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Black Sea Basin ENI CBC Programme 2014-2020 Seminar for Grant Beneficiaries and Partners 18 th of June, 2014 Bucharest, Romania. STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT ORIENTATION.
Black Sea Basin ENI CBC Programme 2014-2020 Seminar for Grant Beneficiaries and Partners 18th of June, 2014 Bucharest, Romania
STRATEGICDEVELOPMENT ORIENTATION The common experience of the past years has to make the next ENI CBC Black Sea Basin Programme 2014-2020 more efficient, with: • a faster start • thematic concentration, with more focused objectives and indicators • an increased impact in the region • more concrete and visible results • a deeper involvement of National Authorities
PROGRAMMEGEOGRAPHY IDENTICAL WITH THE CURRENT PROGRAMMING PERIOD: • Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, R. Moldova - all regions • Bulgaria (NUTS II regions of Severoiztochen and Yugoiztochen), • Greece (NUTS II regions of KentrikiMakedonia and AnatolikiMakedonia – Thraki), • Romania (NUTS II region of South-East), • Russia (Rostov Oblast, Krasnodar Krai and Adygea Republic), • Turkey (NUTS II equivalent regions of İstanbul, Tekirdağ, Kocaeli, Zonguldak, Kastamonu, Samsun and Trabzon), • Ukraine (Odesssa, Mykolaiv, Kherson, Zaporosh’ye and Donetsk Oblasts, Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the City of Sevastopol*). * According with the last DRAFT CBC STRATEGY/PROGRAMMING DOCUMENT 2014-2020
BUDGET • Three sources of EU funds, ERDF, IPA & ENI • ERDF transfer from MS to external cooperation programmes (IPA/ENI) (€14M) • ENI funds = at least equal with the ERDF allocation from MS • IPA transfer to the Programme budget • Provisional budget expected at mid-2014 • + cofinancing (national & at project level) • UNKNOWN YET…..
PROGRAMMINGPROCESS • Joint Programming Committee - the responsible body for the preparation of the future Programme, made up of representatives of all participating countries • 4 JPC meetings held, on a rotation basis, in the eligible area – next mid July • Managing Authority and Audit Authority officially appointed; NA nominated; NA, CCP & members of GoA to be appointed at next JPC • Draft strategy developed • Description of MCS started
STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT Programme Strategy Objectives Priorities Results Strategic analysis Coherence /comple-mentarity Past experience analysis Survey Mapping ROM & MTE Stake-holder consul-tations Socio-economic analysis SWOT Risk analysis & mitigating measures
SOCIO-ECONOMIC ANALYSIS THEMATIC FOCUS • Territory and demography • Economy • Education and employment, R&D • Environment, health, safety and security • Energy, transport and communication networks • Culture, civil society and self-government
SWOT ANALYSIS • Socio-economic analysis • Questionnaire sent to stakeholders from participating countries • Measures 2007-2013 programme • Expected overarching ENI-CBC objectives • Cross-cutting issues • Additional fields • Mapping of projects awarded under the two calls for proposals
INDICATIVE ACTIVITIES Priority 1.1 – Jointly promote business and entrepreneurship in the tourism and cultural sectors • Promote the development and joint marketing of cross-border tourism products and transnational thematic itineraries • Promote diversification and integration of coastal and inland tourism • Promote historical heritage preservation through sustainable tourism development • Encourage synergies, networking and internet connectivity among tourism stakeholders and tour operators within the Black Sea Basin • Promote electronic marketing tools and cross-border logistics information for tourism • Jointly promote cultural products and events • Jointly enhance the openness of the Black Sea Region to international and non-European tourism • Exchange best practices on the development of environmentally-friendly tourism strategies • Improve tourism services and promote the upgrade of skills
Priority 1.2 – Strengthen cross-border trade opportunities and modernisation of the agricultural and connected sectors INDICATIVE ACTIVITIES • Promote international trade links, sectoral networks & partnerships within BSB • Strengthen internet connectivity, cross-border business information systems, market & logistics information with greater use of ICT • Exchange best practices in modern and innovative marketing & develop joint marketing strategies • Support innovation & cooperation in the agricultural industry • Exchange experience and introduce innovative technologies for sectoral development (e.g. organic products, aquaculture), including small-scale investments in pilot projects • Joint actions to support productive use of migrant remittances in agriculture/aquaculture/food industry modernisation
Priority 2.1 – Improve joint environmental monitoring INDICATIVE ACTIVITIES • Reinforce joint cross-border monitoring, evaluation and information systems to prevent and control trans-boundary pollution (including through small-scale investments) • Improve long-term cross-border collaboration and research capacity in addressing ecosystem transformation and biodiversity monitoring • Strengthen the collaboration between science, industry, relevant stakeholders and decision-makers to harmonise monitoring, marine environment assessment and data provision • Improve the availability of online public access environmental data and data products (e.g. maps) for the Black Sea Basin • Promote cross-border cooperation among maritime authorities for e.g. safe navigation or fisheries • Exchange good practices on early warning systems to reduce environmental risks and prepare effective responses
Priority 2.2 - Promote common awareness-raising and joint actions against river and marine litter INDICATIVE ACTIVITIES • Jointly raise public awareness and education regarding river and marine litter problems and the value of biodiversity and environmental protection • Share and promote good environmental management practices and technologies (including through small-scale investments) related to the treatment and disposal of waste • Promote cross-border BSB coastal and river clean-up campaigns (e.g. involving students) and share good experiences in this field • Encourage involvement of civil society, the private sector (e.g. tourism sector) and local/regional authorities and waste services to combat river and marine litter pollution • Share experience to improve port reception facilities and services for garbage collection from vessels
ROAD MAP • Consultation draft strategy • 2 more JPC meetings in 2014 – Q3, Q4 • Finalization of the JOP – Q4 2014 • Submission of JOP to EC – Q4 2014* • Negotiations and approval by EC - max. 6 months since JOP submission • Signature of Financing Agreement - max. 1 year from JOP adoption • 1st calls – earliest Q1 2016 * depending on the adoption of the ENI legal framework
Thank you for your attention! Information on the draft Strategy isavailable on www.blacksea-cbc.net Under‘LatestNews– Public consultations on thedraft Strategy of the ENI CBC Black Sea Basin Programme 2014-2020’