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The Revolution Goes Awry

The Revolution Goes Awry. Mr. Bach Accelerated World History. Problem #1 – The Church. Legislative Assembly assumes control of Catholic Church to pay off debts. Alienates peasantry who still owe great allegiance to Catholicism. Problem #2 – Split in the Assembly.

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The Revolution Goes Awry

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  1. The Revolution Goes Awry Mr. Bach Accelerated World History

  2. Problem #1 – The Church • Legislative Assembly assumes control of Catholic Church to pay off debts. • Alienates peasantry who still owe great allegiance to Catholicism

  3. Problem #2 – Split in the Assembly • Bourgeoisie split into three camps. • Radicals (left) • Moderates (center) • Conservatives (right) • Further loss of unity in the Third Estate.

  4. Problem #3 – Outside Forces • Monarchs of Austria and Prussia fear the spread of the revolution. • Exiled French nobility works to try to restore the monarchy.

  5. Problem #3 – Outside Forces • King Louis XVI to the King of Prussia: • “I have just addressed myself to the emperor, the empress of Russia, and to the kings of Spain and Sweden; I am suggesting to them the idea of a congress of the chief powers of Europe, supported by an armed force, as the best means of checking seditious parties, of establishing a more desirable order of things, and of preventing the evil which afflicts us from reaching the other states of Europe.” • Your good brother, Louis.

  6. Problem #3 – Outside Forces • The obvious threat from outside causes the Revolution to radicalize in defense of France. • War is declared on Austria and Prussia and Jacobins (radicals) seize power.

  7. Problem #3 – Outside Forces • National Convention is formed and France is now declared a full republic. • King Louis XVI is executed by guillotine for treason (end to monarchy).

  8. The Guillotine

  9. Problem #3 – Outside Forces • France’s enemies swell to include 5 countries • Enormous draft put in place • Women included in army. • Growth of nationalism.

  10. Problem #4 – Internal Enemies • Maximilien Robespierre’s Committee of Public Safety seizes power to control internal rebellion and persecute “enemies of the revolution.” • Reign of Terror

  11. The Directory • Moderates draft a new plan of government • #1 Legislative Assembly • #2 National Convention • #3 The Directory • Corrupt government but restored order without terror.

  12. But success in war will make way for . . . .

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