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Ch 26: The Tree of Life-An Intro to Biological Diversity. What do you know about the origins of life on Earth? Earth is 4.6 billion yrs old (byo) Oldest rocks – 3.8 byo Oldest fossils – 3.5 byo How was primitive Earth different than current Earth? Little O 2 , much H 2 O, CH 4 , CO, CO 2
Ch 26: The Tree of Life-An Intro to Biological Diversity • What do you know about the origins of life on Earth? • Earth is 4.6 billion yrs old (byo) • Oldest rocks – 3.8 byo • Oldest fossils – 3.5 byo • How was primitive Earth different than current Earth? • Little O2, much H2O, CH4, CO, CO2 • Lightning • Volcanic activity • UV radiation • Meteorite bombardment • How do we get “the living” from “the non-living?” • 1920’s Oparin & Haldane postulated early Earth favored rxns that formed organic cmpds from inorganic cmpds • 1953 Miller-Urey experiment test Oparin & Haldane’s hypothesis
Figure 26.2 Can organic molecules form in a reducing atmosphere? • Repeated experiments have formed • All 20 amino acids • several sugars • lipids • purines & pyrimindines • ATP (when phosphate is added) • ALL MONOMERS
Ch 26: The Tree of Life-An Intro to Biological Diversity • What do you know about the origins of life on Earth? • How was primitive Earth different than current Earth? • How do we get “the living” from “the non-living?” • 1920’s Oparin & Haldane postulated early Earth favored rxns that formed organic cmpds from inorganic cmpds • 1953 Miller-Urey experiment test Oparin& Haldane’s hypothesis • How were monomers connected to make polymers? • Sydney Fox dripped monomers on hot sand, clay or rocks • Created proteinoids – polypeptides created by abiotic means • What’s next? • Protobionts – abiotically produced molecules surrounded by a membrane • Primitive cells • Imprecise reproduction • Simple metabolism & excitability (similar to neurons) • How does natural selection fit in? • - Protobionts best suited to their environment could reproduce & create others best suited to their environment
Glucose-phosphate 20 m Glucose-phosphate Phosphorylase Starch Amylase Phosphate Maltose Maltose (a) Simple reproduction. This lipo-some is “giving birth” to smallerliposomes (LM). (b) Simple metabolism. If enzymes—in this case, phosphorylase and amylase—are included in the solution from which the droplets self-assemble, some liposomes can carry out simple metabolic reactions and export the products. Figure 26.4 Laboratory versions of protobionts
Ch 26: The Tree of Life-An Intro to Biological Diversity • What do you know about the origins of life on Earth? • How was primitive Earth different than current Earth? • How do we get “the living” from “the non-living?” • How were monomers connected to make polymers? • What’s next? • Protobionts – abiotically produced molecules surrounded by a membrane • Primitive cells • Imprecise reproduction • Simple metabolism & excitability (similar to neurons) • How does natural selection fit in? • Protobionts best suited to their environment could reproduce & create others best suited to their environment • What was the first genetic material? • RNA – single stranded • Ribozymes – can replicate RNA
Ribozyme (RNA molecule) 3 Template Nucleotides 5 5 Complementary RNA copy Figure 26.5 A ribozyme capable of replicating RNA • Collections of RNA molecules best suited for their environment replicate their RNA & reproduce
Ch 26: The Tree of Life-An Intro to Biological Diversity • What do you know about the origins of life on Earth? • How was primitive Earth different than current Earth? • How do we get “the living” from “the non-living?” • How were monomers connected to make polymers? • What’s next? • Protobionts – abiotically produced molecules surrounded by a membrane • Primitive cells • Imprecise reproduction • Simple metabolism & excitability (similar to neurons) • How does natural selection fit in? • Protobionts best suited to their environment could reproduce & create others best suited to their environment • What was the first genetic material? • RNA – single stranded • Ribozymes – can replicate RNA • Natural selection over millions of years • led to a diversity of the 1st prokaryotes • then…prokaryotes eukaryotes (ENDOSYMBIOTIC THEORY) • diversity of organisms led to classification
Chapter 27 Chapter 28 Red algae Spirochetes Chlamydias Chlorophytes Euglenozoans Cyanobacteria Proteobacteria Korarchaeotes Charophyceans Gram-positive bacteria Cercozoans, radiolarians Diplomonads, parabasalids Euryarchaeotes, crenarchaeotes, nanoarchaeotes Alveolates (dinoflagellates, apicomplexans, ciliates) Stramenopiles (water molds, diatoms, golden algae, brown algae) Domain Eukarya Domain Archaea Domain Bacteria Universal ancestor Figure 26.22 One current view of biological diversity
Chapter 30 Chapter 29 Chapter 28 Chapter 31 Chapter 32 Chapters 33, 34 Chytrids Sac fungi Club fungi Sponges Zygote fungi Angiosperms Gymnosperms Choanoflagellates Cnidarians (jellies, coral) Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi Seedless vascular plants (ferns) Amoebozoans (amoebas, slime molds) Bryophytes (mosses, liverworts, hornworts) Bilaterally symmetrical animals (annelis, arthropods, molluscs, echinoderms, vertebrate) Plants Animals Fungi