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INTRODUCTION OF THE BLOCK Mahakalapara Block started functioning from 23-06-1961 covering an area 239 Sqr k.m. comprising of 27 Gps. There are 223 revenue villages out of which 190 are inhabited and rest 33 villages are unhabited. The population of this block is 192702 as per 2001 census. This block is situated near Bay of Bengal on eastern side. The national high way NH5(A) has connected to this block. The agricultural land of this block is 29440 hector out of which 7467 hectors are irrigated and land measuring an area of 21973 are un irrigated. This Block is very much prone to cyclone and tsunami. Super cyclone 1999 has damaged the economical back bone of the Block. Similarly this block is very much prone to flood due to Mohanadi river system. Out of 27 GP 10 GPs are under the fold of flood. Main crop of this block is paddy. This block is having historical place like Hukitola and Batighar.The Ramachandi Temeple at Ramanagar is one of the important spiritual centre of the Block people. The important river of the state passing through this block like the Mohanadi, Luna, Gobari which influence the life and property of those people in many ways.
Total No. of Population of this Block – 192702 a) SC – 33755 b) ST – 2902 d) GC - 56025 Total No. of Booths of 100- Mahakalapara A/C – 157 Total No. of voters of 100- A/C – 131565 a) Male – 69307 b) Female – 62258
IMPLEMENTATION OF MAHATMA GANDHI NATIONAL RURAL EMPLOYMENT GUARENTEE ACT(MGNREGA) The National Rural Implement Guarantee Scheme is implemented in the Block in the year 2008-2009. During the year 2008-2009 total amount of funds received Rs- 21.60 lakhs out of which 15.86 has been utilized. In the year 2009- 2010 total amount of funds received Rs- 60.2 lakhs received out of which 60.2 lakhs has been utilised. The total online expenditure till date is 121.78373 Total No of people registered for job card till 26/04/2010 is 26709 Total No job card issued till 26/04/2010 is 25202 Total No job card issued to Scheduled Cast Category till 5153 Total No job card issued to Scheduled Tribe Category till 26/04/2010 is 514 Total No job card issued to Other Category till 26/04/2010 461-19533 Total No. of projects estimated to works in this Panchayat Samiti -160 Total No. of projects on line in 27Gps –158 Total No. of estimated cost of 158 projects-47215500 Total No. of projects under progress-67
Projects on progress Flood Control- 8 Rural Connectivity- 35 Water conservation and water harvesting- 9 Renovation of water bodies- 11 Irrigation Canals 2 Land development- 1 _________________________________ Total 67 Mo Pokhari Total No of Pokhari identified through Pallisabha is 272 and work will start very soon Target-235 Takenup-35
AWARENESS CAMPAIN :- • To popularize MGNREGA among various state holders including PRIS • Project initiationnature :- • Before starting MGNREGA project in the village a meeting among job card holders along with Sarapanches, & other PRIs members are conducted. The objective & necessity of the programme has been thoroughly explained to the people in the meting. This has given tremendous impact among the people to participate in this holistic programme. The transparency board of the project indicating details of the work have been erected in each project to make transparent of the scheme
Payment of wages to the workers:- • As per Govt. Guide line we have given top most care for timely payment of wages to the labourers engaged in the work. To each labour the payment have been either by bank or post office. We have taken each of the project only to motivate the labourers which has given tremendous result in progress of MGNREGA project in different villages.
Work side Facility:- • We have taken some work side facilities such as rest shed, drinking water facilities, first aid as per Govt. instruction which has attracted the labourers to work in the scheme. • Some of the success stories of different MGNREGA projects are given below.
GHERY BANDHA FROM KANSAPAL GHAT TO SALINE EMBANKMENT VIA SADHUBABA MATHA DREAM OF TIDE EFFECTED PEOPLE COME TRUE • The village Kansapal of Baulakani Gram Panchayat under Mahakalapara Block is situated in the near Gobary River near Bay of Bengal. In each day the river is filled with tides water. This village is very much cyclone and Tusunami because of its Geographical situation. A little bit high tides always a threat to the agriculture land along with home state land of the people. Due to salinity in nature it was not possible to raise the agricultural activities and people are compelled to serve their live hood near by village. It was long standing demand of the people for construction of the Ghery with sluice system because it can protect the land and properties from tidal hazards. In the lunching of MGNREGA the people included this project with the Pallisabha and Sarapanch of Baulakani GP. took the leadership for construction Ghery Bandha from Kansapal Ghat to saline embankment via Sadhubaba Matha .
Const. of Ghery Bandha at Kansapal village under Baulakani GP
Const. of Ghery Bandha at Kansapal village under Baulakani GP
The estimated cost of the project is 18,000,00.00 and it covers 2 kms with 2 sluice gate. This has now protected 500 acres agriculture land from saline water. This has also protected the habitation of Kansapal villages. During the project initiation meeting the interest of the people was very positive and all the villagers participated in the work as if this is their own work. MGNREGA really a boot for such type of work associating the people is now very happy with their Sarapanch and other PRIs representatives and Block administration for construction tidal protective Ghery. • Really the dream of the Kansapal village is now come true which was not believable.
DIGGING OF PATANALI FROM HARIJANA SAHI TO BASAGHAR UNDER DEULIPARA GP. • Deulapara GP is a drought prone GP and continuously under the threshold of drought. the laboure class people of this area easily being moved by the labour contractors to migrate for subsistence earning. The lunch of MGNREGA programme brought a ray of hope among the people of Deulapara GP among Mahakalapara Block. The Project “Digging of Patanali from Harijana Sahi to Basaghar not only provide employment to the unskilled job seekers but also increased the protective irrigation potentiality of the village and live stock would also get water during all seasons. Since the above projects is linked with the Gobary River the Tidal river water irrigates agriculture land. The farmers of the Deulapara, Orta and Basaghar Villages became more benefit in agriculture.
This project was selected from the approved 5 years prospective plan as well as the action plan of 2009-10.Gram Sabha was conducted and the project started on February 2010.The estimated cost of the project is 3,27,000 .00 the work code is WH-Feeder channels/106637.In This project 74 Nos. of registered house hold(Job card holders under MGNREGA) for 19 days creating 1406 mandays and an amount of 151071.00has been paid to the workers on fortnightly payment basis.
Now the project is ready for being used by the villagers. The farmers on the Deulapara, Amirabad, Chandiapali, Nalapada villages will direct benefit for using the water by diesel/electric pump on kharif or rabi season. It has created proactive irrigation potentiality of approximately 145 acres of land. • The villagers opine further digging of Patanali would increase its capacity to great extent.
REPAIR OF RAMACHANDI NADIBANDHA ( RAMACHANDI TO CHANDI CHHAK) WITH WATER RELEASE SYSTEM The village Ramanagar of Ramanagar Gram Panchayat under Mahakalapara Block in is situated in the branch Luna River near Bay of Bengal. In each day the river is filled with tides water. This village is very much cyclone and Tusunami because of its Geographical situation. A little bit high tides always a threat to the agriculture land along with home state land of the people. Due to salinity in nature it was not possible to raise the agricultural activities and people are compelled to serve their live hood near by village. It was long standing demand of the people for construction of the road with water release system because it can protect the land and properties from tidal hazards. During the rainy season the rain water will be reserve in the above project and facilited the irrigation during the summer season for rabi cultivation when the water of the GPs became salini.
The above estimate cost of the project is 7,50,000.00 out of his Rs. 5,55,000.00 has been paid to the job card holders of the Ramanagar village. • This project was selected from the approved 5 years prospective plan as well as the action plan of 2009-10. Gram Shabha was conducted and the project started on 12.02.2010. Which fulfill the employment opportunity of 233 registered house hold for 34 days creating 2472 mandays and an amount of Rs.5,54,750/- has been paid with the job card holders regularly on fortnightly payment basic. • The people are very happy for the execution of the project and fulfillment of their long designed. They are earning money for the execution of the MGNREGA work when they are deprived of getting work and earning money in the village or near by villages. They are now very interested for execution of other projects which are badly necessary near by village under the MGNREGA scheme and to solve their problem.
CONSTRUCTION OF REFUSE GHERY AND WATER CHANNEL • The village Ramanagar of Ramanagar Gram Panchayat under Mahakalapara Block in is situated in the branch Luna River near Bay of Bengal. In each day the river is filled with tides water. This village is very much cyclone and Tusunami because of its Geographical situation. A little bit high tides always a threat to the agriculture land along with home state land of the people. Due to salinity in nature it was not possible to raise the agricultural activities and people are compelled to serve their live hood near by village. It was long standing demand of the people for construction of the road with water release system because it can protect the land and properties from tidal hazards. In the lunching of MGNREGA the people included this project with the Pallisabha and Sarapanch of Ramanagar GP. This project was long cherished desired of the Ramanagar G.P. inhabitants. It has been great demand of the local people.