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This lesson compares the anatomies, physiologies, and behaviors of multicellular organisms including protists, fungi, plants, and animals using dichotomous keys. Students will learn how to classify organisms based on shared traits and create their own keys.
Anatomy and Physiology of Multicellular Organisms Outcome: Compare the anatomies and physiologies and behaviours of multicellular organisms including Protists, Fungi, Plants, and Animals.
Comparing Organisms • We compare organisms and classify them in a variety of ways. • We’ve used cladograms, phylogenetic trees, now we’ll use dichotomous keys (divided into two parts)!
Dichotomous Keys • Two characteristic classification system. • Pose a characteristic that some organisms have (and some don’t). • We eventually want enough characteristics to separate each organism from one another. • Shoe activity!
7. Is it a runner? If yes, go to 8. If no, go to 13. • 8. Does is have a dark sole? If yes, go to 9 If no, go to 10 • 9. White Nike Symbol? If yes, Taylor If no, Micaella • 10. Does it tie? If yes, go to 11. If no, go to 12. • 11. Is it light? If yes, RV If no, Crystal. • 12. High-ankled? If yes, Mubarak If no, Rio • 13. Is it Converse? If yes, go to 14. If no, go to 15. • 14. High-topped? If yes, Elyssa. If no, Jayme. • 15. Is it tied up? If yes, go to 16. If no, Hannah. • 16. Is it light? If yes, Tanvir If no, Ethan. Dichotomous Key – Shoe Activity • 1. Does it have laces? If yes, go to 7. if no, go to 2. • 2. Does it have a “back loop”? Yes, go to 6 If no, go to 3. • 3. Is it Vans? Yes, go to 4. No, go to 5. • 4. Is it multi-coloured? If yes, it’s Taya If no, Ray • 5. Open-toed? If yes, Mia If no, Adrianna • 6. Is it dark? If yes, Petlak If no, Ashlyn
Dichotomous Keys – How To • If we have a diversity of organisms with a diversity of traits, we can organize them based on shared traits and their different traits. However, when creating these on a larger scale, we need to use all forms of evidence for evolution to inform this. • If we did people in this classroom and created a cladogram, we could ask: 1. Are they naturally blond haired? If yes, go to 2. If no, go to __.2. Are they taller than 5’9? If yes, go to 3. If no, go to __.
Kingdom Characteristics What are the eukaryotic kingdoms of life?
Protists • See associated powerpoint • Protists and Dichotomous Keys! • Create your own key in the classroom – use 10 individuals! • Distinguishing Points of Protists
Protists • See associated powerpoint • Protists and Dichotomous Keys! • Create your own key in the classroom – use 10 individuals! • Distinguishing Points of Protists (live in aquatic ecosystems)- Animal-like protistsmove and ingest other organisms (ex. amoeba, paramecium)- Plant-like protists(ex. Algae), contain pigments for absorbing light – different pigments means different phyla of algae-protists.- Fungus-like protists– includes molds that have fruiting bodies that release spores.
Fungi • See Associated Presentation • What are different means to classify fungi (ie, what makes particular fungi unique?) • Classified based on their reproductive structures. - Basidiomycota – - Zygomycota – - Ascomycota – - Chytridiomycota –
Fungi • See Associated Presentation • What are different means to classify fungi (ie, what makes particular fungi unique?) • Classified based on their reproductive structures. • Basidiomycota – club-like reproductive structures- Zygomycota – fruiting bodies that release spores.- Ascomycota – cup-like reproductive structures- Chytridiomycota – unicellular fungi (yeasts) • Most have hyphae which are tiny hair-like structures that allow for nutrient uptake (like roots)
Plantae • See Associated Presentation • What are different means to classify plants (ie, what makes particular Phyla unique?)- Vascular plants have- Nonvascular plants (like mosses) - Seedless/seed – - Gymnosperms – - Angiosperms – • What is the anatomy of a flower petal?
Plantae • See Associated Presentation • What are different means to classify plants (ie, what makes particular Phyla unique?)- Vascular plants have vascular tissue (means to transport nutrients/water throughout the plant – xylem and phloem)- Nonvascular plants (like mosses) don’t need vascular tissue because they don’t grow tall enough and live in moist environments.- Seedless/seed – some plants have seeds to reproduce, others release “spores”- Gymnosperms – have naked seeds- Angiosperms – have a flower protecting seeds- Monocot/Dicot – number of “sprouts” a seed has (and othertraits). • What is the anatomy of a flower petal?
Animalia • See Associated Presentation • What are different means to classify Animals (ie, what makes particular Phyla unique?)- Vertebrate/invertebrate - symmetry - Body cavities –
Animalia • See Associated Presentation • What are different means to classify Animals (ie, what makes particular Phyla unique?)- Vertebrate/invertebrate (presence/absence of a backbone).- symmetry (a. asymmetrical, b. radial, c. bilateral)a. doesn’t have a fixed growth pattern. B. grows around a central point. C. two similar halves down a central plane.- Body cavities – acoelomate, pseudocoelomate, coelomate – (spaces within the body separating different layers of the body.
Comparing Animals • Using any of the skulls, bones in the classroom – try to identify similarities and differences between bone-structures in each species as compared to humans. Then propose why does this difference exist?
Adaptations Against Threats What is an example of each of the following adaptions in humans against threats (or selective pressures) like pathogens, predators, and disease? • Behavioural • Structural • Physiological
Adaptations Against Threats What is an example of each of the following adaptions in humans against threats (or selective pressures) like pathogens, predators, and disease? • Behavioural – “fight or flight” response, see something scary or threatening, body is compelled to run, fight or shut down. • Structural – nose hairs, filtering out irritants and potential pathogens. • Physiological – goosebumps to look bigger, or contraction of cells to preserve heat.
Adaptations Against Threats What is an example of each of the following adaptions in humans against threats (or selective pressures) like pathogens, predators, and disease? • Behavioural Humans tend to be cooperative and work together in the presence of predators – adaptation! • Structural Teeth – our teeth vary from that of cats – why? • Physiological Ability to maintain a constant temperature (sweating)
Cognitive Ease • Learned behaviour in humans! • Advertisers capitalize on the evolutionary workings of our brains. • Is this okay? • What are some points that stood out from the video? • How does this influence everything we experience? What does this mean we must do?
Cognitive Ease • Learned behaviour in humans! • Advertisers capitalize on the evolutionary workings of our brains. By repeating our exposure to ads, our brain becomes less critical of them and actually begins to trust the product more. • Is this okay? • What are some points that stood out from the video? • How does this influence everything we experience? What does this mean we must do? You have to analyze everything in your life. It’s exhausting, but challenge yourself to break down ever single thought, feeling, like, dislike. We (and our biology) are all constantly manipulated by everything!
Adaptations: Maintaining Homeostasis • What’s homeostasis again? • How does our body maintain it? • What are some things that our body balances or maintains?
Maintaining Homeostasis • What’s homeostasis again?Balance – the body is constantly attempting to maintain equilibrium. • How does our body maintain it? Sweating – cools us off.Vomiting – eliminate waste, focus on activity at hand. Crying – means to regulate periods of increased stress. • What are some things that our body balances or maintains?TemperatureKidney – blood concentration/fluid regulation
Maintaining Homeostasis • Biofeedback • Fluid regulation • Thermoregulation
Maintaining Homeostasis • Biofeedback - is a technique that trains people to improve their health by controlling certain bodily processes that normally happen involuntarily, such as heart rate, blood pressure, muscle tension, and skin temperature. • Fluid regulation– kidneys help us maintain and regulate bodily fluid levels. • Thermoregulation - is a process that allows your body to maintain its core internal temperature. All thermoregulation mechanisms are designed to return your body to homeostasis. This sometimes clashes with other bodily functions.
Biofeedback • Activity – do either 25 push-ups or 50 jumping jacks (anything to get your heart rate up). Then try to breathe slowly and deeply, see if your heart rate drops. • Your brain/heart is like “HOLY! HOLY! HOLY!” right now. • What is the benefit of a lower heart rate? Less stress on your heart! • Why do organisms do it? Increase heart rate to compensate for stress introduced to body. Being able to slow your heart rate can also reduce stress if you’re in “emergency mode”.
Fluid regulation • Amount of water consumed equals what is released. (Vasopressin released by the hypothalamus helps control this) • Osmolarity balance (flushing out sodium) • Excess water, we pee more. • Not enough water, we pee less! More info: https://mcb.berkeley.edu/courses/mcb135e/kidneyfluid.html
Thermoregulation • Hypothalamus is responsible for the balance of heat in our body. • CoolingSweating -Vasodilation – • Heating Vasoconstriction – .Thermogenesis – Hormonal thermogenesis –
Thermoregulation • Hypothalamus is responsible for the balance of heat in our body. We need an optimal temperature to function. • CoolingSweating -Vasodilation – blood vessels get wider, forcing more blood which is normally closer in and warmer, further out cooling it more. • Heating Vasoconstriction – blood vessels get smaller.Thermogenesis – shivering!Hormonal thermogenesis – hormones increase metabolism – which we know gives off heat (energy lost)
Other Adaptations: ReproductionAnalyze the evolutionary costs and benefits of various reproductive strategies evident among multicellular organisms. (K) • r and K reproductive strategies Different organisms practice different strategies for reproduction that work in some way to ensure reproductive success! • Bozeman Science:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bu6ouKt9zhs
Other Adaptations – Turtle • R and K Reproductive Strategies Different organisms practice different strategies for reproduction that work in some way to ensure reproductive success! • Bozeman Science:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bu6ouKt9zhs • R-selected organisms perform a reproductive strategy with a high growth rate (lots of offspring that are also able to reproduce relatively quickly). • K-selected, like us, typically have fewer offspring but care for them more. • These strategies aren’t finite meaning that organisms can displays characteristics of both depending on biological gender or point in life.
Other Adaptations: r and K strategiesAnalyze the evolutionary costs and benefits of various reproductive strategies evident among multicellular organisms. (K) r strategy K strategy K = r =
Other Adaptations: r and K strategiesAnalyze the evolutionary costs and benefits of various reproductive strategies evident among multicellular organisms. (K) r strategy K strategy Larger More baby care Smaller litters Higher intelligence Slower maturation • Smaller • Short-lived • Fast maturation/reproduction • Little care for offspring K = close to carrying capacity (higher survival rate) r = fluctuate with carrying capacity (higher reproduction rate)
Some aspects of this topic can be controversial/sensitive for some – I encourage you to participate respectfully to promote open dialogue. Complexity of ReproductionAnalyze the evolutionary costs and benefits of various reproductive strategies evident among multicellular organisms. (K) • Some organisms are at an overlap of both r and k. Evolutionarily speaking – what are advantageous “strategies” for reproduction in human society? (Ie. Who gets to reproduce the most?) • Human discussions about reproduction involves sexuality. Our capacity to analyze all aspects of our sexuality can make it a very fascinating, yet controversial topic. Oddly enough, the amount of discomfort regarding the discussion of sexuality can serve to maintain that misinformation in society, as those who are misinformed, may be more likely to reproduce. Is this right? Why is it uncomfortable to discuss sexuality? What role does culture and learned behaviour play in dictating how we approach sexuality?
Some aspects of this topic can be controversial/sensitive for some – I encourage you to participate respectfully to promote open dialogue. Complexity of ReproductionAnalyze the evolutionary costs and benefits of various reproductive strategies evident among multicellular organisms. (K) • Much of the observations we make on the gender & sexual diversity of non-human organisms can be used to draw as parallels to humans, or act as stepping stones to facilitate discussion regarding the overlap between genetics, behaviour and culture. • What organisms experience sexual diversity? • What are we born with? How does our life, nutrition, and experiences dictate gene expression (activity of certain proteins) at different points in life? • How does culture and discussions regarding gender and sexual diversity lead to a misrepresentation of information that is used to be less inclusive?
Cost/Benefit of Reproductive Strategies • We’ve already discussed r and K reproducers, what about: • Polycyclic animals – Example: • Semelparous organisms – Example: • Iteroparous organisms – Example: What would make any of these beneficial? Is one more than others, why (think in a species/evolutionary sense)?
Cost/Benefit of Reproductive Strategies • We’ve already discussed r and K reproducers, what about: • Polycyclic animals – intermittent reproduction. Example: Mammals, lots. • Semelparous organisms – reproduce only once and then die. Example: Salmon - NatGeo, Annual Plants • Iteroparous organisms – reproduce in successive cycles (seasons). Example: perennial plants What would make any of these beneficial? Is one more than others, why (think in a species/evolutionary sense)?
Dissection Lab! • We need plant dissectors, fungi dissectors, fish/squid/worm dissectors! • We are observing the anatomies of these organisms – make connections between them and identify differences between them.
Comparing Anatomy of Multicellular Organisms – Lab Review • What organ systems are there in the organisms we looked at? Similarities? Differences? (To humans, or one another)
Comparing Anatomy of Multicellular Organisms – Lab Review • What organ systems are there in the organisms we looked at? Similarities? Differences? (To humans, or one another)
Ethical implications of using organisms for study • When we did our lab – is that okay? Why or why not? • Is it okay to use living things for research? What if humans volunteered?
Acquiring, Transporting and Excreting Nutrients, Hormones, and Wastes • What are different ways organisms acquire nutrients? • What is the significance of hormones? • How do organisms get rid of waste?
Acquiring, Transporting and Excreting Nutrients, Hormones, and Wastes • What are different ways organisms acquire nutrients?Autotrophic (signals movement of hormones to do certain activities), heterotrophic (signal from empty stomach – “I want food”). • What is the significance of hormones? Some organisms use particular hormones (or pheromones) to influence behaviour of other organisms.Tells our body what to do. • How do organisms get rid of waste?Diffusion or contractile vacuolesCreation of urine to expel waste and regulate acid/base levels of fluids in our body.Fecal matter through anus!Release of chemicals in a variety of other ways.
Predicting Organismal Response • How do the spider plants know which way to grow? • If we moved them to a different location, what might change about their growth? How if they don’t have a brain? • What mechanisms exist in us that perform functions like this (do pheromones affect us?)
Predicting Organismal Response • How do the spider plants know which way to grow? They have proteins and systems capable of responding to light and gravity. • If we moved them to a different location, what might change about their growth? How if they don’t have a brain? The leaves would grow towards the light – light triggers activity of cell growth to increase or adjust water levels to bend the leaf a certain way. • What mechanisms exist in us that perform functions like this (do pheromones affect us?)Any sort of molecular signalling (hormones, neuron response, everything we do)
Hormones and NeurotransmittersSignalling and communication is extremely important to proper functioning of the body and maintaining homeostasis. Hormones Neurotransmitters
Hormones and NeurotransmittersSignalling and communication is extremely important to proper functioning of the body and maintaining homeostasis. Hormones Neurotransmitters Connect and send signals between neurons. • Messengers that spread throughout the body causing different responses.
Intraorganismal Communication • ______________ and ______________ are examples of ______________ ______________ – communication within an organism. • Our body requires This includes using bulk transport (endocytosis) to allow these molecules to travel and trigger activity in cells. • ______________ work together to achieve similar functions, but different organisms have different interactions between them. We know how our bodies work (ish), but how do those plants and fungi work without the body systems we have?
Intraorganismal Communication • Hormones and neurotransmitters are examples of intraorganismal communication – communication within an organism. • Our body requires very specific signalling via a variety of molecules and proteins found on the outside of our cells to respond to/send different messages. This includes using bulk transport (endocytosis) to allow these molecules to travel and trigger activity in cell-cell. • Body systems work together to achieve similar functions, but different organisms have different interactions between them. We know how our bodies work (ish), but how do those plants and fungi work without the body systems we have?
Interorganismal Communication • When organisms interact with one another (like Salmon and Bears and the forest), this is an example of ___________________________ ___________________________. • A delicate balance exists between environment, species and different types of ___________________________ exist depending on the organismal relationship.
Interorganismal Communication • When organisms interact with one another (like Salmon and Bears and the forest), this is an example of interorganismal communication/interactions. • A delicate balance exists between environment, species and different types of symbiotic relationships exist depending on the organismal relationship.