomen.htm Transition Services Preparation & Training
Frances "Peggie" Parsons (1923- ) • Frances Parsons was a huge supporter of total communication and throughout her entire life has advocated for deaf rights. She was born deaf due to a premature birth and growing up was extremely athletic. Peggy also joined the Peace Corps in efforts to help deaf children all around the world and has done quite a bit of traveling. Transition Services Preparation & Training
Peggie began writing about her experiences and deafness. She wrote “Sound of the Stars” in 1971 and was a co-author on several other books: “I Didn’t Hear the Dragon Roar” in 1988, “American Sign Language: Shattering the Myth” in 1998. In 1992 her writing was included as part of a collection, “No Walls of Stone: An Anthology by Deaf and Hard of Hearing Writers” by Jill Jepson (ed.). For more information on Frances “Peggie” Parsons http://edf3.gallaudet.edu/diversity/BGG/The21stCenturyWoman/deafwomen.htm Transition Services Preparation & Training
Marcella M. Meyer (1925- ) • Marcella was the founder and Chief Executive Officer of GLAD, a powerful deaf organization. She became deaf when she was 6 years old and was raised through oral methods. In 1969, Marcella founded GLAD, Greater Los Angeles Council on Deafness, which became one of the most influential deaf organizations in the country. For more information on Marcella M. Meyer http://edf3.gallaudet.edu/diversity/BGG/The21stCenturyWoman/deafwomen.htm Transition Services Preparation & Training
Gertrude Scott Galloway (1930- ) • Gertrude S. Galloway was born deaf and grew up in a deaf family living in Washington D.C. She received her doctorate degree at Gallaudet and soon after became the first woman president of the National Association of the Deaf. Gertrude was also known as the 1st deaf superintendent and the first woman superintendent at the state. In 1996, she became the President for CEASD (Conference of Educational Administration serving the Deaf) and continued to work as an administrator and advocate for deaf women. For more information Gertrude Scott Galloway http://edf3.gallaudet.edu/diversity/BGG/The21stCenturyWoman/deafwomen.htm http://www.geocities.com/elfpolitics/gdeafpeople01.html http://wata.org/forum/1999/99-10-19-01.htm Transition Services Preparation & Training
Alice L. Hagemeyer (1934 - ) • Alice was born in Mitchell, Nebraska and became deaf when she was 3½ years old. She works as a librarian for the deaf community at District of Columbia Public Library. Her desire in life was to develop public awareness about deafness. Alice later founded the Friends of Libraries for Deaf Action (FOLDA) which was later named Library Friends Section of NAD. For more information on Alice L. Hagemeyer: http://folda.net/aboutalice.html Transition Services Preparation & Training
Bonnie Poitras Tucker (1939 - ) • Bonnie Tucker was born in Springfield, Massachusetts and became deaf when she was 2 years old. Throughout her life, Bonnie faced discrimination because of her deafness, but it only caused her to become more determined. Her hearing husband filed for divorce because he could not accept her deafness. She became extremely motivated afterwards and has excelled in her work ever since. In 1995, Bonnie wrote a book titled “The Feeling of Silence” which discusses her life and the difficulties that she went through and the success that was accomplished. Transition Services Preparation & Training
For more information on Bonnie Poitras Tucker http://www.temple.edu/tempress/titles/1220_reg_print.html http://www.law.asu.edu/Apps/Faculty/Faculty.aspx?individual_id=15 http://www.dpa.org.sg/publication/dpipub/winter96/dpi12.htm Transition Services Preparation & Training
Judith Viera Tingley (1939 - ) • Judith Tingley was born in Oakland, California and became deaf when she was a senior in high school. She received her masters degree in Education of Exceptional children in 1966. In 1988, she became president of Teletec International Sales and Marketing of Ultratec products. Through her research and publications about telecommunication and relay services, the lives of many deaf individuals all around the world have been greatly impacted. For more information on Judith Viera Tingley http://edf3.gallaudet.edu/diversity/BGG/The21stCenturyWoman/deafwomen.htm http://www.deaflifepress.com/gda_listing.html http://www.geocities.com/elfpolitics/gdeafpeople01.html Transition Services Preparation & Training
Shirley J. Allen (1941 - ) • Shirley J. Allen was born in Tyler, Texas and became deaf at the age of 20 from typhoid fever. After graduating from Gallaudet University in 1966, Shirley became a professor at National Technical Institute for the Deaf (NTID) . She made history in 1992, when Shirley became the first African American deaf woman to receive a Ph.D. from the University of Rochester in New York. Transition Services Preparation & Training
For more information on Shirley J. Allen http://depts.gallaudet.edu/englishworks/exercises/exreading/shirleyallen.htm Transition Services Preparation & Training
Phyllis Frelich (1944 - ) • Phyllis Frelich was born in Devil’s Lake, North Dakota and grew up in a D/deaf family. She graduated from Gallaudet in 1967 and began performing as an actress. Phyllis was involved with the National Theater of the Deaf and has won many awards for drama. The most popular movie in which she performed it titled” Bridges to Silence”. Phyllis performed the Broadway production of “Children of a Lesser God” as Sarah Norman and won a Tony Award for her performance. Transition Services Preparation & Training
Phyllis Frelich http://www.governor.state.nd.us/awards/rr-gallery/frelich.html http://www.playbill.com/celebritybuzz/whoswho/biography/13758 http://www.broadway.com/gen/Buzz_Star_File.aspx?CI=35502 http://www.in-forum.com/specials/century/jan3/week21.html http://deafness.about.com/cs/celebfeatures/a/frelichbove.htm Transition Services Preparation & Training
Linda Bove (1945 - ) • Linda Bove is widely known as one of the main characters on the children’s show “Sesame Street”. She grew up in a D/deaf family and attended Gallaudet University, receiving a bachelors degree in Library Science. Her love for drama led her to Sesame Street and eventually to participate with the National Theater of the Deaf. In addition, Linda has made successful videos, such as “Sign Me a Story.” She has also been featured in children's sign language books such as “Sesame Street Sign Language Fun with Linda Bove.” Transition Services Preparation & Training
For more information on Linda Bove http://www.ntcp.org/compendium/artists/LINDA.html http://www.workersforjesus.com/dfi/586.htm http://www.tvtome.com/tvtome/servlet/PersonDetail/personid-48198 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linda_Bove Transition Services Preparation & Training
Kitty O'Neil (1946 - ) • Kitty O’Neal, the world’s fastest woman, was born in Corpus Christi, Texas and became deaf when she was 4 years old. At the University of Texas she studied methods of teaching deaf children and received her degree in Education. Through teaching children, she founded “School Listening Eyes” in Witchita Falls. In her free time, Kitty loved adventure and participating in dangerous activities and sports. She rode in a speed boat at the velocity of 285.23 miles per hour and was on water skis at 104.85 miles per house. As well as performing stunts in movies such as “Bionic Woman” and “Wonder Woman”, Kitty has participated in a number of vehicle races and driving competitions. One of her greatest accomplishments was being listed in the Guinness Book of World Record for traveling at the speed of 512.710 miles per hour. Transition Services Preparation & Training
For more information on Kitty O’Neil http://www.the-rocketman.com/kitty.html http://digital.library.upenn.edu/women/holland/spindrift/kitty.html http://p3.csun.edu/p3access/Calendar2001/0301facts.html http://edf3.gallaudet.edu/diversity/BGG/The21stCenturyWoman/deafwomen.htm Transition Services Preparation & Training
Julianna Fjeld (1947 - ) • Julianna Fjeld was born deaf in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and to this day, the cause of her condition is still unknown. Julianna attended Gallaudet University for four years, graduating in 1970 with a bachelors degree in English literature. After graduation she worked as a performer in the National Theater of the Deaf. While on tour, she came across a book “In This Sign” by Joanne Greenberg and decided she wanted to turn in into a movie. Julianna became the executive producer to this film “Love is Never Silent” and played a small acting role as well. It appeared on Hallmark as well as NBC and in 1986 won the Emmy award for best picture. Transition Services Preparation & Training
For more information on Julianna Fjeld http://edf3.gallaudet.edu/diversity/BGG/The21stCenturyWoman/deafwomen.htm http://www.workersforjesus.com/dfi/852.htm http://p3.csun.edu/p3access/Calendar2001/0601facts.html http://archives.gallaudet.edu/ac/smss/mss10a.html http://www.workersforjesus.com/dfi/852.htm Transition Services Preparation & Training
Kathie Skyer Hering (1950- ) • Kathie Hering was an advocate for late deafened adults, who herself had become deaf at the age of 28. In 1991, she became president for the Chicago chapter of ALDA (Association of Late Deafened Adults) which helps adults develop communication skills and prevents isolation. Using her masters degree in counseling, Kathie works as a social service worker for ALDA and helps many adults with this life altering change. For more information on Kathie Skyer Hering http://www.deaflifepress.com/gda_listing.html http://edf3.gallaudet.edu/diversity/BGG/The21stCenturyWoman/deafwomen.htm Transition Services Preparation & Training
Mary Lou Norutsky (1954- ) • Mary Lou Norutsky was born in Johnstown, Pennsylvania. She was born deaf. After graduating from Gallaudet in 1979 with a degree in Psychology, she worked for the National Captioning Institute for 2 years. Afterwards, Mary Lou became the co-producer and co-host for the television show “Deaf Mosaic”, a monthly Gallaudet TV show. The show won five Emmy awards and reflects televisions highest honor. Transition Services Preparation & Training
For more information on Mary Lou Norutsky http://edf3.gallaudet.edu/diversity/BGG/The21stCenturyWoman/deafwomen.htm Transition Services Preparation & Training
Marlee Matlin (1965 - ) • Marlee was born in Morton Grove, Illinois and became deaf at 18 months old, but it was not identified until the age of 2. She participated in the National Theater of the Deaf as well as many movie and television programs. Her biggest role was in the movie “Children of a Lesser God” in which she won an Oscar for her performance. Marlee is a famous actress in deaf and hearing culture and has continued to appear in different television shows such as ER, Desperate Housewives, the West Wing, and Law and Order. Transition Services Preparation & Training
For more information on Marlee Matlin http://www.maleematlinsite.com/ http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0559144/ http://www.joshlyman.com/articles/marlee-owadfa.html http://www.businessweek.com/bwdaily/dnflash/may2001/nf20010523_563.htm Transition Services Preparation & Training
Evelyn Glennie (1965- ) • Evelyn was the first full time solo percussionist in the world. She has recorded 18 albums/cds and won two Grammy Awards and received two further nominations. In a live performance Evelyn can use up to approximately 60 instruments. At the age of 5, Evelyn won a National Primary School Art competition, then at age 19 Evelyn graduated from the Royal Academy of Music. In 1991 Evelyn's autobiography 'Good Vibrations' was published and reprinted in 1995. She has appeared on 'Sesame Street' '60 Minutes', 'The Jim Lehrer News Hour' and 'The Late Show with David Letterman' among many others. Evelyn gives around 110 concerts per year. Transition Services Preparation & Training
For more information on Evelyn Glennie http://www.evelyn.co.uk/ http://www.drummerworld.com/drummers/Evelyn_Glennie.html http://www.sbgmusic.com/html/teacher/reference/performers/glennie.html http://www.angelfire.com/mac/keepitlive/drummers/Gledie/gledie.htm Transition Services Preparation & Training
Bridgette Bourne (1967 - ) • Bridgette was born deaf and was very involved in the Deaf community growing up. In 1988, she became involved with the Deaf President Now movement at Gallaudet University and rose up as one of the leaders. In 1992, Bridgette received her masters in Public Administration and worked as a Conference Coordinator within the College of Continued Education. For more information on Bridgette Bourne http://edf3.gallaudet.edu/diversity/BGG/The21stCenturyWoman/deafwomen.htm Transition Services Preparation & Training
Shelley Beattie (1967 - ) • Shelly Beattie was born in Santa Ana Orange County, California and became deaf at the age of 3. Because of some behavior problems growing up, she was placed in a foster home during her teenage years. Shelley was a champion bodybuilder who is known as one of the “American Gladiators”. She holds the 1988 and 1989 National and World Record for the fastest time with co-e handcar team as well as high school track heptathlon records. She holds the world bench press record at 315 pounds and has won several body building competitions. Transition Services Preparation & Training
Shelley Beattie http://www.frsa.com/pixfemuscle/beattie.html http://www.a3.org/95_Crew_bios/Beattie_bio.html http://www.workersforjesus.com/dfi/587.htm Transition Services Preparation & Training
Michelle Banks (1969 – ) • Michelle is a famous African American entertainer who has performed in countless appearances. She acted in the movies “Malcolm X” and “Compensation” in which she was the main actress. Michelle formed her own theater company, Onyx Theatre Inc., a theater company for performers from all nationalities. She also started her own traveling one-woman show, "Reflections of a Black Deaf Woman." Finally she appeared on stage in the production of “Big River” and “Profile of a Deaf Peddler”. Michelle grew up in Washington D.C but now lives in Los Angeles. Transition Services Preparation & Training
For more information on Michelle Banks http://www.nbda.org/spotlights/spotlight_archive/spotlight_banks.html http://clerccenter.gallaudet.edu/WorldAroundYou/mar-apr98/banks.html http://clerccenter.gallaudet.edu/Clearinghouse/Happenings/banks.html http://www.workersforjesus.com/dfi/967.htm Transition Services Preparation & Training