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Porta Optica Feasibility Study of OPTICAL GATEWAY to Eastern Europe POS Consortium Coordinator: Artur Binczewski (PSNC) presented by: Jacek Gajewski (CEENet) Oksana Kubichka (URAN) Kiev, October 11, 2006. http://www.porta-optica.org. 10G. 2,5G. 622M.
Porta Optica Feasibility Study of OPTICAL GATEWAY to Eastern Europe POS Consortium Coordinator: Artur Binczewski (PSNC) presented by: Jacek Gajewski (CEENet) Oksana Kubichka (URAN) Kiev, October 11, 2006 . http://www.porta-optica.org
10G 2,5G 622M Digital divide(June 2005, courtesy M. Przybylski)
Overview • 12 project partners, typically academic networks (e.g. GRENA, URAN/UARNET, PIONEER) • 9 beneficiary countries: • Eastern Europe: Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova • Baltic states: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania • S. Caucasus: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia http://www.porta-optica.org 3/12
Main Goal Stimulation and consolidation of initiatives to ensure the (later) successful, dark-fiber based research network deployment in the Eastern Europe, Baltic states and Southern Caucasus regions. POS is feasibility study for later FO deployment. http://www.porta-optica.org 5/12
Identification of user communities and their requirements (WP1) • identification of user communities collaborating with leading European research projects; • identification of NRENs, their operating environment, existing and potential customers and their ability to cooperate in European Research; • survey of end-user needs of identified user communities. http://www.porta-optica.org 6/12
Fiber infrastructure availability (WP2) Assessment of fiber infrastructure availability (WP2): • assessment FO deployment opportunities for NRENs • international connectivity analysis • analysis of legal and political environment http://www.porta-optica.org 7/12
Case studies & deployment scenarios (WP3) Fiber network case studies and deployment scenarios (WP3): • a series of case studies for dark fiber networkdeployment in Eastern Europe, Baltic States and Southern Caucasus countries • economical analysis of dark fiber deployment possibilities and financial model of network operations • comprehensive international fiber networkdeployment plan • Acceptable Use Policy for proposed network http://www.porta-optica.org 8/12
WP4 GOAL To achieve critical mass of support and know-how necessary to deploy dark fiber infrastructure. http://www.porta-optica.org 9/12
WP4 will: • design and maintain a project portal; • raise end user awareness• address NREN owners & policy makers • train NREN staff • investigate additional sources of funding• interact with similar initiatives and projects http://www.porta-optica.org 10/12
Lithuania LITNET • GÉANT2 connection: 2.5 Gb/s • its own dark fibre from Klajpeda to Kaunas and Vilnius • backbone has capacitiesof 200 Mb/s and 1 Gb/s • other intercity links: 4 - 30 Mb/s Potential Impact 22 cities 109 scientific institutions 25 higher education institutions 137 732 university students
Identification of User Communities • 80 scientific and education institutions • 22 cities to connect
Ukraineassociation of Ukrainian RENs • No GÉANT2 connection( in progress ) • dark fibre intercity from Kiev to Lviv ( 155 Mb/s ) • connection from Kiev to Odessa ( 10 Mb/s ) • other cities ( 128 Kb/s – 2 Mb/s ) • UARNet • CEI
UkraineFP6 projects participation • Latvia:26 cities, 157 institutions • population: 2 306 000 • more than 65 joint EC projects • Lithuania:22 cities, 80 institutions • population: 3 608 000 • more than 90 joint EC projects • Ukraine:43 cities, 665 institutions • population: 47 318 000 • less than 20 joint EC projects!!!!! Shouldn’t we do something?
POS in UkraineUser Database and Needs • Potential Impact: • 43 cities • 665 scientific institutions • 384 higher education institutions • 1 342 000 university students • Routes: • Priority 1 • Priority 2 • Priority 3
UkraineUser Needs Conclusion: 219 scientific and educational institutions in Ukraine need FO for effective research and educational activity • Having FO connection inside Ukraine and to GEANT2 our researchers and scientists will havepossibility for fullparticipation in EC and other worldwide joint projects • This will bring a great opportunity to increase scientific potential of Ukraine, attract external funds for researchers and stop the “brain drain”
UkraineUser Needs • What can happen? • Due to further technology development (which will surely demand FO Internet for data transferring and processing) Ukraine will have no possibility to participate in modern joint scientific projects • We will lose the time and probably will have no possibility to catch up European scientific community
A4.4 Other Dissemination Activities Search for additional (apart from national) sources of funding for future fibre deployment from the EC (FP7, ENP?), EU States national funds dedicated for assisting developing countries and international organizations that are actively involved in the targeted regions, such as UNESCO, NATO, the World Bank, etc. http://www.porta-optica.org 19/12
Thank You for your attention! Q/A ? Contacts: Dr. Artur Binczewski artur@man.poznan.pl Dr Jacek Gajewski gajewski@ceenet.org MSc Oksana Kubichka oksana@uran.net.ua http://www.porta-optica.org 20/12